The strongest god in the city

Chapter 200 The Majesty of Senior Clients

Chapter 200 The Majesty of Senior Clients

One night... no words.

Ye Beichen thought he could have something to do with Yuxin, but in the end, Yuxin didn't give him a chance at all, and went straight into the next room.

Before closing the door, Yuxin took a vigilant look at Ye Beichen outside the door.

It seems to be saying, big satyr, be careful with me.

That grievance of Ye Beichen.

The world is going down, the world is hot and cold, and people's hearts are not old!
You said, how did the trust between people reach the point where men are silent and women are crying?

Could it be that he, Ye Beichen, could do anything unscrupulous?

He is even more stable than Liu Xiahui!

Hmm...Of course you can't be chaotic. Only by thinking calmly and waiting for the opportunity can you catch the prey.

Helpless, Ye Beichen could only sleep by himself.

The next day, after breakfast, Ye Beichen drove to the Shengye Fund building.

It has to be admitted that Sheng Ye Fund is rich and powerful, and a 28-story Sheng Ye Building is owned by Sheng Ye Fund. The 28th floor is all the office space of Sheng Ye Fund.

This is Ye Beichen's goal. A single building is worth hundreds of millions.

A big company must have the courage of a big company.

"Mr. Ye, you are here."

Seeing Ye Beichen appear, Zhang Fanhu, who had been guarding the entrance of Sheng Ye Fund, rushed forward impatiently.

Last night, he was so excited that he almost didn't fall asleep.Even when he fell asleep, it was already early morning.

He, who was engaged in real estate sales, made an almost impossible request, but Ye Beichen actually agreed, and immediately fulfilled it for him.

This made Zhang Fanhu almost burst into tears.

Sheng Ye Fund, just in the book he read yesterday, he repeatedly mentioned several successful cases of Sheng Ye Fund.

He came, almost on a pilgrimage.


Ye Beichen nodded with a smile, and asked casually, "How do you feel now? Do you have any other thoughts?"

Ye Beichen's words were probing.If he gets it wrong, Zhang Fanhu's potential is not here, and he will suffer a lot.

He has to be cautious about talents with six-star potential.

Zhang Fanhu quickly shook his head and said, "Mr. Ye, I don't have any other ideas. My mind is full of various curves in the stock market, and I can't get rid of them no matter what. Besides, I watched some of the curves currently traded in Shanghai yesterday. The listed stocks are now very clearly remembered."


Ye Beichen glanced at him in surprise, and asked in a questioning tone: "Then tell me about the shares of Changhu Group."

"Changhu Group is now three yuan and seventy-two cents per share. It has achieved [-] consecutive months of growth, and the growth rate has declined in the last month..."

Zhang Fanhu opened his mouth, as if he didn't have any memory at all, so he opened his mouth.Between Balabala, there was no lag at all.


Ye Beichen exclaimed in his heart, unable to restrain his joy.

He can give a name at will, and Zhang Fanhu can do it.Ye Beichen didn't believe it, it was the result of rote memorization.

Absolutely can't do it without talent.What's more, Zhang Fanhu also put forward his own prediction, which was almost consistent with what Huang Jiuchun said last night.

After Zhang Fanhu finished speaking, Ye Beichen praised without hesitation: "Okay, very good! Fanhu, you are indeed very talented in the stock market. Good! I really saw you right."

"Mr. Ye..."

Zhang Fanhu was a little embarrassed to be praised by Ye Beichen so much.

But Ye Beichen waved his hand and said, "Don't underestimate yourself. In the past few days, I will arrange for you to learn experience in Sheng Ye Fund. After a few days, I will give you the opportunity to operate alone."

Zhang Fanhu still wanted to speak, but Ye Beichen pointed to the Shengye Building and said, "Your goal is to become like them."

What else can Zhang Fanhu say?
He couldn't say anything except his eyes widened.

It can only be said that Ye Beichen really dared to think.

Zhang Fanhu didn't speak, but someone did.

It happened that several men in suits passed by Ye Beichen. Hearing Ye Beichen's words, one of the men with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks couldn't help but sneer.

"Hey! Where are these country bumpkins giving inspirational lessons to his subordinates? They still exist like them? Do you know how much money Sheng Ye Fund operates? That's hundreds of billions! You can come up with 3000 million and let's talk! "

Hearing this, Ye Beichen glanced at the other party and said with a smile, "I can't take it out, but can you take it out?"

