Chapter 80 080 Deadly Ill!

No more words, the two came to the courtyard of the ancestral hall.

From the outside, the decoration of the ancestral hall is still ancient, with delicate and smart wind chimes hanging on the corners of the eaves.

With the breeze rippling, there was a pleasant bell.

"The door is closed, are you sure your grandfather is inside?"

Looking at the vaguely closed door, Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu with some doubts.

"It should be, in the past, every time grandpa entered the ancestral hall, he liked to close the door to prevent others from entering."

Chen Xinyu nodded slightly. According to Chen Guoxiong's past habits, he would indeed close the door of the ancestral hall.

A person meditating in it, sometimes staying for a whole day without eating or drinking.

No one knew what he was doing there, even if Chen Xinyu persuaded him, he would always prevaricate with the excuse of dieting.

"Wait, I'll knock on the door."

Chen Xinyu immediately said something to Lin Mo, then took a deep breath, walked slowly to the door and knocked.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

Chen Xinyu shouted into the ancestral hall while knocking.

Usually at this time, as long as Chen Guoxiong heard Chen Xinyu's words in the ancestral hall, he would open the door and come out.

But today is different, there is no movement in the ancestral hall.

Chen Xinyu didn't hesitate any more, and pushed open the closed wooden door with both hands.


When the wooden door opened, the scene that caught her eyes made her completely stunned, and then ran into the ancestral hall recklessly.

"what happened?"

Lin Mo in the yard frowned, and immediately ran into the ancestral hall when he saw something was wrong.

As soon as he entered the ancestral hall, he saw Chen Xinyu crying holding the unconscious Chen Guoxiong.

"Lin Mo...Grandpa."

Chen Xinyu couldn't help crying, and looked at Lin Mo with sobs, no wonder there was no movement in the ancestral hall just now, it turned out that Chen Guoxiong was
"Don't cry, your grandpa is still alive."

Lin Mo came to Chen Xinyu, knelt down and felt Chen Guoxiong's breathing with his hands, his brows tightened, and then he felt his pulse.

Although the opponent's pulse was very weak, but still alive, so he just fainted, not what Chen Xinyu thought.


"Take him to the hospital immediately."

Lin Mo nodded, the most important thing now is to send Chen Guoxiong to the hospital.

"Well, I'll call Uncle Qiu."

Chen Xinyu didn't hesitate anymore. After handing Chen Guoxiong to Lin Mo's care, she wiped away her tears and ran to the yard outside to call for a nurse.

After that, the few people didn't hesitate anymore, and rushed Chen Guoxiong to the nearest hospital.


First aid outdoors.

Chen Xinyu waited anxiously at the door.

The emergency light at the door went out, and a doctor in a white coat came out of the emergency room.

"Doctor, how is my grandfather?"

After seeing the doctor, Chen Xinyu hurriedly stepped forward to inquire.

She had cried countless times in one day, her eyes were so red and swollen that it made people feel distressed, and even the doctor was a little moved by her haggard look.


The doctor sighed helplessly.

"What happened to my grandfather?"

Seeing the doctor sighing, Chen Xinyu panicked.

"The old man's cancer cells have spread, and he has not received treatment. He relies on drugs to maintain the status quo."

"Now we have come to the point where we are running out of water and running out of oil."

The attending doctor looked at Chen Xinyu, and couldn't bear to tell her the bad news, but as a doctor, he was obliged to tell the family members of the patient's condition.

"Can the cancer cells spread?"

"You mean my grandpa has cancer?"

Chen Xinyu froze after hearing what the attending doctor said, and looked at him in disbelief.

"Yes, it's cancer."

The attending doctor took a deep breath, nodded to Chen Xinyu, and said regretfully:

"As early as half a year ago, the old man was diagnosed with liver cancer. Unfortunately, he never listened to my advice and received treatment from the hospital."

"Relying on specific drugs to suppress the spread of cancer cells for half a year, but recently cancer cells have developed resistance to specific drugs, so..."

The attending doctor stopped talking when he said this, just bowed his head and sighed again, as if lamenting the impermanence of the world.

Chen Xinyu, who heard the bad news, found it difficult to accept the reality, her eyes darkened and she almost fell down. Fortunately, Lin Mo was there to support her.

"How is the old man doing now?"

After Lin Mo hugged Chen Xinyu, he asked the attending doctor in front of him.

"It's not optimistic. It's temporarily out of the dangerous period, but I haven't woken up yet. I'm relying on the oxygen machine to maintain the status quo."

The attending doctor shook his head, then turned and went back to the emergency room.

Not long after, several medical staff transferred Chen Guoxiong, who was still in a coma, to the ICU ward.

"It's okay, don't cry."

Looking at Chen Xinyu who was crying in his arms, Lin Mo also sighed helplessly, and then gently stroked her back with his hands.

Today's blow was too heavy for her.

First, I was kidnapped and almost lost my life. After finally being rescued, I was suddenly told that my closest relative had cancer.

It is impossible for anyone to accept the blows one after another so quickly.

Besides, Chen Xinyu is only one.
"Lin Mo, do you think I'm very stupid? Grandpa has cancer, and I didn't know until today."

Chen Xinyu raised his head, his voice had become hoarse, and he looked at Lin Mo with the word self-blame written all over his face.

She always thought that Chen Guoxiong's poor health was just because of his old age, but she never thought that the reason was that he had cancer.

"This has nothing to do with you. It's your grandfather who wants to hide it. How can you blame it?"

Lin Mo shook his head and said something comforting to Chen Xinyu.

No wonder Ye Yan said before that Chen Guoxiong didn't have long to live, it turned out he had cancer.

Since Ye Yan knew the news, Chen Zhou must know it too, so the two of them would attack the unscrupulous Chen Xinyu.

It turned out that Chen Guoxiong could no longer threaten the two of them.

"No, I should have known that my grandfather was in poor health, so I should have accompanied him to the hospital for more checkups."

"Get treatment early, maybe."

As Chen Xinyu spoke, tears flowed from his eyes.

No matter how sad a person is, it can only reach Chen Xinyu's current level.

Perhaps it is no longer possible to describe Chen Xinyu as sad. If Lin Mo hadn't been by her side all the time, it would be hard to imagine that she would do something stupid.

"Just now the doctor said that your grandfather refused the treatment, and it has nothing to do with you. Don't blame yourself so much."

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu quite unbearably, and now she wanted to put all the blame on herself.

As early as half a year ago, Chen Guoxiong knew that he had cancer.

The reason why he got to where he is today is also his own choice, and has nothing to do with Chen Xinyu.

Has not received treatment, maybe Chen Guoxiong does not want someone to know that he has cancer.

And if that person guessed right, it would be Chen Zhou!

To be continued

ps: ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for reward, ask for recommendation!

There is no one to thank in this chapter today, alas, I am so disappointed!

I heard that on a rainy day, chocolate and music go together better~
(End of this chapter)

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