Happy Life in Siheyuan

Chapter 65 Entertainment Club?

Chapter 65 Entertainment Club?

"Hey, low-key, low-key."

Silly Zhu waved his hands modestly and said, but the raised eyebrows and the corners of the grinning mouth all showed the pride in his heart at the moment.

"Hey! Silly Zhu, you can do it, you, you have become the monitor of the cafeteria without saying a word, why, you are worried that I will be jealous!"

Qin Huairu was both happy and a little sour, when did this idiot learn to hide it from her?

"Look at what you said, I only found out when I came to work in the cafeteria this morning. Do I have to ask for leave to report to you when I am at work?"

Silly Zhu hurriedly explained, he didn't want Qin Huairu to misunderstand him.

"Okay! I know you are not such a person, you! Just don't look down on my sister in the future. After a while, my sister will rush home to make steamed buns for the children!"

"Oh! It's hard to eat some Zamian steamed buns."

Qin Huairu was talking, but her eyes were fixed on the steamed buns in the steamer.

There was a flash of pity in Shazhu's eyes, he looked left and right, leaned forward and said in a low voice, "I just want to eat some steamed buns with mixed noodles! So, you go to the back door and wait for me for a while."

Qin Huairu understood immediately after hearing this, she nodded slightly, immediately turned around and walked out of the cafeteria, and then walked around to the back door of the cafeteria to wait.

Sure enough, after a while, Silly Zhu came out in a hurry, took out five steamed buns with mixed noodles from his arms, and stuffed them familiarly into the handbag Qin Huairu was holding.

"Silly Zhu, thank you!"

Qin Huairu glanced at Sha Zhu affectionately, with a shy and moved look on his face.

"Okay, don't be polite to me, take it back and feed it to the children!"

Silly Zhu secretly swallowed, waved his hands grandly, and then turned and entered the back kitchen.

When Qin Huairu saw that Sha Zhu had left, a look of joy appeared on his face, and now the family could save another meal.

She clenched the handbag tightly with both hands, then turned around and walked out of the rolling mill quickly.

On the other side, Lin Tieniu stood in front of the guest house of the rolling mill, with a strange expression on his face.

If he didn't know that there was no great sword in the country at this time, he would have thought that he had come to some entertainment club!
I saw several signs hanging in front of the door of a three-story building covering an area of ​​about three to four hundred square meters, which said guest house, telephone room, barber's room, and bathing hall.

Originally, he thought that these departments were only in the same building, but after questioning, he learned that the director of the guest house not only had to manage the guest house, but also the telephone room, hairdresser's room, and bathroom.

Moreover, he will be in charge of the canteen of the guest house next.

He had always been a little puzzled before. These days, the guest house is not open to the public. It is only used to receive relatives, family members, and guests of the unit and employees. The business content is simple and the work is not difficult, so how can the director of the guest house be the deputy department Level cadres?
But now he understood.

Sure enough, you can wear as big a hat as you have a head!Now he has a big head.

If he is in charge of so many departments and so many chores all day long, how can he enjoy a leisurely life in a low-key manner in the future?
Standing at the entrance of the guest house for a while, he shook his head and walked towards the factory building.

Soon, he came to the office of Hu Huimin, director of the factory committee office.

"Director Hu, I'm Lin Tieniu, Director Yang asked me to report to you."

He simply borrowed the reason for the report tomorrow morning, and no one would really take this seriously anyway.

Hu Huimin squinted his eyes, and a friendly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Then he got up and waved his hands, and said warmly: "Comrade Lin Tieniu, come, come, let's sit down and talk."

Lin Tieniu took advantage of the opportunity and sat down on the chair in front of the desk, straightened his body, put his hands flat on his knees, and said with a modest smile on his face: "Thank you, Director Hu."

Hu Huimin looked at Lin Tieniu carefully for a while, then suddenly laughed and said: "Comrade Lin Tieniu, Director Yang praised you very much during the meeting! Looking at it now, you are indeed a good-looking talent with extraordinary bearing!"

"Boss Hu, you're too proud. I'm now one of your soldiers. No matter how good I am, I still have to follow your command!"

Lin Tieniu showed his attitude directly, without hiding anything.

What Hu Huimin said made Hu Huimin slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Lin Tieniu to be so straightforward, and while feeling a little uncomfortable, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he is also Yang Xiangnan's confidant, if Lin Tieniu relies on Yang Xiangnan's support and ignores him, he will undoubtedly have a headache.

In reciprocation, he immediately let go.

"Comrade Tieniu, you may not be very clear when you first came here. Although this guest house is hung under the office of the factory committee, the leader who is directly in charge of the guest house is Director Yang. I am only responsible for uploading and delivering. I really have to encounter something. For any big problem, you still have to report it to Director Yang personally."

Lin Tieniu frowned, and said with a smile: "Then I will trouble Director Hu to worry more from now on."

Hu Huimin nodded with a smile and said: "It's okay, this is what it should be, since you are here now, I will take you to the personnel department to go through the employment formalities, and then I will take you to the guest house to introduce you to the details." work content."

"Okay, Director Hu."

Of course, Lin Tieniu had no objection to this, and nodded in agreement.

Soon after, he successfully obtained the work certificate of the director of the guest house from Liu Yuanhong.

Feng Weimin watched Lin Tieniu and Hu Huimin leave the personnel department in disbelief. Just yesterday, he personally sent Lin Tieniu to work in the staff cafeteria. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, Lin Tieniu became the same as him. cadre.

Is it because he is too ignorant?Or is this world too crazy?
At this time, Lin Tieniu didn't pay attention to other people's mood at all, he was listening carefully to Hu Huimin's introduction of the guest house.

After listening to it, his slightly frowning brows finally relaxed. The specific situation of this guest house was a little more relaxed than what he had guessed before.

Among them, it is not too troublesome for the hostel itself to provide accommodation. It only needs to do a good job in related services and clean the room.

The telephone room is also quite simple. If the employees in the factory do not really need to use the telephone for urgent matters, they are generally not allowed to call in the telephone room. In addition, the telephone room receives calls from other places. phone calls, the parties need to be notified in a timely manner.

Although the other two departments are a little troublesome, as long as they can use good people, it is not a big problem.

In order to solve the personal hygiene problems of most employees and guest house guests, the rolling mill specially opened baths and hairdressers, and then issued two bathing tickets to each employee every month, and issued one to each employee every quarter. handle invoices.

In addition, bath tickets and meal tickets will be provided to each guest staying in the guest house.

If it is a family member of an employee, or someone from other units who come to the rolling mill on business, then the relevant expenses will be included in the accommodation fee. If it is a guest invited by the factory, all the expenses will be borne by the factory committee office.

The reason why these two departments are more troublesome is that problems are prone to occur, for example, there is no hot water in the middle of washing!Which leader didn't vote again!The barbers are on strike!The staff secretly let people in to take a shower!
Whether these problems are big or small, it all depends on how he manages them.

After Hu Huimin introduced the relevant situation, they just walked into the guest house together.

(End of this chapter)

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