Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 77 0771 stone 2 birds!

Chapter 77 077 Kills two birds with one stone!
After a few minutes.

On the already empty porcelain bowl, there is still a little unclean ginger juice.

Chen Xinyu hung on Lin Mo's back like an octopus. At this moment, she felt extremely satisfied, and the corners of her mouth showed a happy arc.

"I must be very tired after acting for so long just now." Lin Mo then jokingly said to Chen Xinyu.

"You used to feed me that way."

Chen Xinyu snorted softly and bit his ear dissatisfied.

I have to say that Lin Mo was really straight just now. He had hinted so many times, but he was still unmoved and fed her soup with a ladle.

In the past, I knew how to feed myself soup without hinting.

The ladle is simply superfluous, and the hard one is not as good as Lin Mo feeding her himself.

"I'm satisfied now."

Lin Mo glanced at Chen Xinyu helplessly.

Sure enough, don't guess what the girl is thinking, because you can't figure it out at all. Who would have thought that Chen Xinyu said it was hot just now, and wanted Lin Mo to feed her himself.

Even an immortal might not be able to react at that time.

Unless he was able to read minds, no one would have thought of Chen Xinyu's thoughts at the time.


Chen Xinyu shook his head, put his gaze on the corner of Lin Mo's mouth, and then stuck out his tongue
"Satisfied now."

After licking up the last few drops of ginger juice, Chen Xinyu nodded in satisfaction.

"Then when are you going to let me go?"

Lin Mo then asked Chen Xinyu with a smile on his face, and was slowly relieved to see that she was no longer as scared as before.

Fortunately, what happened to Ye Yan didn't hit her that hard, otherwise it would be a bit of a headache.

"I don't want to let go, what if you disappear again?"

Chen Xinyu suddenly felt wronged, and looked at Lin Mo with tears in his eyes.

The reason why she hugged Lin Mo tightly like an octopus was because she was afraid that he would suddenly disappear from her eyes just like in the dream.

It was as if the light in the darkness suddenly went out, and the straw that I thought was holding on to hope failed again, and I deeply understood the helplessness of falling from heaven to abyss.

Because not so long ago, she had experienced these things.

Although it was just a dream, the feeling brought by the dream was extremely real, even more real than reality.

"Fool, still thinking about the nightmare just now."

Lin Mo didn't know how to comfort Chen Xinyu again.

At first, she thought that she had forgotten the dream just now, but she didn't expect that it was just because of her own existence that she was not so afraid for the time being.

"I don't want you to disappear from my world."

Chen Xinyu choked up suddenly for some reason, and hugged Lin Mo's shoulders tightly with both hands.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a dream."

Lin Mo sighed helplessly, knowing that this blow would not be so easy for Chen Xinyu to forget.

At the same time, the killing intent towards Ye Yan became more and more intense.

If he hadn't used the meditation seal at the last moment to freeze time for a second, otherwise, no matter how fast he was, he would not be able to catch the hemp rope that was about to sink into the abyss.

"Ye Yan plans to tell your grandfather about kidnapping you?"

In order not to let Chen Xinyu be so obsessed with the dream just now, Lin Mo had no choice but to take the initiative to change the subject.

"You can't tell grandpa."

Chen Xinyu shook her head quickly after hearing Lin Mo's words.

"The reason?"

Lin Mo looked back at her suspiciously.

"Grandpa's health is very poor now, if we let him know the news, he will definitely."

Chen Xinyu said in a low tone.

When talking about Chen Guoxiong's physical condition, her eyes gradually lost their luster.

"Wouldn't it be too unfair to you if you didn't tell your grandpa all the time?" Lin Mo asked her after taking a deep breath.

Sure enough, even at this point, Chen Xinyu was still thinking about Chen Guoxiong, not thinking about herself.

This silly girl doesn't know what her little head is thinking, she only knows how to think about others, so she is cruel to herself.

"At least... I won't tell him about this until Grandpa's health has not improved."

Chen Xinyu insisted on her own thoughts and did not change because of Lin Mo's words.

Perhaps this is her character, both stubborn and simple, except for being too kind, it seems that she can't find any shortcomings in her.

Of course, kindness can sometimes be misinterpreted as cowardice.

"I advise you to tell your grandfather about this matter as soon as possible."


"Because this is not only about you, but also the entire Chen Group. Since Ye Yan chooses to cooperate with your second uncle, it means that he has betrayed your grandfather."

Lin Mo is obviously not as simple-minded as Chen Xinyu.

The reason why Ye Yan attacked her was because of the cooperation with Chen Zhou.

First he kidnapped Chen Xinyu, and then blamed Lin Mo on the suspicion of killing Chen Xinyu.

Although he is no longer the heir of the Lin Group, the stock of the Lin Group will definitely plummet because of this incident.

Chen Guoxiong's physical condition is not good. If he knows the news, he might be heartbroken.

Chen Zhou naturally became the sole heir of the Chen Group.

I have to say that the plan of the two is indeed good, killing two birds with one stone.

"Second uncle."

Chen Xinyu was stunned, not knowing how to refute Lin Mo.

If Ye Yan really cooperates with Chen Zhou, then Chen Zhou must also know about her kidnapping.

"Your second uncle is not as kind as you imagined."

"Even if you don't cooperate with Ye Yan, after your grandfather dies, he will definitely do something to you. It's just a matter of time."

Lin Mo also doesn't want Chen Xinyu to continue to be foolishly self-righteous, it's best to recognize the reality as soon as possible.

How could Chen Zhou's wolfish ambition be restrained because of her concession? It would only intensify.

She is pure and always thinks that as long as she gives up the position of president to Chen Zhou, the conflict can be resolved.

But you must know that Chen Xinyu has always been the granddaughter of Chen Guoxiong, and the blood of the Chen family flows in her veins.

Chen Zhou is quite an ambitious person, and he would not keep such a time bomb alive in this world to threaten himself.

The best way is to use Ye Yan's hand to get rid of Chen Xinyu like today, so as to avoid future troubles.

"My second uncle."

Chen Xinyu didn't know what to say at this time, her mind was in a state of chaos.

After all, today's blow was too great for her, and no one else could accept the reality so quickly.

"Think about it carefully. If you really don't want to tell your grandpa, then don't say it."

Lin Mo couldn't bear to keep pushing Chen Xinyu like this, so in the end he just smiled and said to her comfortingly, "As long as I'm here, no one will hurt you."


Chen Xinyu nodded after hearing this, and looked at Lin Mo very moved.

ps: Thanks to the son of Yushen, the stars are no longer in the sky, and the boss of Apocalypse for the reward, the boss is magnificent!
Special thanks to the son of Yushen for the reward, Lao Qiu is wet and crying.

I heard that on a rainy day, chocolate and music go together better~
(End of this chapter)

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