The strongest god in the city

Chapter 290 One table is low-key

Chapter 290
"Table one, 500 million!"

"Table five, 6000 million!"

"No.13 table, 500 million!"

"Table 36, 7000 million!"

"Table 21, 500 million!


Just as Zhao Yuanxin made an offer, he was quickly suppressed.

To be precise, since Li Xin announced his bid, his mouth has not stopped at all.

That guy, as if he had a machine gun in his mouth, didn't stop at all.

Seeing that the price had exceeded [-] million, Zhao Yuanxin, who originally wanted to get in, could only return with a wry smile.

There are still so many people competing for 2 million, and his funds are not much more than [-] million. Is there still a chance to continue to raise cards?
Ye Beichen has been paying attention to Zhao Yuanxin's expression. Seeing his wry smile, he smiled: "Brother Zhao, I remember you said that you have taken a fancy to two lands. The previous one has been photographed by others, and now this one..."

"Brother Ye, don't mock me. This land... I am powerless! It seems that I can only return empty-handed this time. Sigh..."

Zhao Yuanxin let out a long sigh, looking very unwilling.

Seeing this, Ye Beichen tried again: "Brother Zhao, tell me, if you take this land, how much can you earn?"

"Make money? If you want to make money, you have to have money to invest."

Zhao Yuanxin shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "According to my plan, in addition to land purchase, we need to invest about [-] to [-] million yuan. Of course, we can also sell off-plan houses to raise this fund. The entire construction period is from the start of construction to It takes about a year to a year and a half to make a profit. As for the profit... I'll show you the bottom line, probably... this number."

As Zhao Yuanxin said, he looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he quietly extended a slap.

"Five hundred million?"


Zhao Yuanxin nodded emphatically, and said in a low voice, "It's about [-] million. However, after excluding some expenses, it's about [-] million to [-] million."

"Hiss... so many!"

Ye Beichen gasped, cursing inwardly.

Developing a community can actually earn so much.

Except for a god like him who can't look down on him, Ye Beichen feels that in this world, almost no one can look down on hundreds of millions.

Pharaoh?Isn't Lao Wang still making a lot of money by developing real estate in one city after another?

Ye Beichen looked down on the profit of several hundred million in two years, but he didn't want to give up this huge market.

As one of the important economic industries, the real estate market is also a part of his planned financial empire, and it is not a small part.

Think about it, how rewarding is it to build a community in a remote place, complete with supporting facilities, and immediately make the area prosperous?
"Oh, what a pity..." Ye Beichen sighed softly.

A soft sigh seemed to poke Zhao Yuanxin's heart directly.

He also let out a long sigh, then raised his brows suddenly, and quickly asked, "Brother Ye, I think you have sufficient funds, how about... let's cooperate?"

What you've been waiting for!

Even though he thought so, Ye Beichen still pretended to be a little worried and said, "But I... am not familiar with this business at all."

"It doesn't matter. My former partner, Lao Li, is also unfamiliar. He doesn't have to take care of things. He arranges a finance company to enter the company and distribute dividends according to the project. Brother, brother, I really won't cheat you!"

Zhao Yuanxin's voice was a little anxious.

"Is that so..."

Ye Beichen was still "hesitating".

"Brother, I know you want to save some money to build a factory on the next piece of land. My brother assures you that that piece of land is worth [-] million yuan. You only need to spend [-] million yuan, and this piece of land will be ours. It’s in the pockets of the two brothers!”

"[-] million? Brother, how much do you take?"

Zhao Yuanxin didn't even think about it, and replied directly: "You pay [-] million, and I will pay for the rest."

"That can't be done." Ye Beichen smiled slightly and shook his head.


Zhao Yuanxin was a little confused.

Ye Beichen smiled, and said, "Since it's a cooperation, we can't be so casual. I think we can cooperate to develop this real estate and take shares according to the proportion. Of course, if you contribute and share dividends, you have the advantage."

"Okay! Lao Li and I have always invested four or six, and he will give me half of the profit. What do you think?"

Four or six inputs, that is four or six points.Let half of it, that is, Ye Beichen invests four, can get [-]% of the net profit.


"Okay, then it's all up to my brother. I will pay [-]% and take [-]% of the pure profit."

"Okay! Just do it!"

Zhao Yuanxin yelled excitedly, and then asked with some expectation: "The funds..."

"Brother, just make an offer, and the funds are sufficient."

Ye Beichen smiled and patted his chest.

"it is good!"

Zhao Yuanxin did not have the slightest doubt.Ye Beichen even dared to report more than 2 million yuan. Could it be possible to lose his more than [-] million yuan?

He couldn't wait to raise the placard, his hands were trembling because of excitement.

Even though he sensed that something was wrong, he forgot everything because of his excitement.

It wasn't until a long time later, when he drank with Ye Beichen, and recalled today's scene, that he suddenly realized that he was seduced by Ye Beichen!

But at that time, Ye Beichen had already become an existence that he looked up to, and he also became famous because of Ye Beichen.He could only be grateful for Ye Beichen's persuasive guidance.

No further words.

"Table 36, 3000 million and [-] million!"

Hearing Li Xin's voice, Ye Beichen and Zhao Yuanxin realized that the price had already increased by 500 million in the short time they talked!

Fifty-five million yuan, this is a commercial residence.One dollar more, and one dollar less.

But earning less is better than earning nothing, right?
"Table one, 500 million."

"No.13 table, 4000 million."

"No.19 table, 500 million."


Looking at the ever-increasing prices, the heat still persisted. Zhao Yuanxin raised his placard, but he still didn't raise it in the end.

Just when Ye Beichen was puzzled, Zhao Yuanxin shook his head: "Forget it, let them play first. When the price goes up, all that should be refunded will be refunded. Let's play again!"

The bidding war lasted for a full 2 ​​minutes, and finally slowed down when the price reached [-] million.

It seems that [-] million is a watershed, and [-]% of the companies have not crossed it, but only the Big Mac has passed.

Snatching food from the Big Mac's mouth, Ye Beichen said...he likes it very much.

"Table one, 1000 million."

"No.13 table, 500 million."

"5000 million!"

A sudden voice suddenly remembered, shaking the entire hall.

5000 million?A price increase of 500 million?


They followed the sound and saw Zhao Yuanxin standing up with a smile on his face.

This table again!
Could it be that the rich people gathered at the last table to pretend to be low-key?

But this performance is completely out of line with being low-key!

(End of this chapter)

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