Chapter 378

Date Hang and his girlfriend Natalie looked at each other, they suddenly fell silent at the same time, looked at each other, and found the reason for each other's sudden silence from each other's faces:
Just now they seemed, could, probably, maybe passed an acquaintance.

Natalie looked behind again, and she said uncertainly: "Is it Mr. Hinata?"

"The gentleman was wearing a mask just now, I can't recognize it, and..."

She hesitated.

Moreover, the gentleman just now had a young woman on his right hand and a young woman on his left hand, and he was still chatting and laughing with the young woman on his left.

Natalie only met Hinata once, but she was deeply impressed. She felt that he was not the one who would flirt with women, let alone flirt with two women.

Not to mention hooking up, Natalie feels that Hinata Ryo is a person who gets along with human beings, who restrains from frowning and tries not to leave immediately. It is a bit hard for her to imagine that the other party is smiling and talking with a cute girl.

and so.

"Although it feels inexplicably similar," Natalie said, "but it shouldn't be?"

The moment she glanced at the other party from the corner of her eye, before she could see the other party clearly, "Hinata is reasonable!" popped into her mind! ', that's intuition.

But right now reason prevails.

"Today is a holiday, so it's normal to come out to worship the shrine," Date Hang rubbed the back of his head, took out his phone and glanced at it, sent an inquiry message to the colleague who was on duty today to protect Miyano's house, and then checked the unread messages, "Matsuda has arrived."

They walked on, somewhat absent-mindedly.

Natalie changed the subject, "By the way, is there still no news from Mr. Jiang Gu and Mr. Zhu Fu?"

She frowned worriedly, "Even if it's a secret mission, after so long, it's really a bit..."

When a police officer disappears suddenly, as long as he gives a reasonable reason, he can barely hide it from colleagues who are not too familiar, but he cannot hide it from the police school classmates who have been with him for a longer time.

Or did the two suddenly disappear together, and the file disappeared.

Most of all, the two of them have one thing in common: family.

Jiang Gu Ling has no family members, and Zhu Fu Jingguang's parents have passed away long ago. There is only one elder brother who is also a police officer. The two of them belong to people who will not have family members to worry about even if they disappear.

Regarding their whereabouts, Datehang had a little guess, he shook his head, "No, but no news is good news."

Natalie could only sigh.

When she walked into the cafe, she glanced at it and caught Matsuda Jinpei sitting in the corner of the cafe, so she walked over with Datehang.

After working as a police officer for a long time, he has more or less occupational diseases. Matsuda Jinhei chose the location very cleverly. It is a corner with relatively dark lights, but leaning against the glass window, he can see the crowd outside at a glance.

Spotting them, Matsuda Jinpei waved lazily, "Hi."

He picked up the coffee, drank the rest of the coffee in a low gulp, and shook his head again, "Americano, it tastes terrible."

Itahang sat down in front of him and frowned directly, "Have you not closed your eyes for two days?"

"Do you want to take a break? There is no emergency now."

During the holidays, many working parties can relax and enjoy their holidays, but some special professions cannot, and police officers are this special profession.

Date Hang is now wandering around the shrine with his girlfriend, but he is not playing, but in a casual disguise.

He was the one who searched the first class.

The First Search Section gathers a group of quite professional police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department. They are well-deserved elites. The dream of countless ordinary police officers is to become an elite police officer in the first search.

Elite police officers come at a price.

The first search section faces countless urgent cases every day. When there are major festivals, there will be urgent tasks according to the situation, such as cooperating with other police officers to patrol crowded areas with large traffic to avoid accidents.

Date Airlines is patrolling.

And Matsuda Jinpei...

After looking at the coffee shop, Datehang found no suspicious person, so he continued to look at Jinpei Matsuda, and he suggested: "There is still more than an hour before the fireworks, why don't you take a break?"

Souyi was in charge of assisting the person in charge, and the explosives disposal team was in charge of fireworks.

The same thing is: on this special day, they are all working overtime.

"No need, I can still insist," Matsuda Jinhei casually refused, and then waved to the waiter to order drinks, "Didn't you find any suspicious people over there?"

