Conan's Helping People

Chapter 174 Praise you?

Chapter 174 Praise you?
Matsuda Jinpei: "..."

Over, shoulder fall?

He couldn't help but glanced at the floor, and found that there was indeed a crack there, and the crack was indeed centered on the head of the wounded, most likely it was just smashed out, not the old damage from before.


Uh, indeed, Ryo Hinata does know martial arts, Kenji Hagiwara and the previous robber have both experienced it.

However, this seems to be a bit exaggerated.

Although the wound on the back of the wounded man's head was not very big, the tragic condition of the floor and the slowly smudged blood made it hard to connect with the light 'over the shoulder fall'.

Confused for a while, Matsuda Jinpei remembered again, when Hagiwara Kenji described him before, he said, "Obviously his stature and strength are not big, but the position of strangling with his legs is very precise, and it feels like he is walking on the ground." In the grass, it was like being attacked by a python suddenly'.


He withdrew his gaze and turned his gaze to Hinata again.

The other party didn't intend to struggle, and still half-raised his face to look at it, but gently held his wrist with one hand to stabilize his posture... In this posture, he could only half-raise his face.

Just looking at this immature face, which is too outstanding, and the same immature hands without any trace of training, it is difficult for him to connect the underage in front of him with something creepy like a boa constrictor.

Just add this time, the fact has been presented before the eyes three times, even if it is an ordinary snake, if it drills the realgar barrel three times, it will have a great understanding of something.

"Little Hinata," Matsuda Jinhei also had a complete realization, and he asked earnestly, "'He attacked you from behind, and you fell over your shoulder', is it an instinctive reaction?"

If he forced the minor to look at him before, then after asking this question, the minor actively chased his gaze and looked at him seriously.

The other party replied sincerely: "It's an instinctive reaction."

After staring at each other for a few seconds, those green eyes were still very sincere, "It was the instinctive reaction to restrain the attack."

They continued to look at each other for a few seconds, the minor blinked, and said again: "He walked behind me and suddenly strangled my neck, so I had no choice but to throw him over my shoulder."

"However, after the fall, what he was carrying fell out. There was a gun and a remote control."

The other party backed up a bit, broke free from the restraints, then held up a remote control-shaped object, and asked calmly: "You said earlier that there is a bomb in the bookstore. Is this the remote control for the bomb?"

Matsuda Jinpei again: "..."

He couldn't help it, and looked down at the wounded who was clearly conscious but closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

Is it really just an instinctive reaction...

The understatement of the underage sentence just now seems to be playing a game, just like "I killed a mob and dropped a helmet".

There were hurried footsteps coming from far and near downstairs, and it was roughly estimated that there were more than a dozen people.

Matsuda Jinhei pulled the minor to stand up, moved out of the way, and said succinctly, "The emergency personnel have arrived."

Ten seconds later, the emergency personnel who rushed up climbed the stairs, panting to check the condition of the injured.

The police who arrived with them were divided into two groups, one group was responsible for the murder case in the reading area, and the other group stayed behind to deal with the incident.

Some police officers asked Matsuda Jinpei and Hinata about the reasoning respectively.

Matsuda Jinpei arrived after the incident, only 3 minutes earlier than the emergency personnel, so he quickly finished his explanation and went to listen to the minor's on-site statement.

He found that he didn't treat minors too specially.

It was a young police officer who was in charge of making a statement for the minor. The other party had obviously seen the minor on the live broadcast, and now he was full of sympathy and fully accepted the statement of the minor.

While recording the statement, the other party comforted the minor, "It's okay, the medical staff said that the suspect's life is not in danger for the time being, and he attacked you first, and you reacted in self-defense."

Matsuda Jinpei was silent again.

How to say, what the young police officer said is correct. In the past, there is a high probability that Matsuda Jinpei would comfort the minors in this way.

Because the other party was a victim, was attacked, was defending himself, and was still a minor.

However, the minor said sincerely that he was really just an ordinary instinctive reaction, and after finding out that his reaction was wrong, he immediately changed the subject.

Matsuda Jinpei always has a subtle feeling.

It is difficult for people to examine themselves correctly, and minors may not even realize how they behave when they are lying.

Under normal conditions, minors seldom take the initiative to make eye contact with others, and their eyes usually fall on other people's mouths. Active eye contact is a special case.

For example, when lying.

In order to emphasize their sincerity and observe the listener's expression, when lying, the other party will take the initiative to look at the person.

Matsuda Jinpei also just discovered this habit of the other party.

