Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 68 068 A Lesson for Strange Men and Women!

Chapter 68 068 A Lesson for Strange Men and Women!

(ps: I am very grateful to Mo Lanweihai, Gao Mengfei, and Shenming for saying that she is worth the reward. Thank you very much to the three bosses!!!)
Lessons for wonderful men and women!

When the system issued this task to Lin Mo, he no longer looked at women with pure disgust.

Now it is at the threshold of bright energy entering dark energy.

It can be regarded as half a foot into the dark energy, but it is not completely in the category of dark energy.

If there is Hunyuan Pill as a supplementary drug, it must be able to step into the dark energy completely.

In the circle of warriors, Ming Jin and An Jin are completely in two states.

It can be explained that Jin is only for you to get a preliminary understanding of warriors, and Anjin is the real introduction!

"You dare to scold me for having problems with my eyes, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart!" When the woman heard Lin Mo's words, she still looked fierce and vicious.

It's hard to imagine how a man likes such a woman, or how the two have similar tastes.

"You can try."

Lin Mo looked at the woman in front of him with a sneer.

Although he doesn't like beating women, he has countless ways to make women disappear from this world.

But he wasn't bored enough to do this kind of thing just for one or two weirdos.

"Manager, they are the ones making trouble."

At this time, the salesperson just now led the manager out.

"You are the manager, I want to complain to her!"

When the woman saw the manager appear, she immediately turned her finger on Lin Mo to the salesperson.

"Hello, what do you want to complain about her?" The manager frowned and asked the woman.

Although he had just come out, the woman's voice was too loud, even though he could faintly hear her roar in the lounge.

A movie theater is a place for entertainment to pass the time.

Everyone came to watch the movie, but the voice of the woman completely affected the audience who were watching the movie in the auditorium.

"I'm going to complain about her lack of customer service."

At this time, the man on the side spoke up, and slowly walked up to the manager and said.

"Young Master Wang?"

When the manager saw the appearance of the man, he was stunned for a while, and then immediately said with an apologetic smile, "Why do you have time to watch a movie, who is this?"

"I am a woman."

The man glanced at the woman lightly.

"Hmph, husband, why don't we change to another movie theater, I didn't expect that the movie theater under the Lin Group's service is not as good as the legend says."

The woman stopped making noises, and pretended to be a little bird nestling in the man's arms.

Her change almost made the people around her sick.

"Alright, it seems that you have to talk to my dad carefully when you go back. The cooperation with the Lin Group really needs to be carefully considered!"

The man also frowned and shook his head in great disappointment.

"Where is this? Our theaters have always paid attention to service."

"Wang Shao is not satisfied with anything, just mention it, we will change it."

The manager was overwhelmed by the man's words, and quickly bent over to put on a gesture of admitting his mistake.

He's just the theater's divisional manager.

If it is really because of theater services that cause problems in group cooperation, he can't afford ten of them.

"This person said we jumped in line!"

Seeing the manager admitting his mistake humbly, the woman proudly pointed at the salesperson and accused: "This is slander, do we seem to be that kind of unqualified people, I need her to apologize to me!"

"no problem."

"Little Qiao, quickly apologize to this lady!"

The manager tugged at the sleeve of the salesperson's sister, signaling her to apologize to the woman immediately.

"Manager, she cut the queue, I'm not wrong, why should I apologize?"

The salesperson said to the manager very resistingly.

"Apologize first, we can't afford to offend the other party, and I will make it up to you later!"

The manager also knew that the salesperson was wronged, so he comforted her in a low voice.

Now it is not a question of who is right and who is wrong.

It is to let the woman calm down, only in this way will not affect the interests of the group.

"She did nothing wrong, why should she apologize?"

Lin Mo was no longer silent at this time, and went to the salesperson's sister to help her out.

Now that the system has issued tasks, he can't stay out of this matter.

Rescuing the salesperson's lady is just a matter of little effort.

"What kind of onion are you!"

The woman looked at Lin Mo with an unhappy expression, and cursed viciously.

The man on the side also set his eyes on Lin Mo, "It's none of your business here, it's best not to meddle in your own business!"

"You are Lin."

As for the manager, when he saw Lin Mo, he froze immediately, his eyes full of disbelief.

Seeing that the manager recognized him, Lin Mo shook his head slightly at him, signaling not to reveal his identity.

"Sorry, both of you, can you repeat what you just asked for?"

When Lin Mo appeared, the manager was no longer as humble as before, and looked at the woman and the man with his chest out.

Although Lin Mo is no longer the heir of the Lin Group, his identity is still there.

All the employees of the Lin Group basically knew that as long as Lin Mo wanted to, or simply succumbed to Father Lin, he could return to Lin at any time.

As a manager, although he is only a small person, he can still see the situation clearly.

The so-called Wang Shao is nothing compared to Lin Mo!
"You are deaf, I said I want her to apologize to me!"

"Sorry, this is a public place, please pay attention to civilized language!"

Now with Lin Mo's backing, the manager didn't spoil the woman this time, and reminded with a cold snort.

He has long been displeased with women's demeanor. If he hadn't been supported by a man, he would have called the security guards to drive the woman out.

"you sure?"

The man frowned when he heard the manager's words.

He didn't understand why the manager had changed so much. He was respectful to himself just now, and now he directly asked the woman to pay attention to his words.

It seems that since Lin Mo appeared, the manager no longer humbled himself, but was full of confidence.

The manager slightly raised the corner of his mouth and said to the man, "Young Master Wang, if you and your girlfriend are here to watch a movie, we welcome you at any time."

"But if you're just here to make trouble, please leave on your own."

"Is this the service attitude of your Lin's cinema?" The man's expression gradually darkened after listening to the manager's words.

"The service attitude of our Lin Cinema has always been the best in the industry. If Mr. Wang is dissatisfied, he can complain to the headquarters at any time!"

The manager smiled. With Lin Mo beside him, he didn't have to worry about whether the man would complain about him.

"Okay, that's what you said, I'll call your headquarters now!"

The man snorted coldly, took out his phone and was about to make a call.

"Don't waste your time."

At this time Lin Mo slowly opened his mouth and said something to the man.

As long as he said a word, no one in the entire Lin Group would drop their responsibilities to the manager. Although he was only the former heir, I believe no one would disrespect this.

After all, Father Lin is very old, and currently he has only one son, Lin Mo.

To be continued

ps: The next chapter is ready for a wave of fantasy linkage!
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I heard that on rainy days, one-click four-game is more suitable!

(End of this chapter)

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