He pushed his sunglasses and exhaled, "I didn't find anything unusual here, and I didn't see any suspicious people. I hope I can wait until the fireworks are set off safely."


This is of course impossible. The probability of no accidents on such a major festival is about the same as the probability of no gunfire for a whole day in New York. It is all wishful thinking.

Matsuda Jinpei also knew that what he said was nonsense, so he said casually: "Do you want to take a break, monitor?"

The waiter came over.

Natalie ordered three cups of Americano coffee. She glanced at Matsuda Jinhei's dark circles hidden under the sunglasses, then at the dark circles under her boyfriend's eyes, and sighed silently, "It's been two days, you two. People who haven't slept should stop giving way to each other."

She continued to sigh, "Where is Hagiwara? It feels like I haven't seen Mr. Hagiwara for a long time."

As soon as this was mentioned, Matsuda Jinpei pulled himself together, showing polite gloating, "Hagiwara, you are still working overtime to write official documents, it should have been written..."

He took off his sunglasses, glanced at the time, and the dark circles under his eyes froze for a moment, "Wait, it's past ten o'clock? I thought it was only past eight o'clock."

"Then he should have finished writing the official document and is on his way to work overtime."

After speaking, he pushed up the sunglasses, leaned back lazily, and explained: "Hagiwara has been very good recently, and has been dismantling bombs, bombs and bombs."

"I'm either dismantling bombs every day, or waiting for me to be dismissed and then dismantling new bombs."

"It's so capable, just like me before, so," he shook his head, making his tone serious, "Shou, retribution, retribution, la!"

The tone was serious, but the ending was inexplicably cheerful, too gloating, and Natalie glanced at him uncertainly.

Date hung her shoulders, "Don't listen to what he said, Hagiwara will be promoted recently."

Natalie rolled her eyes, "Going to be promoted? Congratulations!"

"However, it's the same as before Matsuda." Itako gestured to Matsuda Jinpei with his eyes.

They graduated from the same class. In this peaceful time, the Police Department is very stuck in positions, and attaches great importance to factions and connections. Promotion requires certain qualifications, that is, to become a police officer.

Matsuda Jinpei was like this before. Although he performed very well, his colleagues were so horrified that they all looked sideways in horror, "Are you colluding with black people?" ! 'The point, in terms of ability, is definitely going to be promoted.

In terms of seniority, they can only be promoted by a small level, not too many.

But his ability is so outstanding, and his record is so brilliant, if even he can only be promoted by a small level, other people who have been promoted will be somewhat embarrassed.

Therefore, Matsuda Jinping was stuck in the position for a long time.

Now, it's Kenji Hagiwara's turn.

"Yes, but I was stuck on time," Matsuda Jinping avoided the internal affairs of the police.

He also avoided his own feelings, and even more avoided the experience of bombs constantly looking for him and feeding his own experience, and only roughly said, "At that time, it was the first time for the bosses to face this kind of thing, and they were very embarrassed. , I heard that many meetings were held to discuss it.”

"When we faced each other for the second time," he gloated brightly, "they were much more proficient, so Hagiwara has been dealing with official business, official business, and official business recently."

"There are too many files. I have to process files as tall as one person a day."

Natalie: "...?"

Matsuda Jinpei added nonchalantly, "But it's okay, you can process it quickly if you are proficient, and the documents processed today may be processed again in four or five days."

He stretched nonchalantly, and quickly took the coffee when the waiter came over, "Thank you!"

"There are some comparisons..." Date Air simply answered it, and then stopped in time before 'speaking ill of the high-level police', "I sent Hagiwara the meeting place in the afternoon, and if he finishes his business, he will be there later. It will be here."

He remembered passing people on the way here again, so he added, "I suddenly remembered one thing, Matsuda, the child named Hyuga from before, when you and Hagiwara rescued him, there was something on his body. Are you wearing a kimono?"

"It's the kind of kimono that doesn't wear according to the normal way?"

Matsuda Jinhei sat up straight, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"Did you meet him on the road?" He realized, "Today we are indeed going out together for the holiday."