"That's natural."

The man smiled triumphantly, looked at his companions again, and laughed loudly.

They came together, but they were all senior clients of Sheng Ye Fund.Five people, the amount entrusted to Sheng Ye Fund exceeded [-] million.

3000 million is a line for Sheng Ye Fund, the red line for distinguishing intermediate customers from high-level customers.As senior clients of Sheng Ye Fund, they are qualified to say that they cooperate with Sheng Ye Fund.

Ye Beichen was about to speak, but he saw the little fat man Huang Jiuchun appearing outside the gate, trotting all the way to greet him.

When the man saw it, he was even more proud.

"Did you see that? That's the senior trader manager of Sheng Ye Fund, who you retail investors are trying to curry favor with. As for our senior customers...hehe, they are the only ones who curry favor with us."

After saying this, he stretched out his hand and shouted with a smile: "Please trouble Manager Huang to go out to greet him personally, I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed."

Hearing this cry, Huang Jiuchun, who was about to greet Ye Beichen, froze for a moment, blinked in doubt, and then smiled again.

"So it's Mr. Gao, please come inside."

Huang Jiuchun didn't shake hands with the man surnamed Gao, which made him very uncomfortable, and his face was a little ugly.

But when he thought of relying on the other party to make money, he could only put away his displeasure.

The next moment, the unhappiness he had just hidden popped out again.

Huang Jiuchun stretched out his hands to meet Ye Beichen, and called out politely, "Welcome, Mr. Ye is welcome to visit Sheng Ye Fund in person. This is..."

Huang Jiuchun looked at Zhang Fanhu, which made the man surnamed Gao's expression darken instantly.

Huang Jiuchun didn't even bother to shake hands with him, but to Ye Beichen, he not only extended his hands to greet him, but also asked who Ye Beichen brought.

In comparison, it's a matter of judgment - he's worthless.

"This is Xiao Zhang, Zhang Fanhu, I'll bring him here to study with you." Ye Beichen introduced.

Hearing this, Huang Jiuchun reached out to shake Zhang Fanhu again.

Zhang Fanhu was very excited, but the man surnamed Gao was already pale.

After exchanging pleasantries, Huang Jiuchun extended his hand and said, "Boss Ye, Mr. Zhang, please come inside."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the men surnamed Gao again, and said, "Mr. Gao, invite you too."

The faces of the men surnamed Gao looked better at this time.

Entering the elevator, Huang Jiuchun reached out and pressed the 27th and [-]th floors, which made the man surnamed Gao a little confused.

Sheng Ye Fund divides customers clearly by floors. Retail investors only trade on the first to tenth floors according to the size of the amount, and the eleventh to fourteenth floors are the middle-level customer area.From the 22th floor to the [-]nd floor, senior customers can only enter.

The 28th floor is the high-level office floor of Sheng Ye Fund, and the 23rd to 27th floors are continuously going up according to the investment amount.

I heard that customers who can enter the 27th floor have invested more than one billion in Sheng Ye Fund!
They didn't believe that Ye Beichen was going to the 27th floor, but they thought that Ye Beichen was going to the [-]th floor as well.

I was mistaken, this kid is actually a senior customer!
Everyone was thinking secretly in their hearts, planning to ease the atmosphere later.

"Ding", the elevator stopped on the fifteenth floor, and the elevator door opened slowly.

The five walked down the elevator quickly. The man surnamed Gao was about to turn around to greet Ye Beichen, but Ye Beichen, Zhang Fanhu, and Huang Jiuchun were still standing in the elevator, motionless...

 I'm sorry, I've had a busy day making full moon wine for my baby today.

  There is another chapter before twelve o'clock.

  Thank you for tearing up the Yiren pretending to be a million rewards, write it down first, and the author will add more.

  Thank you Itachi Uchiha for the 999 reward, thank you for the 788 reward if you have any regrets in your life, thank you for the 500 reward for Xianyu, thank you for the 300 reward for the actor, thank you for the 100 reward for the fox burden, thank you for the red maple leaves in the evening autumn, and the 99 reward in the morning and evening.thank you all.

  Finally... um... There was a recommendation on this book, I heard that good grades can lead to the PK that the author Zhe dreamed of.Therefore, I would like to ask everyone, those who have spare money to hold a money market, and those who have no spare money to hold a personal market.

  Rewards, recommendation tickets, and comments are always welcome, and I am very grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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