Dad's Super Farm

Chapter 406 Twisted 2 Wins

Chapter 406 The Twisted Second Victory

Although the strength of the folks has improved after the merger of the three realms, everything around them has changed, and their improvement cannot be reflected in the new environment at all, and they don't feel much at all.

So I didn't think there was anything. At this time, Zhang Ersheng had changed so much that it was completely different from ordinary people. How could they not be afraid.

Even Zhang Ersheng's parents looked at Zhang Ersheng in shock: "Er Sheng, did you become like this?"

"Yes, Sheng'er, don't be like this, mother is scared, can't you be fine?"

Qin Feng looked at the appearance of everyone, and there was a wry smile on his face. He didn't want Zhang Ersheng to become like this, but this is beyond his control. The only way now is to defeat Zhang Ersheng's combination and completely conquer him. Let him be honest.

Thinking of this, Qin Fengteng entered the space.

The space fluctuated, and Qin Feng quickly entered the isolated space.

And now that Zhang Ersheng has been completely resurrected, and he is roaring vigorously there: "Haha, I finally made it, I finally made it, I want revenge, I want you all to die."

"Don't you look down on me? Don't you say that I am a thief? I will kill you all, so that you will never have a chance to laugh at me."

While shouting, he rushed towards the crowd forcefully, causing them to dodge back in fright.

But the second victory was blocked by the space barrier just as it was halfway through.

With a muffled sound, Zhang Ersheng was bounced back directly, and then fell to the ground.

Everyone looked slightly shocked, but Zhang Ersheng refused to accept it, and then ran into him again.

There was another sound, so he bumped into it several times in a row, but he didn't break out of the isolated space, and the people around him were no longer afraid of him, especially some people who were usually nice to Zhang Ersheng, and they even cursed angrily. .

"Zhang Ersheng, why are you crazy? Are the people in the village treating you badly? Now that life is so good, what are you going to do?"

"Yeah, brother Qin is making everyone's life so good now, you still steal ginseng every day, and everyone hasn't done anything to you, what else do you want to do?"

"Trash, if I knew this earlier, no one would have ignored you before."

Everyone was discussing, Zhang Ersheng bumped into it a few times, he was also a little puzzled, he didn't know why he still couldn't break through the barrier of isolation.

Only Qin Feng waved his hand indifferently at this time; "Okay, everyone, stop shouting, let me ask him, what exactly is he going to do?"

Having said that, he turned to Zhang Ersheng: "Ersheng, do you know what you are doing? Can you still know who I am?"

Zhang Ersheng turned his head to look at Qin Feng, and then his eyes became more and more resentful: "Hehe, Qin Feng, you are Qin Feng, why are you so close to me, can you not get out?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Er Sheng, as long as you know me, I really want to know how you became like this, what happened to you?"

Zhang Ersheng laughed out loud when asked by Qin Feng: "Haha, what's wrong with me, can't you see? I am no longer the Zhang Ersheng I used to be. I can manipulate them like you, defeat them, and make them listen to me obediently." if."

Qin Feng rolled his eyes depressedly: "You can't go out now, isn't it like farting to say such a thing? Besides, did you have a good life before? You don't have to worry about food and drink, everyone treats you well, and the house you live in When the village was merged, it was newly divided, which is much better than the poor days before."

"Tell me why you are not satisfied? Why can't you live a good life and get along with everyone?"

Zhang Ersheng was asked by Qin Feng, but after a while, his eyes became extremely disdainful: "Hehe, fart, Qin Feng, you are doing well, you have a wife and children, everyone should listen to you, of course you can say I am happy."

"But what about me? Everyone treats me as a thief. I just want to live a better life. I just want to be a master. Why can't I? Didn't I steal space ginseng a few times? Everyone treats me as a thief. Be a thief."

"This world is not fair, it's so unfair. You, Qin Feng, grew up in the village just like me. Why can you be the leader of everyone? Why should I listen to you."

"Why did my wife die when she was so young, and why didn't your wife die? Haha, I don't accept it, I don't accept it."

He kept yelling, and at the end, his momentum suddenly increased: "I want to defeat you, I want to make you my slave, and let all your wives accompany me."

Looking at his crazy appearance, Qin Feng couldn't describe the feeling in his heart.

He always thought that he was nothing to the folks, and he was always working to make everyone's life better. From what he knew, most people were also grateful to him.

But he really didn't expect that Zhang Ersheng's heart would be so twisted, it was simply too unimaginable.

And for such a person, Qin Feng is not polite at all, the only way is to convince the other party.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng smiled disdainfully: "Hehe, Zhang Ersheng, you are insane and hate the world. You are really a piece of rubbish. It's a pity that you want to rule others in a wishful thinking, and you don't know how to live or die. Today I want to let you know that you are not enough!" grid."

As soon as Qin Feng said, Zhang Ersheng exploded instantly: "Fart, Qin Feng, you dare to insult me, I will kill you now."

While speaking, he suddenly jumped up and slammed into Qin Feng.

His speed was very fast, and he was in front of Qin Feng in the blink of an eye.

Qin Feng looked at it and smiled: "Trash, why are you so crazy, who gave you such courage."

As he spoke, Qin Feng raised a fist to confront the opponent, and then saw Zhang Ersheng flying upside down.

It flew a few meters away before landing on the ground.

The people outside were shocked. The speed of the second victory just now was fast enough to make them unable to see clearly, but now Qin Feng's speed is even faster, making them unable to see clearly. This is simply too fierce.

Zhang Ersheng was obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect Qin Feng's strength to be so strong.

But then he was even more dissatisfied, and jumped straight up to attack again, fighting with Qin Feng.

His attack method is very simple, because what he grows is only the soul, and the energy absorbed through the resentment of the soul makes his strength and speed stronger, but there is no skill that can release energy.

So when fighting with Qin Feng, they just kept pounced and attacked desperately.

Qin Feng is even a bit annoyed, for Zhang Ersheng, he needs only one skill to kill something, but he can't do that, he wants to conquer this thing, so he can't use energy, he can only use strength to follow This goods hit.

It doesn't matter, Qin Feng's strength is very strong, he doesn't care about using a little force, but he can't use too much force, because he can only conquer the opponent, he can't hurt the opponent too badly, if he really wants to blow the opponent's body all at once The body will not only lead to the leakage of resentment, but also make Zhang Ersheng completely lose his vitality.

This is troublesome for Tete.

(End of this chapter)

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