Datehang didn't deny it, nor did he admit it, "I'm not sure if it's true, I just think it is, but after looking it over carefully, I think it shouldn't be, maybe because that gentleman also looks like a minor, and he's missing a few pieces of kimono Bar."

There is a difference between wearing all of a set of kimonos and only wearing the most basic part of the kimono, which is a big difference for police officers who are good at observing with a magnifying glass.

"Really?" Matsuda Jinping frowned thoughtfully.

Natalie picked up the coffee and took a sip. Before she put down the coffee, she saw the two people who seemed to be concentrating on talking and not paying attention to their surroundings raised their hands at the same time, "Hagiwara, here."

She reacted for a while, and subconsciously looked sideways, and she saw Kenji Hagiwara pushing the door in, and couldn't help but sigh.

He obviously doesn't pay attention to his surroundings at all, but he's just pretending to be casual, but he's actually constantly observing his surroundings at a high level?
Hagiwara Kenji went to the front desk to order a cup of coffee before walking over with the coffee.

He sat down on the empty seat, "What are you talking about?"

Natalie looked at his eyes first, and found the dark circles accurately.

She took a sip of coffee silently.

"The squad leader met Kohinata on the way here," Matsuda Jinpei drank coffee lazily, "he probably doesn't want to be recognized."

Hagiwara Kenji looked at Date.

"Not necessarily." Date Hang shook his head. He described the reasonable situation when he saw Hinata at that time, and the focus was on talking and laughing with others.

Natalie also said: "I heard their conversation, it seems to be joking, the lady's voice is very relaxed, she obviously likes the gentleman, and she is holding the gentleman tightly, it should be a man girlfriend relationship."

Matsuda Jinpei choked for a moment, grasping the point, "Girlfriend?"

"That young woman called another woman 'sister'?"

He thought carefully, but also became uncertain.

With Hyuga Ryo now deeply involved in the organization, there shouldn't be time for dating, right?
Moreover, the subtle sense of "annoying" in the other party, Matsuda Jinhei thinks that one day the other party suddenly falls in love with a painting is more convincing than falling in love with a human being.

But maybe, young and energetic people of the same age may also be able to arouse the other party's interest unexpectedly.

"If you're with 'sister', it shouldn't be a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend?" Hagiwara Kenji said, "Otherwise, it's not very good."

If it's a male older sister, it's not very good manners, and lovers who like each other are not willing to let other people intervene between them.

And if it's a female sister... wouldn't that be even worse!
Matsuda Jinpei nodded silently.

"Then it shouldn't be." Along with this topic, Datehang remembered another thing, he hesitated and touched the back of his head, "By the way, there is something related to Mr. Hyuga that you may not be clear about."

"When Mr. Hinata was hospitalized, didn't the police almost send him to an orphanage because he couldn't find his guardian?"

"Later Miss Hirota appeared."

Matsuda Jinping nodded, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"But isn't Ms. Hirota's certificate a minor?" Date Hang lowered her voice, "Many policemen thought it was strange at the time."

"...It's not surprising, is it?" Hagiwara Kenji said calmly, "He was already 16 years old at that time."

"Although the regulations require guardians under the age of 20, the 16-year-old can work part-time. In fact, the treatment can be relaxed. For children of this age, the orphanage is not a suitable place to go."

"Miss Hirota is almost an adult, isn't it normal to deal with this?"

As he spoke, he drank half a sip of coffee, and looked at Matsuda Jinhei secretly.

There is no way, I can't talk about Hinata's rationality and organization, I can only vaguely pass it.

"It's quite reasonable," Date Hang admitted with a nod, and he continued, "But there is one reason why he is willing to relax the treatment."

"The case was still in progress at the time, and it involved the privacy of the parties involved, so I couldn't disclose it at that time. Now that the statute of limitations has passed, and you have a good relationship with him in private," he rubbed the back of his head again, "So..."

Matsuda Jinpei immediately put down his glass, "So?"

"When we dealt with it back then, the guardianship relationship between Ms. Hirota and Mr. Hinata was passed so simply," Date Hang lowered his voice, "It's because when Ms. Hirota came, she brought a blood relationship identification."

"She and Mr. Hinata are siblings of the same father and mother."

(End of this chapter)

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