Chapter 21
Wow grass!How unlucky!

Lin Tieniu's expression froze slightly, and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes. He quickly took out the job introduction letter from the system warehouse, and stuffed it into Shao Weiguo's trouser pocket without anyone noticing it.

Then he casually threw the soft-legged shrimp Shao Weiguo to the ground, then quickly grabbed Feng Weimin who was about to sneak into the office, and yelled loudly.

"Chief Feng, what should I do? I lost my job introduction letter and lost my job. What should I do in the future?"

"Section Chief Feng, you must help me, you must help me!"

With his ability to control Qi and blood with his thoughts, his cheeks were easily flushed, cold sweat leaked out, and he looked flustered and helpless.

Feng Weimin looked at Lin Tieniu with a face full of tears, thinking that he did not lose the job introduction letter, so why torture him like this?Could it be that he can conjure up a job introduction letter out of thin air?

He gasped in pain, and tried to persuade him: "Comrade, comrade, I will help you, I will definitely help you, let me go first, and then I will find a way to help you!"

However, as if Lin Tieniu couldn't hear him, he continued to mess around on his own, and played the image of an honest man with a stunned head vividly.

In this day and age, being too shrewd is not a good thing, especially if you can't give others the impression that you are shrewd. Even if you want to plan something, you have to do it quietly in private.

After careful consideration, he felt that he could present an image of being simple-minded, honest and shy, polite, and helpful, but also a little stunned. People bully.

And this time, it is a good opportunity for him to set up people in the factory.

At this time, the people in the office heard the commotion and ran out. Seeing this situation, they all stared wide-eyed. When did they see Feng Weimin in such a state of embarrassment? Is that begging for real?

Also, Shao Weiguo, who was lying on the ground peeing his pants, also opened their eyes. Some people gloated in their misfortune, some looked contemptuous, and some lesbians even spit secretly, their faces were full of gossip. I can eat a little melon seeds, but I have less fun.

Suddenly, a chunky middle-aged man with an imposing manner and a serious expression came out of the office. He glanced at the scene and scolded in a deep voice: "What are you standing here for? Why don't you give them to me quickly?" Pull it away?"

Hearing this, everyone seemed to wake up from a dream, and went forward to pull Lin Tieniu, trying to rescue Feng Weimin.

But how could Lin Tieniu, who had been prepared for a long time, let go so easily.

I didn't see how hard he was, all the people who came forward to help fell to the ground in a daze, and he didn't take the opportunity to be pulled away until everyone fell to pieces.

After breaking free, Feng Weimin, like a frightened rabbit, ran to hide behind the crowd with lingering fear on his face.

Seeing this, Lin Tieniu shouted anxiously with red eyes: "Chief Feng, you can't leave, you lost my job introduction letter, you must give me an explanation."

While shouting, he was still struggling to rush towards Feng Weimin, so frightened that Feng Weimin turned around and ran into the office.

Everyone grinned and got up from the ground, looking at Lin Tieniu with a lingering fear, and they didn't dare to go forward to stop him. , that doesn't make sense.

Fortunately, seeing Feng Weimin running away, Lin Tieniu didn't rush into the office recklessly, but just stood there and knelt down helplessly with his head in his arms.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and some lesbians couldn't help but feel inexplicable pity when they saw the handsome and tall Lin Tieniu's aggrieved appearance, and they all stepped forward to comfort them: "Comrade, don't worry." , our Chief Liu will definitely uphold justice for you."

"Yes! No matter what problem happens, we will help you find a solution."

"Little brother, if you have any grievances, you can tell your sister, is someone bullying you?"


Lin Tieniu looked at the lesbians who surrounded him slightly in astonishment, it seemed that this was a little different from what he had expected!

Just when those lesbians couldn't bear it and began to use their hands and feet, the short and fat Liu Yuanhong came forward with an unnatural Feng Weimin, and said kindly:

"Comrade, I'm Liu Yuanhong, the chief of the personnel department. I've already understood what happened just now. It's true that we didn't do our job well, and you've been wronged."

"For the work mistakes caused by Shao Weiguo, we will report to the factory's leadership team later, hold him accountable, and give due punishment decisions."

"The most important thing now is to discuss how to solve the problem of losing the job introduction letter. Without a job introduction letter, we can't help you with the entry procedures. The only way is to go back to the place where the job introduction letter was issued. Open another one and bring it over."

"Don't worry, after you apply for employment, we will help you apply for a compensation."

Lin Tieniu shook his head violently, and asked loudly: "You guys lost my job introduction letter, why should I have to re-open one myself?"

Liu Yuanhong's face twitched, and he really hated Shao Weiguo who caused this trouble, but as the first person in charge of the personnel department of the rolling mill, he had to help wipe his butt, otherwise if any trouble happened, He also cannot escape the responsibility of leadership.

Seeing Lin Tieniu's resolute face, swearing not to give up, he looked around and asked in a deep voice: "Where is Shao Weiguo? Where did he go?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone hurriedly stepped aside, exposing Shao Weiguo who was still limp on the ground. In order to prevent Shao Weiguo from running away, when Lin Tieniu threw him down, he quietly stimulated the veins of his whole body, so that He didn't have the strength to escape for a short time.

Liu Yuanhong looked at Shao Weiguo who was in a state of embarrassment. If he wanted to swear angrily, he couldn't swear anymore. He asked with a gloomy face: "Comrade Shao Weiguo, are you sure you lost this comrade's job introduction letter?" Yet?"

Shao Weiguo lay on the ground moaning and trying to get up, but for some reason, his hands and feet were always unable to use his strength. When others saw him like this, they had to resist the disgusting feeling and walked forward to reach out to help him stand stand up.

At this time, Lin Tieniu pretended to be suddenly enlightened, pointed at Shao Weiguo, and shouted: "Section Chief Liu is right, he must have hidden my job introduction letter on purpose, otherwise the job introduction letter It’s just in the office, how could it be lost?”

"That's right, he must have harmed me on purpose, and he said before that he wanted me to make this trip for nothing!"

Liu Yuanhong glanced at Lin Tieniu in astonishment.

Is that what I mean?Why don't I know it myself?
(End of this chapter)

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