Chapter 32

"How is it? Is there anything else you don't understand?"

Standing in front of the vegetable window, Silly Zhu stretched out his hand and pressed the words "Food Pickup Window" pasted on the window, then turned around and asked with a smile.

Lin Tieniu shook his head and said: "I almost understand everything. If I really don't understand, I will understand after a few days."

Sha Zhu couldn't help laughing, and said: "Oh, yes, anyway, there is no rush, take your time!"

He glanced left and right, found no one was there, and continued in a low voice, "Tie Niu, let me tell you, although the monthly wages of the workers in our canteen are not as high as those in the workshop, there are various benefits."

"First of all! As long as you can eat, no one cares if you eat more or less every meal, and you don't need a meal ticket."

"Also, if the workers in the workshop don't work the night shift, the workers in our cafeteria will share the leftover food from the daily sales. After a month, they can bring home a lot of rations."

"Isn't that the old saying! Three years of drought, a cook can't die of starvation."

"Let me tell you! What we do these days is worse than being a cook. We don't have to worry about food or drink, and we can drink a few ounces of wine from time to time. These days are comfortable!"

When Lin Tieniu heard this, he felt deeply moved. These days, the workers in the city are living relatively well. As for those vast rural areas, life is much more difficult.

He was a little thankful that he had traveled to the city of Sijiu. If he really wanted to send him to the countryside, he was not sure how depressed he would be when he watched other people live their lives without stopping.

Sha Zhu took Lin Tieniu back to work in the kitchen soon after he was finished. Maybe it was because he wanted to show off his skills. He stood in front of the big earthen stove with a big spatula and started frying Chinese cabbage. .

And Lin Tieniu stood quietly beside him as his assistant cook.

The most important thing for a big pot dish to be delicious is the heat. Insufficient or uneven heat can easily lead to undercooked, yellow and black.

The second is that the amount of oil is sufficient and the cut is even, which can prevent sticking and sandwiching.

Also, in order to prevent the vegetables from discoloring or the food from deforming and falling apart, it is best to blanch or deep-fry them in advance.

However, in this era of shortage of supplies, it is impossible to use a large amount of oil to stir-fry, so there is a higher requirement for chefs to stir-fry.

Sha Zhu had a serious face, and waved the spatula very hard, and after a while, he was sweating profusely.

The steam in the pot was steaming, and the leaves of cabbage gradually softened. The big pot was full of Chinese cabbage, and in the end, there were only less than one-third of the cabbage left.

Silly Zhu looked at the heat of the Chinese cabbage, quickly seasoned it, and then served it.

He looked at a large pot full of stir-fried Chinese cabbage, and smiled proudly at Lin Tieniu: "How is it? Brother, is this skill okay?"

Lin Tieniu glanced at the fairly bright Chinese cabbage, nodded his head and said in praise: "Yes, not bad."

Silly Zhu was immediately overjoyed when he heard it. Although he didn't want to admit it, he already regarded Lin Tieniu as a master chef who was better than Wan Yuhua. Now he can get a compliment from Lin Tieniu, How could he be unhappy!

"Come, come, let you fry the next pot of Chinese cabbage, just so I can show you how well you cook the big pot of cabbage?"

Silly Zhu rolled his eyes, and suddenly handed the spatula to Lin Tieniu.

Lin Tieniu looked at him with a half-smile, and asked, "Are you really asking me to come?"

Sha Zhu nodded abruptly and said, "Yes, let you come, I will learn."

After speaking, in order to show his sincerity, he also stepped aside.

The corners of Lin Tieniu's mouth rose slightly, he reached out to take the big spatula and weighed it, then poured water into the pot and began to rinse.

Seeing the movement here, many people in the cafeteria showed a curious look, and their eyes frequently looked here.

Wan Yuhua, who was drinking tea with Erlang's legs crossed, suddenly slapped the teacup on the table when he saw this, got up and walked towards Sha Zhu and Lin Tieniu.

Lin Tieniu doesn't care what other people think, since Shazhu is willing to give the opportunity, of course he will not be polite, anyway, sooner or later he will show all his cooking skills.

I saw him rinsing the big iron pot, adding firewood to increase the firepower, heating the pot directly to heat the oil, and putting the crushed garlic into the pot to sauté until fragrant.

Then, when the garlic turned golden, he grabbed a large basket of Chinese cabbage with his left hand and poured it into the pot, while holding the large spatula with his right hand, he kept waving it, stirring up the Chinese cabbage in the pot.

Precise power control allows each piece of Chinese cabbage to be heated evenly without damage.

Compared with Shazhu swinging the spatula vigorously before, now he has a calm demeanor, his feet are as steady as a rock, the arm holding the large spatula does not tremble at all, and even his face does not change.

When the Chinese cabbage gang started to break, he poured another large basket of cabbage leaves into the pot, and continued to stir fry according to the previous rhythm.

The big spatula was like stirring the universe in the pot. As time passed, the Chinese cabbage in the pot did not change much, it was still bright yellow, white and tender.

Suddenly, Lin Tieniu didn't even look at it, and directly picked up some salt, sugar, soy sauce and other seasonings with a spoon and sprinkled them into the pot, then quickly stir-fried for a while, and then began to serve the pot.

Sha Zhu stared at the freshly baked Chinese cabbage in the pot with wide eyes, and asked with some doubts: "Is this dish cooked?"

In fact, it is no wonder that he would be suspicious, because apart from the fact that the leaves of the cabbage have softened a bit, the cabbage has not changed at all. If he hadn't seen these Chinese cabbage just fried from the pot with his own eyes, he might really think that this is the Chinese cabbage. raw.

With a smile in his eyes, Lin Tie raised his chin and said, "Whether it's cooked or not, you'll know if you taste it yourself now!"

Sha Zhu smiled awkwardly, then quickly turned around and took a pair of chopsticks from the side dish table, wanting to verify it for himself.

However, there is one person who is faster than him.

With a sullen face, Wan Yuhua picked up a piece of cabbage with chopsticks and put it into his mouth. He took a bite suspiciously. Immediately, a burst of fresh and crisp taste rose between his teeth, and a burst of fresh and sweet juice erupted on the tip of his tongue.

His eyes widened sharply, his mouth began to chew uncontrollably, and a burst of crisp sounds sounded out one after another, making one hear some drooling.

After a while, he swallowed the cabbage in his mouth, fixed his eyes on Lin Tieniu, and asked in disbelief, "How did you do it?"

Seeing his gaffe, Sha Zhu couldn't wait to pick up a piece of cabbage and put it in his mouth, and then his expression suddenly became a little shocked.

Lin Tieniu pondered for a while, and didn't know how to answer this question, because he used Taiji Danjin during the cooking process to lock the juice firmly in the vegetable leaves, so he could achieve such an effect.

Just when he wanted to shirk all this to the control of Huohou, Wan Yuhua waved his hands a little desolately and said, "Forget it, I don't blame you if you don't tell me, we are not relatives, and you don't It might be reckless of me to tell me the secret recipe of cooking."

Lin Tieniu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

(End of this chapter)

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