Chapter 75 075 Zen Seal!
"I'm not as stupid as you to think you can't recognize a mask if you're wearing one."

"You're right, Ye Yan!"

Lin Mo snorted coldly, looked at the masked man in front of him and said something.

When the masked man heard Lin Mo's words, his laughter stopped abruptly.

"How did you recognize it?"

Pulling off the black mask on his head, revealing his original face, it was indeed Ye Yan who had left the capital.

He frowned slightly, and looked at Lin Mo suspiciously.


Seeing that the masked man who took off his mask was Ye Yan, Lin Mo was not surprised.

As he thought, how could Ye Yan, the leading actor, leave Shanghai so easily, but he never thought that he would kidnap Chen Xinyu in such an extreme way.

At this moment, Lin Mo seems to be the hero who is rescuing the heroine, while Ye Yan, who is the pig's foot of the original book, has become a villain.

But in love, there is no such thing as a villain.

"It's boring."

Throwing away the mask and the voice changer on the collar, Ye Yan picked up the knife that fell on the ground.

"Aren't you afraid of being known by Chen Guoxiong if you kidnap Chen Xinyu?"

In order to find out Ye Yan's purpose, Lin Mo didn't act in a hurry, but asked suspiciously.


"Why should I be afraid?"

Ye Yan couldn't help laughing, and then looked at Lin Mo with an extremely distorted expression.

"Miss Chen's group accidentally fell to her death in Lin's group, and she found traces of binding. Do you think the old man will immediately think of who killed his precious granddaughter?"

"Is it me, the bodyguard who has left Shanghai?"

"Or you, the young master of the Lin family with ulterior motives?"

Ye Yan spoke out his plan very proudly.

He just wanted to throw Chen Xinyu off the tall building in front of Lin Mo, and then blame Lin Mo for the culprit who killed Chen Xinyu.

Everything was to be blamed on Chen Xinyu's ignorance of good and evil, so she had to hand herself over to Lin Mo.

He likes Chen Xinyu so much, why.
Why do you have to get together with Lin Mo? Thinking of the scene of the two lingering on the bed, Ye Yan's expression is crazy, as if he has lost his mind.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that the old man doesn't have long to live."

"If our Ye family wants to gain a firm foothold in Shanghai, we need the help of Mrs. Chen, but Chen Xinyu is a bitch."

As Ye Yan said, Yu Guang also glanced at Chen Xinyu's direction, and then continued to say to Lin Mo: "It is obviously impossible to use her, so I changed someone."

"Guess again, who did I choose?"

"Chen Zhou."

Lin Mo watched Ye Yan's performance quietly, and at the same time said his answer.

Apart from Chen Xinyu, the legal heir of the Chen Group, the only person who could control the Chen Group and help the Ye family gain a firm foothold in the capital city was Chen Zhou.

As long as Chen Guoxiong dies, Chen Zhou will have no resistance, and it is only a matter of time before he takes control of the Chen family.

Those shareholders are not worth mentioning to him.

"Yes, Chen Zhou has ambitions. As long as he is given enough benefits, he can help our Ye family break into the Demon City."

"He is easier to control than this bitch, not to mention you are beside this woman!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Yan almost frantically wanted to cut the hemp rope.

But before the blade touched the hemp rope, his wrist was hit hard, and his body took a few steps back in an instant.

"You must die today!"

Lin Mo looked at Ye Yan who was repelled by his kick, and his tone was extremely cold.

"Don't be ashamed!"

With a cold snort, Ye Yan skillfully wielded the knife and stabbed Lin Mo fiercely.

Although the plan was to blame Lin Mo for Chen Xinyu's death, he couldn't restrain his killing intent.

Block, dismantle.

Facing Ye Yan's menacing approach, Lin Mo didn't let his expression change, and blocked Ye Yan's knife cleanly.

Stick to the mountain!
Taking advantage of Ye Yan's free time, Lin Mo seized the opportunity to use the essence of Bajiquan and instantly knocked him into the air.

The two are not fighting at the same level at all.

It was just an ordinary hand-to-hand fight, Ye Yan was a little short of the fire, suffered a severe blow to the abdomen, and his expression instantly showed pain.

"How is it possible, you were not so strong last time."

Ye Yan clutched his stomach and looked at Lin Mo with difficulty, with disbelief in his eyes.

It's not that he hasn't fought Lin Mo before. The last time they were in a milk tea shop, the two had a conflict because of Chen Xinyu.

At that time, Ye Yan could clearly feel that Lin Mo's strength was almost the same as his own, and should be on the same level.

That is also the peak of Ming Jin.

But it was only one move at the moment, and Ye Yan was a little overwhelmed. His skill and speed were not Lin Mo's opponent at all.

Just that flaw, if the strength is equal.

Ye Yan had enough time to react and block, but Lin Mo didn't give him this chance at all.

The action was very fast, while blocking Ye Yan and finding a loophole to fight back.

"Have you figured out how to die?"

Lin Mo would not give Ye Yan any chance to breathe.

With a flash of stature, just as the opponent made a block movement, he lifted his foot and knocked him into the air on the pillars of the roof, referred to as Tianzhu for short.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Ye Yan collapsed and lay on the ground, as if he had completely lost consciousness.

Ding Dong!

mission completed!

Completion reward: Zen Seal! (special skill)

In the next second, a system notification sounded in Lin Mo's mind.

Seeing that the task was completed, Lin Mo walked towards Ye Yan without the slightest hesitation, and he understood the principle of cutting grass and roots.

Originally, he was worried about the influence of the Ye family, and didn't want to kill Ye Yan so early, who asked him to seek death by himself.

"Go to hell, bitch!"

Suddenly, Ye Yan opened his eyes suddenly, and threw the knife in his hand towards the hemp rope with all his strength.


As the hemp rope broke, Chen Xinyu had no support anymore, and the feeling of the extremely fast fall made her scream.

"court death!"

Lin Mo had no choice at all. If he chose to kill Ye Yan at this time, Chen Xinyu would definitely fall down the building.

Zen. Ding. India!
Seeing that the hemp rope was about to disappear, Lin Mo had no choice but to use the special skills rewarded by the system.

At this moment, the hands on the pocket watch stopped moving.

Time, freeze at this moment.

Ye Yan, who had been coughing up blood because of his injury, also stopped his movements, but within a second, he continued to cough dryly again.

The pocket watch on the ground also moved again, and the world returned to normal.

The special skill of Zen Dingyin is very abnormal, it can stop time, but it has a limit of only one second, and the cooling time is one day.

Lin Mo took advantage of this second gap, gave up the chance to kill Ye Yan, and instead grabbed the hemp rope that was about to disappear.

"The surname is Lin, I remember this kick."

As for Ye Yan hurriedly got up and fled to the stairwell, even though he was seriously injured, he did not forget to leave a harsh word before leaving.

"Hold on, I'll rescue you right away."

Lin Mo didn't bother Ye Yan anymore, but rescued Chen Xinyu from the abyss of the tall building.

He tore off the tape from his mouth, and at this moment his heart broke.

"Lin Mo!"


Chen Xinyu couldn't restrain the fear in her heart anymore, and threw herself into Lin Mo's arms and burst into tears.

In her arms, her body was still trembling slightly because of fear.

To be continued

ps: Thank you Yixi for your reward, the boss is so generous!
Sure enough, Lao Qiu was still not good at describing fighting scenes, and felt a little dissatisfied.

Forgive me, let's learn.

For this reason, I don’t need anything in this chapter, just don’t spray it.

(End of this chapter)

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