Chapter 404
Qin Feng took over the task here, and then chatted with the system for a while about the characteristics of the cold bird in the underground palace. The talk was almost done, and the children also woke up.

He opened his eyes and looked at Qin Feng, and the children burst into tears; "Father, that bad bird bit us, so hit him quickly." '

"Yeah, Dad, my head hurts so much, woo..."

'Dad, why don't you look at us...'

Several children screamed and screamed around Qin Feng, and Qin Feng scratched his head endlessly: "Baby children, don't cry, I have cured your illness, and nothing will happen again, you should feel it soon Does your head still hurt? If it doesn't hurt, Dad will take you to revenge."

Qin Feng comforted for a while, and the children stopped crying, but Yang Meili, who was on the side, looked a little complicated when she saw the children being so close to Qin Feng.

Since he sent the children to Qin Feng's side, the relationship between these children and Qin Feng has become closer and closer, as if they are always closer than his mother. Not only do they like to tell Qin Feng everything, Usually also like to be tired of Qin Feng's side.

Qin Feng coaxed a few children, turned his head and saw Yang Meili's complicated expression, he faintly realized something, and quickly looked at the children; "My children, your mother was worried that you were all crying into tears just now!" Now, hurry up and wipe away your tears for your mother."

"Mom." The children rushed to Yang Meili as soon as they heard this.

Yang Meili finally smiled in relief.

After the family had a conversation, Qin Feng checked the bodies of the children again, and after confirming that there was no problem, he got up and said, "Children, do you want to catch those bad birds for revenge?"

The children regained their spirits: "Of course, Dad, those bad birds are too bad, they attack us children, you must catch them."

"That's right, Dad, sister and sister don't go, Qin Chen and I will accompany you."

"Go, we are no worse than you, why can you go but we can't?"

"That's right, we're going too."

Several children were clamoring, Qin Feng grinned: "Okay, then you will set off with Dad in a while."

Yang Meili, who was next to her, heard that Qin Feng was going to take the children to catch birds, so she hurried forward; "Qin Feng, can you take the children there again, they just recovered."

Qin Feng shrugged his shoulders helplessly; "Beautiful, I don't want to, but this time I have to take them with me to catch birds. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"What if something happens to the children?" Yang Meili was still a little worried.

But these kids couldn't wait any longer: "Mom, nothing will happen. Dad is so powerful. With him here, no one can hurt us."

"Yeah, Mom, can you see if Dad is all right?"

Yang Meili was helpless after being quarreled, she clenched her fist tightly and said, "Then I will go too."

"Ah? Meili, what are you doing with me?" Qin Feng asked in confusion.

"I'm going, why don't you take me with you every day when you take the children with you?" Yang Meili said resolutely.

Qin Feng didn't move at all when he heard it: "Okay, but you have to be careful, don't shout, I'm taking the children this time, when those birds appear, they will definitely attack them."

"Then you still bring them?" Yang Meili stared.

"Listen to me, I brought them because they have the breath left by those cold birds, which can lure the cold birds out, and those cold birds will not attack the children at all if I am there. "Qin Feng said seriously.

He was telling the truth, if it wasn't helpless, he didn't want to bring a few babies with him, but the system has already said just now that the best way to find Hanniao is to attract people who have been bitten by them.

As for the danger, Qin Feng can absolutely guarantee it. He is afraid that Yang Meili will do something drastic at that time.

After listening to Qin Feng's explanation, Yang Meili nodded seriously: "Okay, I know, I will definitely not bark."

After a few people agreed, Qin Feng quickly took Wa'er and Yang Meili out of the house, officially embarking on the road of bird hunting.

First, he found a few small holes dug by children, but after digging, Qin Feng found that the bottom was blocked.

In desperation, he could only take a few children to search around. When he was in a hurry, Shi Geng found Qin Feng: "Mr. Qin, it's not good, it's not good, something happened again."

"What?" Qin Feng raised his eyebrows; "Who happened?"

"It was Zhang Ersheng from our village. He went into the mountains to dig ginseng, but was killed." Shi Geng said anxiously.

"Bite to death? What bite?" Qin Feng was even more shocked when he heard it.

From the accidents of the children to the present, it only took one afternoon. According to the system, nothing should have happened at all. The cold crow bit people and injected their resentment into people's bodies. Although it would make people faint , but not fatal.

Shi Geng smiled bitterly: "I don't know what happened, then... that Zhang Ersheng's hands and feet are a little dirty, he went to steal ginseng..."

Then Shi Geng told the story again, and Qin Feng was a little speechless after hearing it.

Zhang Ersheng is a member of their village, and he used to be a bit of a thief, but after the conditions improved, he seemed to have changed a lot.

Only now did Shi Geng say that he knew that recently Zhang Ersheng saw that space ginseng could be exchanged for space stones, so he often stole them, and then sold them privately to other forces in exchange for space stones.

In fact, he has been caught not once or twice, but he didn't steal much, and he never told Qin Feng that he didn't want to steal again this time, but lost his life. The body was found on the back mountain. It's all dark and very scary.

Knowing the situation, Qin Feng didn't know what to say, so he pondered for a while and said, "Uncle Geng, please give some subsidies to their family on behalf of the village. I'll go and see them first." '

"Yeah!" Shi Geng responded, and hurried to make arrangements.

Qin Feng took a few children and Yang Meili to the back mountain.

When they got there, Zhang Dazhuang, Tian Sheng and other members of the patrol team were guarding there. When they saw Qin Feng approaching, they rushed forward; "Brother Qin."

"Well! Let me take a look at Zhang Ersheng's body." Qin Feng waved his hand, then looked at Yang Meili: "Lili, please watch the children, don't let them pass by."

"Okay!" Yang Meili held the children and watched from the side, before Qin Feng walked into the crowd.

In the crowd, Zhang Ersheng's body was covered by a straw mat. After Qin Feng lifted it, he couldn't believe his eyes, because Zhang Ersheng's body was as black as charcoal.

In addition, there was a thick Yin Qi gathered in the corpse, just like the Yin Qi in Baihui Cave after Hanniao bit a few babies.

But Qin Feng really can't imagine, how many cold birds have bitten such a heavy Yin Qi?Why did those cold birds pour the resentful spirit into Zhang Ersheng's body?

And just when Qin Feng was puzzled, he found that Zhang Ersheng's finger moved on the ground.

"Huh?" Qin Feng raised his eyebrows, and Zhang Dazhuang, Tian Sheng and others beside him even exclaimed.

"Brother Qin, did his finger move? Did he not die?"

"Yes, Brother Qin, this haunted?"

"Brother Qin, you should be more careful..."

(End of this chapter)

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