Chapter 555 It's enough
Yuan Hesan's smile made everyone's hearts tremble slightly.

They knew that Yuan Hesan was really angry.

So what if you get angry?
Could it be that Yuan Hesan really dared to fight against most of the entertainment industry?

Here, the heads of several major theater chains are here, and the heads and agents of several major distribution companies are also present, as are film and television companies.

Not to mention him, Yuan Hesan, even his master, Ye Beichen, would not dare to do this!

Zhao Hechun smiled and glanced at Yuan Hesan, secretly delighted.

Yuan Hesan was willing to come, and was able to withstand a wave of ridicule but did not dare to refute. It seemed that he was ready to be slaughtered.

That being the case...

Zhao Hechun glanced at the two pieces of paper on the table, removed the top one casually, and handed the bottom piece of paper to Wang Huacheng instead.

Wang Huacheng and Zhao Hechun looked at each other calmly, everything has been tacitly understood.

The two pieces of paper were discussed last night.

There is no change in the interests of others.

The only difference between the two papers is the division of interests in the future theater chains.

The one above can be regarded as a lot of sweetness for future theaters.

They planned to take it out to appease Yuan Hesan's strong reaction.

But now, there is no need to appease.

"Cough cough."

Wang Huacheng cleared his throat, and said loudly, "Yesterday...ahem, this morning, we have already discussed the situation of the next quarter clearly. I think everyone has no opinions, right?"

Speaking of this, he glanced at the crowd, and when he saw Yuan Hesan, his pupils shrank.

He saw the mockery on Yuan Hesan's face.

Could it be that Yuan Hesan still has a backup?

Wang Huacheng thought about it for a moment, gave up the idea of ​​picking up a backup plan, snorted softly, and said, "Now let me announce the situation. In the next season, various film and television companies are planning to release a total of 41 films."

"This number has far exceeded the capacity of the theater chain. That is to say, the theater chain cannot carry so many movie screenings in the first quarter. Therefore, everyone's opinion is that eleven of them have already entered post-production. The movie will be released in March."

"I also hope that all theaters can obey the overall situation. The movies released this month should preferably be released within this month. If there is a theater this month that cannot handle the audience, you can ask other theaters for help. I Believe me, colleagues don’t have to be enemies, they can also help each other. Haha..."

Following Wang Huacheng's hearty laughter, the whole audience unconsciously looked at Yuan Hesan.

Even though Yuan Hesan was mentally prepared, he was almost so angry that he slapped Wang Huacheng.

Can you be any more shameless?

Which theater chain in Wang Huacheng's words, isn't he talking about his future theater chain?

Now, all theaters across the country, large and small, not to mention deserted, only have three or two kittens.Only in the future theater chain, the business is booming, and it is difficult for the audience to buy tickets for the next day, and the supply has reached the point where the demand exceeds the supply.

What Wang Huacheng said was so nice.

While demanding that the popular "The Song of the Immortals" end this month, he asked other people... for help?help?

Wanting to share money, but still say such shameless words.

Yuan Hesan can't wait to spit on him!
However, Yuan Hesan did nothing, but smiled slightly, turning a blind eye to everyone's gaze.

Seeing this, Wang Huacheng, Zhao Hechun and others frowned.

They were waiting for Yuan and San to talk!
Yuan and San didn't speak, they couldn't help but speak.

Wang Huacheng coughed lightly, looked at Yuan Hesan, and asked gently, "Mr. Yuan, do you need help for your theaters in the future?"


Yuan Hesan's answer made Wang Huacheng unable to answer the conversation.

On the side, Guan Mingbo, the president of Huaying Films, looked down, and said in a cold voice: "Mr. Yuan, your theater chain will only have [-] theaters in the future, which will not be able to meet the audience's requirements at all. Could it be that you just watch the box office slip away? Or, You're not going to act according to everyone's decision?"

The film company responded positively to this meeting, not because of anything else, but because "The Song of Immortals" touched their interests!

It is in their interest to let "The Song of the Immortals" be released in advance, and it is worthy of their appearance!

It was Yuan Hesan who responded to Guan Mingbo with a slight smile, and said three words: "The first one."

As soon as these three words came out, everyone was puzzled.

What do you mean?
"Yuan Hesan, Boss Guan is asking you a serious question. What do you mean by answering the wrong question? Do you not take us present seriously?"

Yuan He San followed the sound, and when he saw the woman speaking, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "The second one."

Wu Ying, the general manager of Yinhuang Films, has always been with Huaying.

Hearing the inexplicable answer again, Wu Ying's face turned cold, and she scolded: "Yuan Hesan, do you really think we are not in your eyes? Isn't your future theater chain a part of our alliance?"

Yuan and San shrugged their shoulders, and didn't bother to look at each other anymore, but turned their eyes to other people.

He is waiting, waiting for the third film and television company to appear.

Ye Beichen made it very clear that he had to write down the film and television companies that dared to jump out, and then stepped on them hard!

Only two jumped out, but Ye Beichen stepped on it with one toe.

At this time, everyone noticed Yuan Hesan's strangeness, and no one said anything, but looked at Wang Huacheng and Guan Mingbo on the rostrum.

Guan Mingbo was ignored by Yuan Hesan, and his anger gradually rose in his heart.

At this time, Wang Huacheng coughed lightly, and said again: "Mr. Yuan, everyone is thinking about your future theaters and Xianchen Film and Television. Think about it, there are only eighteen days left until the end of this month. Even if your future The theaters are full every day until the end of the month, how much box office can "The Song of Immortals" get?"

"80 billion." Yuan Hesan answered without the slightest delay.

As soon as the word 80 billion came out, Wang Huacheng's voice suddenly fell silent when he was ready.

And the others all looked at Yuan Hesan in shock, with fiery expressions in their eyes.

"The Song of Immortals" has only been released for three days, and by the end of the month, it has only been 21 days.

21 days, 80 billion box office, too scary, right?
Where is this movie?It's clearly a money printing machine!

No, "The Song of the Immortals" cannot be screened like this, otherwise, they won't even be able to drink soup!

"Mr. Yuan, we can help with the cinema line. We only need [-] points of box office share."

"Mr. Yuan, the theaters of our era can also help, and they only need [-] points of box office share."

"Mr. Yuan, our Giant Cinemas also..."

The directors of several theaters stood up impatiently, and even Wang Huacheng and Zhao Hechun were a little ready to move.

However, Yuan Hesan was unmoved.

"Yuan Hesan, what do you mean?"

Finally, another person in charge of a film and television company stood up——Zheng Macheng of Tianying Film and Television.

Following Zheng Macheng's words, the two directors of the film and television company stood up one after another.

"Yuan Hesan, do you intend to obey the arrangement? Do you want to eat alone?"

"Mr. Yuan, you can't go your own way. Isn't there a shortage of movies in the theaters in the future? Xianchen Film and Television, do you want to complete a movie by yourself?"

What responded to them was Yuan Hesan's smile.

"Third, fourth, fifth, that's enough. Who else?"

(End of this chapter)

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