The strongest god in the city

Chapter 518 Hukou TV goes public

Chapter 518 Hukou TV goes public
Hukou TV is not the first live broadcast platform listed in the United States, but it is definitely the live broadcast platform with the most potential market value.

Therefore, in addition to the reporters brought by Hukou TV, there are also many domestic media who went to the United States to conduct a live broadcast of Hukou TV's listing.

"Friends in the audience, I am currently on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange in the United States."

"Friends from the audience, the current time is ten o'clock in the morning in the United States. Now the stock exchange is undergoing a tense securities underwriting process. Brokers from all over the world will bid for the underwriting of Hukou TV's stock. Later, the public IPO will be held .”

"Friends from the audience, it's still early. Let me take you back to Hukou TV President's trip to Nass IPO. Seven days ago, President Qian Shaocheng arrived at Nass with the tripartite shareholders of Red Mountain Capital, Yunzhong Fund and Star Fund. State, submit the IPO qualification review. Three days ago, the qualification review was passed. The day before yesterday and yesterday, President Qian Shaocheng conducted roadshows and online roadshows respectively. President Qian Shaocheng's demeanor convinced everyone!"

"By the way, I forgot to tell everyone that in this IPO of Hukou TV, shareholders will sell 30% of the shares in total. One billion shares will be issued to the public, and each share will be priced at US$2! The pricing alone is destined to exceed 400 billion in the market value of Hukou TV! Then What will the final market value of Hukou TV be? Let’s wait and see!”

At this time, there are countless pairs of eyes all over the world fixed on the live broadcast of Hukou TV.Among them, Huaxia is the most.

When they heard that the market value of Hukou TV will exceed 400 billion, most people showed doubts.

"Qian Shao, what's the situation? We financed Hukou TV at a valuation of 500 billion yuan, and now the market value is only 400 billion yuan. Aren't we losing money?"

In the Yunqi clubhouse, Chen Luo, who was also watching the live broadcast, stood up in shock.

As soon as these words came out, the mocking look on Yun Feiqian's face disappeared instantly.

He waved his hand, motioned Chen Luo to sit down, and then explained with a smile: "That's not how the account is calculated. The current price is 2 dollars per share, but isn't it underwriting by a broker? According to the usual practice, the underwriting of a broker is over. Saying more, there will definitely be a share of $3. At that time, the public offering will not be lower than $4 a share.”

"$4 a share!"

Chen Luo, who had just sat down, stood up again and shouted excitedly: "If it's $4 a share, then the market value is higher than 800 billion. Don't we make a fortune!"

As soon as this remark came out, both Zhao Zhaohui and Lin Ruoyuan showed joyful expressions.

However, Yun Feiqian's face darkened.

He glanced at the crowd coldly, and said solemnly: "Our goal is to nibble away at Hukou TV step by step until we completely take down Hukou TV. If you just want to make a quick buck, then our cooperation ends here Let's end."

When everyone heard this, they panicked.

"No, Qian Shao, I'm just joking."

"That's right, Young Master Qian. Chen Luo was just excited for a while. The matter is of great importance. He will definitely not act recklessly."

"Yes, Young Master Qian, our goal is the entire Hukou TV from beginning to end, and we will never act recklessly for short-term interests."

Yun Feiqian's eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one, and then he snorted coldly: "Hmph, this is the best. Otherwise, don't blame me for changing partners!"

While everyone was talking, Chen Dingfeng was staring at the computer in a villa in Shanghai, silent.

Beside him, a woman squeezed out a smile: "Old Chen, I can't blame you. No one thought that Hukou TV could develop to such an extent in just a few months. Qian Shaocheng is a capable person." .”

"Yeah... I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, Qian Shaocheng is indeed a capable person, but the truly remarkable person is Ye Beichen! Knowing people and using them well, completely delegating power, I, Chen Dingfeng, can't compare in my life. well……"

Chen Dingfeng, who shook his head and sighed, was the former owner of Hukou TV.It was him who sold Hukou TV to Ye Beichen.

It only cost him hundreds of millions to create Hukou TV.At that time, he changed hands and earned back several times. He even secretly rejoiced that he made more than one billion yuan when he changed hands.

But now, he has no other thoughts except regret.

But if he is given another chance, he may not sell Hukou TV, but he will never completely delegate power to Qian Shaocheng.

The ending still cannot be changed.

In Binjing City, in Xian'er's villa, Ye Beichen was lying on the big bed in the bedroom.On both sides of him, Xian'er and Rong Mengya were leaning on his shoulders.

Looking carefully, the flush after the passion was still on the faces of the two of them.

Ye Beichen stroked the two of them with both hands, but his eyes were looking at the screen in front of him.

What he watched was also the live broadcast of Hukou TV's launch.

"Haohuang, should I also buy some shares of Hukou TV?" Rong Mengya asked cautiously.

Ye Beichen glanced at her in surprise, and asked with a half-smile, "What? Mengya has become a little rich woman and wants to invest?"

After the filming of "The Song of the Immortals", Rong Mengya received a salary of 1000 million yuan and became a veritable little rich woman.

Rong Mengya gave Ye Beichen a white look, and said in a low voice, "I heard that the faster a stock is listed and sold, the faster the stock price rises. I just thought that investing 1000 million may help you a little bit."

Sensing Rong Mengya's sincerity, Ye Beichen pinched Rong Mengya's small face, kissed her hard, and then said with a smile: "You should keep your money for shopping. Don't worry, we don't need you for the stock issue." Worrying."


Rong Mengya nodded with a half understanding, still confused.

Ye Beichen was right, they really didn't need to worry about the stock issue.

While they were talking, the last round of underwriting for Hukou TV stock on the Nass Stock Exchange had ended.

"Come out, come out."

"President Qian has come out."

"Looking at Qian Zong's happy face, the price must not be low."

"Quick, let me in, I want to buy Hukou TV stock!"

At this time, a reporter squeezed to the front, stretched out the microphone and shouted: "President Qian, after securities underwriting, what is the final stock price of Hukou TV?"

Hearing the reporter's question, Qian Shaocheng and others stopped in their tracks.

Qian Shaocheng smiled slightly, and said, "Miguo and his party finally lived up to Young Master Ye's expectations. As for the stock price, let's wait and see."

Qian Shaocheng and others left, and a group of reporters and stockholders rushed into the stock exchange immediately.And all over the world, countless long-awaited investors are checking the stock price of Hukou TV.

When they found the stock price of Hukou TV according to the stock code of Hukou TV, they were all stunned.


3.25 US dollars per share, which is approximately equal to 21 Huaxia coins, and 10 billion shares equals 210 billion Huaxia coins.And this is 30% of the shares.Isn't the overall market value more than 700 billion?
What's more, the public offering has only just begun!
(End of this chapter)

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