Premeditated action

Ye Beichen had just finished watching Hukou TV's activities, and was about to click into Hongyun's live broadcast room, when Yuxin's screams came from downstairs

problem occurs!
Ye Beichen was startled, he couldn't care less about watching the live broadcast, so he jumped up and ran downstairs quickly.

As soon as he reached the stairs, Ye Beichen smelled a burning smell.

It's the smell of burning plastic foam.

Walking downstairs quickly, Ye Beichen saw Yuxin in the kitchen, frantically facing the smoking microwave oven, but didn't know where to start.

Hearing Ye Beichen's voice, Yuxin quickly turned her head and shouted, "Brother, come help, the microwave oven is about to explode."

Ye Beichen glared at her, then reached out to unplug the microwave oven, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Glancing at the microwave oven, the packing box inside was scorched black and limp.There was only a slight "pop" sound, the packing box was broken, and the soup inside didn't know what was flowing out.

Well, the microwave is pretty much dead, too.

Ye Beichen secretly rejoiced that he was vigilant enough. If it was a few minutes later, fire would be certain, not to mention an explosion.

Yuxin uses the largest gear to heat up her food, and still uses plastic packing boxes, so she will be blamed if nothing happens.

Seeing that the crisis was resolved by Ye Beichen, Yuxin secretly glanced at Ye Beichen, then quickly lowered her head, as if admitting her mistake.

"Okay, okay, don't be wronged, and you can eat ready-made ones with peace of mind in the future. Throw it away when it's cold, and we don't need that little money. And... cooking takeaway is really not suitable for heavy work. you."

While talking, Ye Beichen picked up the phone that fell on the ground, and suddenly found that the live broadcast was on, and the camera was facing Ye Beichen!

Ye Beichen quickly turned the screen over, frowning slightly.

Just passing by in a hurry, he saw himself.

It's not in line with his style to actually show his face, I hope the audience in the live broadcast room didn't notice.

His foundation is not stable now, and he doesn't want to go on stage, let alone appear on the same screen as the eldest lady Yuxin.

However, the fact is that the audience in the live broadcast room has gone crazy.

"I'll go, who is that man!"

"Yuxin actually lived with a man!"

"I just said why didn't I broadcast live at my home!"

"Give me back Missy!"

"Who is that, come out quickly, I want to fight you!"

"Yes, Missy is ours!"

When Yu Xin looked at the phone, the barrage in the live broadcast room was filled with these messages.

Once or twice, "Yuxin's man is very handsome", they were all swept away by the crazy information flow.

Ye Beichen committed public outrage.

Fortunately, Yuxin doesn't rely on the anchor for food, doesn't need to look at the faces of the audience, and doesn't even bother to coax the audience.

Seeing the dazzling screen, she didn't even think about it, and directly closed the live broadcast room.

Glancing at Ye Beichen, who was still looking a bit unhappy, Yuxin said quickly, "Oh, I'm sleepy, I'm going to bed."

"Aren't you hungry?"

Hearing this, Yuxin replied with a guilty conscience: "I just want to...cook takeaway."

After finishing speaking, he bounced all the way upstairs.

Ye Beichen looked at Yuxin's back, thinking in his heart: "Well... I have an idea, do you want to learn how to do it with me..."

Don't think about it!
Of course it’s learning how to cook, what do you think it is?
After checking it and making sure there was nothing wrong, Ye Beichen went upstairs.

As soon as he walked to the door of the bedroom, he saw Yuxin sneaking out of his room in a hurry and rushing into the second bedroom.

"What is this for?"

Ye Beichen was suspicious. When he walked into the room, he heard the door of the second bedroom being opened, and Yuxin's voice came over: "Brother, don't watch those live broadcasts all the won't be able to keep up with nutrition."

After finishing speaking, with a "bang", the door was slammed shut, leaving Ye Beichen with a confused face.

Can't keep up with nutrition?
I can drink Nutrition Express!
Thinking of this, Ye Beichen closed the door casually, came to the computer, and almost sprayed his saliva on the screen.

On the display screen, Hong Yun's live broadcast room was closed, replaced by a web page——XX's hazard.

It was a hint just now, but now it is an explicit statement!

Ye Beichen, as a god, does he still need to do it himself?

If he used to do it himself, would he still be able to swing so smoothly that morning?
Ye Beichen felt that it was necessary for him to talk to Yuxin, give Yuxin some ideological education, and correct her incorrect three views.

At the very least, he has to prove through actions that he is a man full of energy!
After making up his mind, Ye Beichen got up and went out.

However, soon, he returned without success.

Yuxin seemed to have guessed Ye Beichen's purpose. Not only did she lock the door tightly, even Ye Beichen used the excuse of talking about life and ideals as an excuse, she didn't open the door.

"Little girl, you are so stubborn. Sigh..."

Ye Beichen sighed, and opened Hongyun's live broadcast room again.

After many promotions before, the popularity of Hukou TV is no longer what it used to be, and Hongyun, which has been greatly promoted, is a direct beneficiary.

At this time, Hong Yun's live broadcast room had already gathered 600 million viewers.

Part of it is her own popularity.She has been in Fighting Shark for several years, but she has gathered a lot of popularity.

Part of it is naturally brought about by Hukou TV.

Is 600 million less?
This is without an agreement number!
If it is like Dou Sha, and the agreement number is crazy, 2000 million popularity is possible.

But that's fake popularity, and Hukou TV doesn't look like it now and doesn't need fake prosperity.

In the live broadcast room, a red rhyme with a goblin face was dressed in a black bodysuit, her fiery figure was fully highlighted.

At this time, she was facing the camera, dancing an unknown dance to the rhythm of the music.

The slender waist twisted, and from time to time a bent over movement flashed before the camera.

Lightly waving his arms, and occasionally a charming look in his eyes, which seems to contain infinite spring, makes the audience go crazy.

Bullet chatting is not enough, just presents.

The aircraft and rockets seem to have become a battlefield.

Ye Beichen stared at the screen for a long time, swallowed, and muttered to himself: "Tonight, the business downstairs should be very hot, right? No, it shouldn't be too late to buy. Alas, youngsters, remember tomorrow. "

Thinking of this, Ye Beichen was planning to shoot a hundred super rockets to add to the fun.It doesn't matter, the direction of the barrage suddenly changed.

"Red rhyme bitch!"

"You're the number one coquettish!"

"Red Rhyme forgets righteousness at the sight of profit!"

"I even dumped my boyfriend once I became famous."

"The latest news is that Hong Yun has been favored by Qian Shaocheng."

"Your goddess, I'm going to Qian Shaocheng's place soon. Hahaha..."


Such bullet screens are not one or two, but tens of thousands.So many barrages were sent out at the same time that they filled the entire screen.

At first glance, it seemed that the live broadcast room was full of scolding.

Even if the housing management wanted to seal the title, there was nowhere to start.

Too much!
Looking at the barrage, Ye Beichen's face darkened.

This was clearly a premeditated move. If there was no one behind the scenes to direct, even if Ye Beichen was killed, he wouldn't believe it!

 Here comes the update.

  Thank you Qingjiu 9 book friends for the 1888 reward, thank you for the glass of wine to comfort the wind and dust for the 588 reward, thank you~jump... off. , Li Kuanglan, and 喜欐 100 rewards, thank you Naiwohe, Lin Lang, and 99 rewards.

  The next update is around nine o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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