Happy Life in Siheyuan

Chapter 61 Thank You Single Chapter

Chapter 61 Thank You Single Chapter
In fact, I have always been very grateful to all the big guys for their support, and today I am here to express my thanks.

The list of thanks is in no particular order. If there are any mistakes or omissions, please bear with me. After all, it is purely hand-made, long live the understanding.

First of all, thank the following big guys for their rewards:
Constant Army - 500 Coins

Book friend 20210801152115906-733 coins

Book friend 150512095045156-100 coins

Book friend 20211005182034293-500 coins

The Eighth Generation of Chiefs - 100 Coins

qegvb-100 coins

Book friend 20170824044304202-100 coins

Book friend 160203195924560-100 coins

Nickname is used to modify -100 coins

Cigarette 8011-100 coins

Crazy otaku - 100 coins

Grant's Bookworm - 100 Coins

Book friend 20201029141841113-600 coins

Thanks to the following big guys for their monthly votes:

451450-2 monthly tickets

A dark night streamer A-1 monthly pass

Cloud - 2 monthly tickets

Book friend 20181211101516804-1 monthly ticket

穨癈┢┦aP py -1 monthly pass

Black Bookworm - 2 monthly tickets

Network Love Source - 1 monthly ticket

Book friend 20171109100009903-1 monthly ticket

Book friend 20180510202203269-1 monthly ticket

He Ri Landscape - 2 monthly tickets

Jay~Dragon - 1 monthly ticket

Yu Zhi Ling - 2 monthly tickets

Ye Yeye - 1 monthly pass

How far is forever - 2 monthly tickets

Seduce 0 seduce 0 sister-in-law - 1 monthly ticket

Book friend 20201223204222395-1 monthly ticket

Xiang Yang - 1 monthly ticket

Left hand ♂ ring - 2 monthly tickets

. . . - 4 monthly passes

Desolation L-4 monthly tickets

Satoshi - 2 monthly tickets

Nicknames for grooming - 4 monthly passes

Book friend 20170831182624516-2 monthly ticket

Big washbasin - 2 monthly tickets

Book friend 20201223204222395-2 monthly ticket

No Regret Dragon - 4 monthly tickets

leoyang-2 monthly tickets

Heartbeat - 2 monthly tickets

Uncle Medicine Next Door - 2 monthly tickets

Book friend 150312211832223-2 monthly ticket

Viewing flowers with one leaf - 4 monthly tickets

Book friend 20201210132324614-2 monthly ticket

Nicknames for grooming - 4 monthly passes

Lock bar fingerprint lock - 2 monthly tickets

It's easy to be struck by lightning under the big tree-4 monthly tickets

A dark night streamer A-2 monthly pass

Ridge - 2 monthly tickets

State capital - 2 monthly passes

Jack love-2 monthly tickets

Read the next piece of the sky - 1 monthly pass

Book friend 20180113100658810-2 monthly ticket

One shot, two scattered - 2 monthly tickets

Satoshi - 1 monthly tickets

Crazy otaku - 1 monthly pass

Book friend 20200711095013347-1 monthly ticket

Because there are too many lists of recommended tickets, I will not list them here one by one. I hope you will understand.

Among them, I would like to thank a few big guys for their recommendation tickets and support:

Eight Tigers-24 Recommended Tickets

Dreaming of Qianyuan-10 Recommended Tickets

Li Ma Relationship-14 Recommended Tickets

451450-22 recommendation ticket

Carnival Eight "Ecstasy - 33 Recommended Tickets

Yunyue-20 recommended tickets

Han Feng Heroes - 30 recommended tickets

穨癈┢┦aP p y-12 recommendation ticket

Fire dance and soaring-11 recommended tickets

Adult 911-11 Recommended Ticket

Zhang Daosheng-13 Recommended Ticket

qegvb-33 recommendation ticket

I love flat noodles-54 recommended votes

The Second Little Dragon-13 Recommended Tickets

. . . -10 referral votes

wangjinn8-30 recommendation ticket

@-16 recommended votes

leoyang-10 recommended tickets

Hong Qingmiao-19 Recommended Ticket

wangxin19718-30 recommendation ticket

Can't return to the origin - 10 recommended tickets

Nicknames are used to modify -10 recommended votes

The Super Little Bookworm in Heaven and Underground-11 Recommended Tickets

Crazy № Otaku-32 Recommended Tickets

aujoe2-16 recommendation ticket

My Yanyan-13 Recommended Tickets

Star Love Feather-14 Recommended Tickets

There are still many names of big brothers who have not been able to write, I am very sorry, for your support, I can only thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Thank you!

Life is short. For me, writing a book is not only for a few taels of silver, but also to leave some traces of myself in this world. Maybe after many years, one or two people will read such a book , I know there is such a person.

If it were placed in ancient times, the one who could write a book would be a great talent. Thank you for the motherland, thank you, thank you, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to play a guest role as a great talent.

Haha, shameless!
all right!I don't like sensationalism, so I've said everything I need to say!

In addition, I still want to remind brothers and sisters in the southern coastal area that "compasses" are coming, and you should pay more attention to safety when going out.

Finally, I wish you all the best of luck.

It's over, sprinkle flowers!
(End of this chapter)

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