Putting his hands in his pockets, he stared thoughtfully at the minor who was still dictating his case.

The minor's eyes drooped and landed on the young police officer's mouth. He said calmly: "I asked him if he needed help, but he didn't answer me. I thought he was dead."

There is no obvious characteristic of lying, it should be telling the truth.

The young police officer hurriedly comforted, "No, no, no, although the back of the human head is very fragile, but to achieve a fatal injury, the force required...uh."

Halfway through the speech, the young police officer glanced at the broken ground and got stuck, so he immediately turned his eyes to Matsuda Jinhei who was listening for help.

"Officer Matsuda!"

Matsuda Jinpei put the cigarette back into his pocket, took his colleague's comfort seriously, and continued, "The back of the human head is very fragile, and there is no need for much force. Sometimes just hitting it with your hands will kill the person on the spot. .”

The tone was completely wrong, and the young police officer turned pale with shock, and immediately cast a surprised look.

Matsuda Jinpei stared at the minor and warned pointedly, "However, when ordinary people are attacked, they can attack the criminal wherever they are. At that moment, the most important thing is to protect themselves."

In a dangerous situation, survival is a human instinct. Under this instinct, what kind of counterattack an ordinary person will make is unpredictable even by the opponent himself. This is also a normal reaction.

But the premise is that you are really in a dangerous situation, and you are not fishing to lure criminals yourself, and actively fall into a dangerous situation that is not good.

When he was talking, the minor stared at his mouth. Even if his words were not in the right tone, the other party didn't show any strange expression, and he was still calm.

Until he turned to 'but' and said something meaningful, the other party raised his eyes and started to look at him.

That face was full of innocence, and so were those green eyes.

The young police officer didn't understand that Matsuda Jinpei was caring about pointing, but thought he was trying to comfort him forcefully, so he breathed a sigh of relief and continued to comfort the minor.

"For ordinary people who are not in special occupations, it is too unrealistic to ask them to protect themselves and at the same time measure their counterattack against attackers."

When he was talking about this, the young police officer paused, set his eyes on the minor in front of him, and stated the facts, "Actually, many people can't even 'protect themselves', let alone grasp the opponent's body with ease." Hurt."

"It's great to be able to protect yourself."

"'Protecting yourself' is a very difficult thing." Matsuda Jinheiya said, staring at the underage, warning with his eyes again.

The minor stared at him for a few seconds, calmly looked away, and sincerely admitted his mistake, "Next time, I will run first." not call yourself.

Matsuda suppressed his sigh, and when the young police officer looked over, he nodded nonchalantly, and then signaled his statement, "Is the preliminary record finished? Can I take him away?"

"Take it away?" The young police officer repeated in surprise.

"There's a murder case over there..." Matsuda Jinhei said halfway, glanced at the minor, and then changed his words, "It's okay to let him go back to the police station with you first."

He nonsense without changing his expression, "He's a bit shy, but the case hasn't been finished yet, and I'm not free for the time being, can you please help bring him to my office?"

"Then just lock the door."

Locked in the police station, the other party will never encounter wild criminals, right?There shouldn't be any wild criminals taking the bait, right?

"Lock the door?" The young police officer was shocked again.

Minors focused on another key point, "Afraid of strangers?"

The other party raised his eyes again, looked at each other, and said with his eyes, "Anyone is qualified to say that others are afraid of strangers, only dogs that enthusiastically rush towards strangers who are afraid of strangers are not qualified!" '.

A panting voice cut in, "The murder case hasn't been dealt with yet, let's see, let's finish it together and go back to the police station, shall we?"

Matsuda Jinpei looked at the person who suddenly interrupted, and found that it was an acquaintance: the chubby Meguro Shisan.

He was the person who searched Section [-], and he was also the person in charge of the murder case in the reading area.

Thinking of the other party's identity, and looking at the other party's unwavering staring at Hyuga Ryo, with an expression of fear that the underage detective would suddenly disappear out of thin air, he instantly understood.

Anyway, Matsuda Jinpei prefers the latter between the two choices of 'tie the minors around' and 'tie the minors in an empty office'.

So, he agreed to the proposal logically, "Then let's deal with the murder case first and then go back."

Mumu Shisan greeted warmly, "Long time no see, Kohinata!"

During the conversation, the minor discovered that the ownership had been determined, so he shifted his position from the young police officer to Matsuda Jinpei, and then politely responded to the warm greeting.

"Long time no see, Officer Megure."

"Hey, do you still remember me?!" On the contrary, Mu Mu Shisan, who immediately climbed up the pole and echoed the affectionate address, was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "Oh, it's not just us who are deeply impressed by you, You must have been impressed by the police officer who handled the case."

