The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 5 This is the Young Master!

Chapter 5 This is the Young Master!

The camera zooms in, and the first thing that appears are two coolies kneeling on the ground.

They were dressed in workers' rags, covered in blood, trembling, and looked very frightened.

Next to them, there were four ax gang thugs in black robes, with their sleeves rolled up, and it seemed that they had just beaten the two workers.

"There is a saying that murder is paid for life, and debts are paid back."

A slightly gloomy voice sounded, and if you listen carefully, you can hear a few traces of mocking smiles in the voice.

The camera zoomed forward, and it was a man sitting on an iron chair, only the lower body could be seen. The clothes of this man were neat and spotless.

"You have to pay back the money you owe me!"

The sound continued to sound, the camera was pulled up, and with the slightly depressed lighting, people became more and more curious about the man's face.

Then, the man's face was finally revealed.

Seeing this face, even director Zhang Hai felt his heart skip a beat.

Lazy, confident, sarcastic, condescending, half-smile.

Sometimes, one emoji can convey too much information.

No one in the entire crew spoke, they were all overwhelmed by Hong Chen's acting skills.

This is what a gang boss should look like!
That kind of pressure made everyone present feel suppressed, as if Hong Chen had a powerful aura around him.

When the two super extras who played coolies saw Hong Chen's breathtaking cold eyes, they entered the scene instantly.

Driven by Hong Chen's acting skills, they immediately got into the drama!

"Master Shao, give it a few more days. When I have money, I will definitely pay it back, I will definitely pay it back." The two coolies knelt on the ground covered in blood, tremblingly begging for mercy.

Hong Chen suddenly smiled, and the corner of his mouth raised an arc.Although he was smiling, it was even more chilling, like a smiling jackal.

"I don't like waiting."

His tone became icy cold.

The two coolies of the "Young Gang Leader" were even more frightened, but at this moment, the thugs of the Ax Gang swung down their axes and slashed at the two coolies.

Of course, it's just acting now, and this scene is considered to be over at this time.

The camera was shown to Hong Chen again, Hong Chen stared indifferently at the ax wielded by the Ax Gang thugs.

At this time, there is no physical performance, the thugs and coolies have stopped acting, but Hong Chen has to show the expression of watching the thugs kill.

A second ago, Hong Chen was still vicious and crazy, but at this moment, there was only indifference in his eyes.

He stared indifferently ahead, like watching a child play house.

At that time, there will be phantom images of ax gangsters swinging axes on the screen, and this scene shows Hong Chen's cold blood even more.

He stood up, seemed bored, curled his lips, and walked forward.

In the dim light, he walked towards the camera step by step, and every step he took, the pressure rushed to his face.

His handsome face looked a little cold under the shadow.

A real beast in clothes!


The director's voice sounded, and there was thunderous applause all around.

"That's right, let's pass!" Zhang Hai was very satisfied with Hong Chen. There are not many young actors with such outstanding acting skills.

"Qingxue, you and Hong Chen will go face-to-face first, and the scene in the afternoon will belong to both of you." Zhang Hai greeted again.

"Okay." Mu Qingxue replied sweetly.

Mu Qingxue was also impressed by Hong Chen's acting skills just now.

If Hong Chen hadn't recovered his kind smile now, Mu Qingxue would have thought that Hong Chen was that kind of person.

"Not bad." Sitting in the shed, Mu Qingxue said with a smile to Hong Chen.

"Thank you for the compliment." Hong Chen was very polite, with a relatively calm expression.

This surprised Mu Qingxue, not because Hong Chen didn't say anything to her, but mainly because of Hong Chen's indifference.

For a little-known ensemble performer to be able to act with first-line actors in the crew of the international director Zhang Hai, ordinary people have long been overjoyed.

Hong Chen was very calm.

fair enough.

Mu Qingxue met actors from other crews, and she was extra polite and caring towards her, and that kind of hypocrisy made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Hong Chen seemed much more real.

Then, the director continued filming over there, while Hong Chen and Mu Qingxue were talking about the lines in the afternoon.

On the way, Hong Chen filmed a few more scenes, all of which showed his viciousness and superciliousness and promoted the plot.

His performance once again amazed everyone, and it was all a mistake.

Zhang Hai is very satisfied. Acting skills are one aspect. Hong Chen can fully express the content of the script, which shows that Hong Chen has read the script seriously and figured out the character and style of the characters.

He is a great director, so it is natural to see that Hong Chen has worked hard.

What shocked everyone the most was a fight scene.

In this fight scene, a small leader of the blood gang led people to surround Hong Chen to kill him, and Hong Chen killed him with one enemy and twenty.

The moves were designed by a special martial arts instructor, and Hong Chen presented the designed moves exactly, even more violently.

The movements are very professional, punching to the flesh.

A professional action actor.

Everyone's evaluation of Hong Chen raised another level.

Hong Chen was also very happy when the morning play was over.

It was the first time for him to play an important role in a large crew, and he was always a little apprehensive.

But there is no danger.

At noon, Hong Chen went to the back of the set to get a boxed lunch, and found a place to eat with the staff.

He is not a big coffee yet, and he has no agent or assistant.

But he doesn't have any airs either.

He chatted kindly with the staff around him, and everyone was very polite to him.

"Congratulations to the host for gaining 10 favorability points." The system's notification sounded.

Hong Chen's expression changed.

He originally thought that only after the movie was broadcast, would he accumulate popularity to gain favorability, but he didn't expect to have it now.

It should be chatting with the crew, so that the crew has a good impression of him.

That's not bad either.

After lunch, he sat in the shade and read the script.

Some well-known actors rested in a special RV.

It is summer now, the weather is extremely hot, Hong Chen reads the script, unknowingly time flies.

There was another episode at noon, when Mu Qingxue asked her assistant to bring over a truckload of watermelons to reward the staff and extra performers, making everyone feel good.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, the crew arrived and the filming continued.

In the afternoon, it was another play for Hong Chen's character.

Zhang Hai didn't know if Hong Chen could express the astonishment when he first met Mu Qingxue in Yinshan.

This is a new challenge for Hong Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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