The strongest god in the city

Chapter 267 It's rare for you to say something

Chapter 267 You Rarely Speak Human Words

"Shrimp? Mission completed?"

Ye Beichen stepped into the gate of Yulongji with one foot, and just lifted the other foot, when he heard the system's prompt, he froze on the spot.

Ye Beichen said that he was very confused, he obviously didn't do anything, how could the task be completed?

Is it because he closed the car door so handsomely?

Or is his walking pace too aggressive?

Looking around, only a few people looked at him suspiciously, and then looked away, where is the invisibility pretending to be?

Or, these people are just pretending, but they really want to fall at his feet?
Ye Beichen inspected it suspiciously, and finally confirmed that they were not pretending.

"System, what's going on?"

Ye Beichen asked in his heart as he walked into Yulongji.

"Host, Zhu Jiazhen is pretending to be B, and the reason why Zhu Jiazhen dared to pretend to be B is because of your power. In just 10 minutes, Zhu Jiazhen completed the passive and active pretending to be B, all because of your power. And , Zhu Jiazhen’s last initiative to pretend to be B was to pretend to be for you. Zhu Jiazhen already regarded you as omnipotent in his heart. Before the person arrives, the force has already been achieved, this is the most deadly pretend to be B.”

Ye Beichen suddenly realized.

Although he didn't know what Zhu Jiazhen had done, he roughly guessed something from the system's words.

"Jia Zhen really got the hang of it, hahaha!"

With a big laugh, Ye Beichen stepped upstairs.

The waiters or customers who were a little confused just downstairs rolled their eyes.

Just now they felt that something was wrong with Ye Beichen, but now they actually made themselves laugh.

Could it be a fool?

Ye Beichen naturally didn't know, others were still slandering him behind his back.

Following the guidance of a waiter, Ye Beichen came to the private room where the classmates reunited, and stretched out his hand to open the door.

The slight "creaking" sound attracted almost everyone's attention.

And these gazes look... a little weird.

"Why? Is it a bit too much to welcome me so much?"

Ye Beichen chuckled and walked into the private room.

"Brother Ye, you're here, I'll go and tell the kitchen to start cooking."

When Zhu Jiazhen saw Ye Beichen, he quickly stood up and was about to walk out the door.

Ye Beichen reached out his hand to stop him, and said, "Don't worry, I just came here."

"The dishes are ready, just wait for you, Brother Ye."

After Zhu Jiazhen finished speaking, he walked straight to the door.

As soon as he left, the hatred that Xiu Zhiming had hidden earlier was gradually revealed.

With Zhu Jiazhen in charge, he might not dare to mess around in the name of cultivation.But Zhu Jiazhen is not here, what has he to be afraid of?
Yang Qi?Yang Qi has always been a good girl who doesn't want to offend others.

"Yeah, Young Master Ye, rare guest, rare guest, welcome."

If Ye Beichen hadn't seen the sarcasm on Xiu Zhiming's face, he would have almost believed that Xiu Zhiming really welcomed him.

"A rare guest? You're not the host, and I'm not a guest. Where did the rare guest come from?"

Ye Beichen smiled disdainfully, found an empty seat at random and sat down.

Xiu Zhiming's eyes narrowed for a moment, he laughed and said, "Young Master Ye is Young Master Ye, always speak so flamboyantly."

"You don't need to be so weird, otherwise, I thought you were a eunuch. Why? Broke?"

As soon as this remark came out, whoever took the lead gave a "puchi" smile, and the others couldn't help laughing out loud, and quickly covered their mouths.

Xiu Zhiming was stunned, and suddenly realized that his experience was not a secret, someone must have spread it privately!

It turned out that they were all pretending!
At this moment, Xiu Zhiming was ashamed and angry, and glared at Ye Beichen angrily.

Ye Beichen didn't even look at him, he just poured a cup of tea and took a sip before looking at Bai Ze.

"Bai Ze, what's the matter? You don't recognize me?"

Hearing this, Bai Ze, who had been standing silently by the side, scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "Brother Ye, I don't know anyone, and I can't help but know you."

"Haha, you are the only one who can talk, and you will have to leave later."

"One word." Bai Ze responded.

At this time, Xiu Zhiming suddenly thought of what happened before, rolled his eyes, and said, "Bai Ze, isn't your family's business in trouble? Now that Ye Shaoke is here, don't miss the opportunity."

Hearing this, Bai Ze frowned in disgust.

You don't want to help in the name of Xiu, so forget it, why make things difficult for Ye Beichen?
Who doesn't know that Ye Beichen's family has fallen, and now he can't protect himself.

Moreover, Xiu's name is not separated from the word "Ye Shao", the irony is too obvious.

Before Bai Ze could say anything, Ye Beichen's heart moved, and he asked, "Bai Ze, I remember that your family is in the business of basic building materials, right?"

"Yes, Young Master Ye has a good memory, and Baize's home is made of basic building materials!"

Seeing that Ye Beichen really took the bait, Xiu Zhiming shouted impatiently.

Bai Ze gave Xiu Zhiming a vicious look, and said, "Brother Ye, it's nothing serious, I don't need to bother you."

"Hey, Bai Ze, when did you get so loud? I remember that the building materials in your home were seriously unsalable, the capital chain was broken, and the creditors blocked the door several times. It turns out that this is not a big deal in your heart." " Xiu Zhiming sarcastically said with a foreign accent.

Ye Beichen frowned, and immediately asked, "Bai Ze, is he telling the truth?"

"Of course it's the truth. This matter has spread in the circle." Xiu Zhiming still spoke with sarcasm.

Ye Beichen frowned, ignored Xiu's name, and asked again, "Bai Ze, what's going on?"

Seeing Ye Beichen put on a posture of asking questions, Bai Ze sighed softly and told the story.

It turned out that Bai Ze's family had been doing basic building materials business.What board, cement, small hardware, etc., business has been very prosperous.

But a few months ago, a batch of cement in his family had a big problem, which caused the newly built house to become a dilapidated house.

This is terrible, not to mention the compensation, the reputation will be greatly damaged.Many customers were even worried about problems, cut off cooperation with the Bai family, and even returned the goods.

For the Baijia business, part of the purchase is paid in cash, and the rest is settled according to the account period.

But the goods are piled up in the warehouse, and no one cares about them. Where does the capital flow come from?
As soon as the billing period came, the supplier came to the door, exacerbating the crisis of the Bai family.

Over the past few months, the Bai family has looked for connections everywhere, and even promised huge profits, but they have not opened up any sales.

After listening to Bai Ze's narration, the students were silent except for Xiu's name to gloat over his misfortune.

They may sympathize with Bai Ze, but they can't help at all.

No one has a million dollars, and it won't make a splash if it is smashed in.

"Young Master Ye, I remember that you and Bai Ze have a very good relationship. I think you should help him."

Seeing Ye Beichen frowning and remaining silent, Xiu Zhiming immediately struck while the iron was hot.

Don't you have a good face?Aren't you being loyal?
Then you can help!

"Brother Ye, don't bother you about this matter, my family has already contacted..."

Bai Ze was about to say something, but Ye Beichen waved his hand, turned to look at Xiu Zhiming, and said, "It's rare for you to speak human words. Yes, I really should help. Bai Ze, give me a card number. Just in time, I also need some building materials."

 Second more.

  Thanks to MM Dragon 399 for the reward, thanks to Hehe, Social Shake i100 for the reward, and thanks to Hanbing 99 for the reward.

  That... the mind was so fuzzy that it took a few hours to write a chapter.I owe a chapter first, and make it up tomorrow.Feel sorry……

(End of this chapter)

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