The strongest god in the city

Chapter 255 I'm Sorry If It's Helpful

Chapter 255 I'm Sorry If It's Helpful

Outside Yulongji, Captain Lu hurried into the police car.

Wang Wanwan wanted to follow, but was stared back by Captain Lu.

"Captain Lu, do you have something urgent to do?"

Wang Wanwan was a little puzzled, it's so good, how can you just leave?
"Hurry up, don't mess with him next time! Otherwise, I won't be able to keep you!"

After Captain Lu finished speaking, he started the police car and drove away.

Watching the police car drive away, Wang Wanwan frowned in wonder.

"Don't mess with him? Who is he? That young man surnamed Ye just now? No, I, Wang Wanwan, have a lot of friends. In the business field, I don't know anyone with a net worth of hundreds of millions? Is it still a problem? Leaves, herbs..."

After mumbling twice, Wang Wanwan suddenly opened his eyes wide: "Could it be Ye Tianming's son? No, not to mention Ye Tianming's downfall, even if Ye Tianming is still there, his son doesn't have such great energy. Then Who could it be?"

Wang Wanwan outside was puzzled, but inside Yulongji, Ye Beichen and others had already started to enjoy their lunch.

At this time, everyone felt a little deeper about Ye Beichen's energy.

After eating, Yang Dahai and others sent Ye Beichen out of the door, and Zhu Jiazhen quickly asked, "Brother Ye, come to the class reunion tomorrow?"

"Come on, class reunion, why don't you come?"

Hearing this, Zhu Jiazhen couldn't help feeling a little excited.

At first, he was looked down upon.

The Ye Group went bankrupt, and many people ridiculed Ye Beichen behind his back.

Tomorrow, they will come back together to face off.

Thinking of tomorrow's scene and Yang Dahai's 180-degree turn in his attitude towards him today, Zhu Jiazhen's gratitude to Ye Beichen has reached its peak.

He made up his mind that he must manage Yulongji well and never disappoint Ye Beichen's expectations.

When Ye Beichen returned home, no one was there except Wang Ma.

"Wang Ma, where's Miao Miao?"

"Master, it's Xiaoxue who came over and said she took Miao Miao to play." Wang Ma who was preparing lunch in the kitchen called.

Ye Beichen ate lunch early and didn't drink any alcohol. Until now, it was only early eleven o'clock.

Glancing at the slightly empty house, Ye Beichen thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, and planned to replenish some from the online store.

"Well, I don't need a TV in my room. Mom, Miao Miao, and Wang Ma's rooms need it, so I'll buy, and my uncle's, so I'll buy six super-large screens."

"Well...the family will set up a home theater again."

"Computer, must."


As time went by, Ye Beichen had already purchased more than one million yuan of electrical appliances, but he still felt that it was too little.

Spending money is like flowing water. To Ye Beichen, it is indeed flowing water, and there is no fluctuation in his heart.

Just when Ye Beichen was still thinking about what the family needed, his mother Wang Cuiqin came back.

"Your aunt and uncle are also busy at noon, so they won't come over for dinner. Xiaochen, you can call Xiaoxue to come over for dinner...Huh? Where's Miaomiao?"

Wang Cuiqin spoke, called twice, but did not hear Miao Miao's response.

"Mom, stop shouting, Miaomiao and Xiaoxue are playing outside, I'll tell them to come back."

Ye Beichen had just found Wu Qinxue's number and was about to dial it when his cell phone rang first.

It was Wu Qinxue.

Ye Beichen frowned, and said to himself, "Xiaoxue won't take Miaomiao out, should I eat outside?"

Thinking in his heart, Ye Beichen pressed the answer button, and Wu Qinxue's anxious voice came over.

"Cousin, come quickly, Miao Miao was beaten."

Hearing this, Ye Beichen stood up abruptly.

Miao Miao was beaten!

It was with great difficulty that he, Ye Beichen, rescued Miao Miao from the devil's den.

He is no longer in the Devil's Nest, yet he is still being bullied!
Ye Beichen glanced at Wang Cuiqin who was walking towards the kitchen, calmed down a little, and quickly asked, "Where are you now?"

"We're next to the square of the community, cousin, come quickly...ah, what are you doing! Miaomiao, I'll stop him, you run quickly."

The phone call ended here. Ye Beichen suppressed his anxiety and called, "Mom, I'll go pick up Miaomiao and Xiaoxue."

After speaking, he walked out quickly.

Seeing Ye Beichen's hurried back, Wang Cuiqin complained: "These children are all in the community, so let them come back by themselves."


After Ye Beichen walked out of the villa, he immediately let go of his speed and started running.

It must not be a trivial matter to make Wu Qinxue, who has always been bluffing, panic.

Ye Beichen also wanted to know who beat Miao Miao.

If children are playing around, maybe they can discuss it.If adults participate, then don't blame Ye Beichen for being angry.

After running for a few hundred meters, Ye Beichen could already see a group of people gathering around the square of the community.

Watching the excitement has always been a tradition.

Ye Beichen didn't even think about it, so he rushed towards the crowd.

Before entering the crowd, Wu Qinxue's angry voice was heard: "My brother is coming soon, if you dare to touch Miao Miao again, we will never end with you!"

"Endless? What's the matter if I just move? What's the matter? I see how you can't finish with me! I spent my car, is there any reason?"

It was a sharp female voice, which even Ye Beichen found harsh.

From the voice alone, Ye Beichen knew that this was a mean woman.

Pushing aside the crowd, Ye Beichen saw that Wu Qinxue was standing in front of Miao Miao, glaring at a woman angrily.

This woman is in her early thirties, with heavy makeup.Behind her, is a pink Mercedes.

At this time, the woman wanted to grab Miao Miao with one hand, but the other hand was already raised.

Apparently, she was going to grab him and slap him.

Compared with the sturdy woman, Wu Qinxue's fighting power is obviously insufficient.

But how could Ye Beichen fulfill her wish!

Ye Beichen yelled angrily, rushed over quickly, grabbed the opponent's wrist, shook him violently, and threw him away.


"elder brother."

Seeing Ye Beichen appear, both Wu Qinxue and Miao Miao cried out in surprise.

Ye Beichen frowned tightly, first glanced at Wu Qinxue, and found that Wu Qinxue was safe and sound, then pulled Miao Miao to take a look, and immediately felt angry.

On Miaomiao's face, there was a bright red slap mark, and there was a scratch in it, which was obviously injured by a woman's nails.

If it was a different child, he would have cried a long time ago.

But Miao Miao, who had experienced hardships, saw Ye Beichen, although there were tears in her eyes, she still smiled stubbornly.

"You are her brother?"

A woman's sharp voice sounded from behind Ye Beichen.

Ye Beichen's pupils shrank, he touched Miao Miao's small face lovingly, and asked softly, "Miao Miao, did she hit her?"


Miao Miao nodded weakly, and said in a low voice: "I accidentally damaged my aunt's car, and she hit me. Brother, I'm sorry."

Until now, Miao Miao was still apologizing for her mistakes.

But this sorry, when the woman heard it, she had another reaction: "I'm sorry? If I'm sorry, if it's useful, why do I need the police? If I ruin my car, just say sorry?"

 Second more.

  Thanks to Wei Liangdi for the 999 reward, MM Dragon for the 399 reward, and Xing 99 for the reward.

  Well, if there are no accidents, they kneeled again in the second round.Consequences... The author packs up and prepares to put it on shelves on Tuesday.

  Kneeling all the time, my mentality is a bit broken, the update is late, sorry...

  There is another update, I will write it as soon as possible, it should be after twelve o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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