Matsuda Jinpei knew that Megushisan and Hinata's reasonable communication was the school's case.

From the very beginning, Matsuda Jinpei had read the records of that case. After the two bombings/bombs, in order to find out Hinata's reasonable state, he specifically asked some police officers who were present at the time.

Most of the people he could ask had little contact with Ryo Hinata, but they all spoke in a surprisingly consistent manner, saying 'that was a very good-looking child who was accidentally involved in the murder case'.

Among them, the inadvertent words of a police officer deeply impressed him.

The other party recalled it for a long time, and after saying something like 'Hinata Rigi is very cute and good-looking, he must be very popular in school', he said a few words casually: "However, that child was sitting with Mr. Kudou at that time. Together, I heard some of what they said."

"It seems that Mr. Kudo thought he drank the water in that cup and knew who the murderer was before the case was solved, but he didn't say it."

"By the way, he seems to have a family history of genetic diseases, and vomiting blood is due to genetic diseases."

Leaving aside the unknown genetic disease for the time being, "know who the murderer is before the case is solved" is too simple for Hyuga Ryo.

Because, usually, he is the victim.


Even if that wasn't the case, Hyuga Ryo also found out who the murderer was when he encountered a murder case in the restaurant before, and didn't say it.

In short, Matsuda Jinpei went to understand the case in order to find out Hinata's rationality, but not only did he not understand the logic of the other party's thinking, but he was even more confused.

Maybe if it was Zhu Fu Jingguang, he would be able to understand each other better.

Turning from one point of anger to another point of anger, Matsuda Jinping temporarily cut off his thoughts and focused on the matter in front of him.

Mu Mu Shisan enthusiastically expressed, "I know that you are very good at solving crimes before, and I am very happy to have you here today!" ’, while the minor resisted blankly, “What, what are you talking about, I really don’t understand, Matsuda!’.

Matsuda Jinhei responded to the distress signal, he embraced the minor by the shoulders, and adjusted the minor from between him and Mu Mu Shisan to his side, blocking Mu Mu Shisan's enthusiastic sight.

Then, while walking towards the scene of the crime with Mu Mu Shisan, he reminded, "The nails of the deceased are purple, and the poisoning reaction is very obvious. It may be suicide or homicide."

All the people who searched the first class came, and it was obvious that the probability of the latter was higher.

He continued: "When the case happened, Xiao Hinata and I were near the scene and were also suspects."

According to the procedure, even a detective will be temporarily shut down until his suspicion is cleared, and he cannot directly jump out of the suspect's identity and become a judge.

"Oh, I know this. You said it when you relayed the case." Mu Mu Shisan was very calm, "You approached the deceased from the beginning to the end, only after the case happened. After the monitoring and investigation, the suspicion can be ruled out."

"At that time, we will check who had contact with the deceased before the incident, so that the suspicion of other people present can be ruled out."

"There is surveillance here?" Matsuda Jinping was surprised, "Didn't you say it is an old shop?"

Most of the new bookstores do not have monitoring, so how come such an old bookstore has monitoring?

"I'm not very clear about this, is it the staff of the bookstore?" Mu Mu Shisan touched his head, then hesitated, "However, I really didn't find the camera..."

"The cameras here are basically hidden models, such as the flower carvings on the bookshelf in front." The minor said, "Only one or two are exposed/exposed cameras."

He also explained in detail the reason for this installation, "Seeing the exposed/exposed camera, most people will subconsciously only pay attention to the visible camera and ignore the hidden camera."

In this way, in places where there are no obvious cameras, criminals will be more relaxed.

The installer may be in order to prevent someone from stealing books, or other illegal activities, or may have a hobby of stealing.

Matsuda Jinhei turned his head and looked over.

Finding that his attitude is not quite right, and he can't slip away immediately, the minor can only tentatively follow his hair, for example, he is answering questions now.

It is still rare to take the initiative to answer questions.

And while answering, he continued to show the expression of "I'm very good, don't be angry".

However, the reason why the other party will be smooth is probably not because he will be angry, but because 'Officer Matsuda is angry, and there is a possibility of intervention = trouble'.

...In addition to 'be lively, the underage will not be able to cope' and 'when lying, the underage will take the initiative to look at others', Matsuda Jinpei learned a little more about the other party.

'Fear of being interfered with and troublesome'.

He was speechless for a while, and then turned his tone a little more fiercely, "Boasting you?"

(End of this chapter)

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