Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 5 005 Contact the heroine!

Chapter 5 005 Contact the heroine!

"Boss, did you come up with these ideas yourself?"

Zhang Ming looked at Lin Mo with respect.

He is the one who knows Lin Mo's true identity, and he has also seen the statement of the Lin Group.

Without the halo of being the heir of the Lin family, he thought Lin Mo would just sink down, but he didn't expect this to bring him such a big surprise.

Zhang Ming admired Lin Mo, who was young but full of business vision, more and more.

As long as they seize the opportunity and make up for the domestic e-commerce market, they can skyrocket and become the largest e-commerce platform in China.

"That's right, from now on, all the company's business research will be put aside first, and we will strive to develop Yuntao and Hungry Bar."

Lin Mo immediately gave instructions to Zhang Ming and others.

"Yes, boss!"

Zhang Ming quickly said yes, and the rest of the executives also echoed.

Seeing this, Lin Mo nodded secretly in his heart, then got up and planned to leave the company.

Establishing an e-commerce company is just a means for him to dominate the business world.

Now he is the man who wants to be the biggest villain.

"By the way, don't reveal my identity to the outside world, everything is kept secret."

Just as Lin Mo walked out of the conference room, he turned and said something to Zhang Ming and the others.

Now is the time for Mu Sheng to make a fortune, and he doesn't want others to know his cards so quickly.

So Waiting will leave the company, and he is going to change jobs while hiding his power while waiting for the plot to start.

As a qualified villain boss, he must surprise everyone with his final appearance.

It's no fun if the protagonist sees him as the villain too quickly.

Now he just needs to watch Jiang Li's performance quietly.

As long as Jiang Li's ambition is big enough, she will definitely confront the Chen family where the protagonist and heroine belong.

And he only needs to watch the battle silently behind his back, and wait for the necessary moment before making a move.

He also believed that Jiang Li would definitely confront the Chen Group, because that's how the plot of the novel was written.

"Don't worry, boss, they are all carefully selected by me, and they will never reveal the identity of the boss to the outside world!"

Zhang Ming understood Lin Mo's thoughts in an instant. It can be seen that his thinking is quick enough, and his predecessor was really relieved to choose him as the CEO of the company.

"That's good, I will come to the company every month in the future, you all work hard!"

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he didn't stay any longer, and left Yunfeng Technology Company in a hurry after walking out of the conference room.

Although he is no longer the heir of the Lin Group, there are still many eyes staring at him. What he has to do now is to use illusions to confuse these annoying eyes.

As for how to confuse these eyes, Lin Mo already has a very good plan in mind, which is to open a milk tea shop.

Of course, the main reason why Lin Mo wants to open a milk tea shop is to trigger the plot of the heroine besides confusing others.

In the novel, Chen Xinyu is a girl who loves to drink milk tea, so Lin Mo can be considered as good as she is.

Using his mastery of the plot, Lin Mo can get in touch with Chen Xinyu without anyone noticing and gain her trust.

He knew that Chen Xinyu also had a special hobby, that is, after finishing work every night, he would drive for a stroll.

Lin Mo just happened to be able to set up a shop as a milk tea shop during this journey.

As soon as he said it, after Lin Mo returned to his seaside villa, he immediately ordered a storefront through an intermediary, and at the same time notified the decoration team to speed up the decoration.


A week later.

"Mr. Chen, it's nine o'clock, you should go back and rest!"

At this time, in the office of the president of the Chen Group.

A young man reminded the hostess who was working on the desk.

The man's name is Ye Yan, and the heroine is naturally Chen Xinyu.

"It's finally over."

After hearing Ye Yan's words, Chen Xinyu didn't react to it, but let out a long breath slowly.

"If you think it's late, go back first."

Afterwards, Chen Xinyu looked at Ye Yan with some displeasure and said.

She really couldn't understand why grandpa would send such a person by her side to be her bodyguard.

"No, your grandfather told you that I must always be by your side."

Ye Yan immediately replied to Chen Xinyu, and at the same time glanced at Chen Xinyu aggressively.

Not to mention, the capital is quite sufficient, and the proud s-curve is comparable to those foreign girls.

For Ye Yan's gaze, Chen Xinyu was disgusted to the extreme, and said to him with an ugly expression:
"Have you seen enough, disgusting!"

After speaking, she picked up her bag and prepared to leave the company.

Originally, she was in a good mood today, but it was all ruined by Ye Yan in front of her.

If Grandpa hadn't forced her to keep Ye Yan, she would have told her to leave long ago.

Ye Yan didn't pay attention to Chen Xinyu's words, but walked out of the company together.

"Ye, can you stop following me?"

Seeing Ye Yan sticking to her like a dog's skin plaster, Chen Xinyu felt annoyed in her heart. She, who has always had a good temper, finally couldn't help but swear when faced with such a rascal.

"Mr. Chen, your grandfather said so."

"Can you stop mentioning my grandpa all the time!"

Chen Xinyu yelled at Ye Yan angrily. After yelling, she sat in her own car and locked the door with one button, refusing to give Ye Yan a chance to get in the car.

"Go back by yourself!"

"I'm not going back tonight!"

Chen Xinyu said something to Ye Yan coldly, and then drove the car towards the road.

She just wanted to protest to her grandfather in this way, if Ye Yan didn't leave for a day, she wouldn't go back to live for a day.

As for Ye Yan, after Chen Xinyu drove away, he took out his mobile phone in a completely calm manner, and then showed a confident smile.

The red dot on the phone is exactly the location!

Chen Xinyu, who was driving the car, was wandering aimlessly on the road.

She didn't want to go home and see the hateful Ye Yan, but she didn't have a sense of belonging in her heart, so she didn't know where to go.

Suddenly, she saw a milk tea shop on the side of the road.

She, who has always been fond of drinking milk tea, was moved suddenly, parked her car on the side of the road, and walked towards the milk tea shop.


When Chen Xinyu walked into the milk tea shop, Lin Mo stood at the bar and greeted her.

At this time, Lin Mo was dressed as a waiter.

"You are Lin Mo?"

When Chen Xinyu saw Lin Mo's face clearly, there was an incredible look in his eyes.

As the eldest lady of the Chen Group, she naturally knows Lin Mo, or in this circle, they are basically acquaintances and know each other.

Lin Mo also recognized Chen Xinyu at this time. He didn't expect that the decoration was completed and opened today, and the first customer met him by such a coincidence.

Ding Dong!

Trigger the plot and meet the heroine by chance!
Task: Increase the favorability!

Completion reward: Obtain 1% of the personal shares of the Chen Group.

(End of this chapter)

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