The strongest god in the city

Chapter 185 A touch of sadness

Chapter 185 A touch of sadness

"Huh? What happened to that car?"

"I'll go, what kind of car is this, why haven't I seen it before?"

"I found it on the Internet, Bugatti Veyron! I'll go, nearly 5000 million! How come..."

"You won't drink too much?"

"Drunk driving? For a real local tyrant, there aren't many drunk driving, I think it's drug... driving?"

"Fart! Have you ever seen drunk driving and drug driving, with the car jumping up? According to my many years of experience, there may be a man and a woman in the car! The windows are not transparent, it's a pity, it's a pity... Sigh..."

With a sigh, a BMW X5 driving side by side with the Bugatti Veyron fell into silence.Seemingly feeling very uncomfortable again, BMW speeded up suddenly, throwing the Bugatti Veyron far away.

Can the BMW X5 catch up with the Bugatti Veyron and easily get rid of it?

Of course it's impossible in normal times, but don't look at what's going on now!
On the suburban boulevard, the Bugatti Veyron is driving slowly, and suddenly it will accelerate.

BMW who just followed behind had a deep understanding of this rhythm, so he guessed again and again.

After all, the speed at which a supercar drives out of a tractor is too abnormal.

After an unknown amount of time, the Bugatti Veyron, which was driving slowly, suddenly accelerated, reaching over a hundred yards in an instant.

After soaring for five or six kilometers, it gradually slowed down and returned to the speed of the tractor.

Ye Beichen held the steering wheel with both hands, looked ahead, with an evil smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

One afternoon, two Bugatti Veyron, two beauties with different looks, so refreshing!

Ye Beichen stretched out his hand and slapped Rong Mengya's buttocks, and Rong Mengya was so frightened that she immediately struggled to leave: "Don't, don't."

Hearing this, Ye Beichen smiled awkwardly.

Ye Beichen patted Rong Mengya's cheek and said, "Okay, be good, I will spare you this time."

After more than an hour, Ye Beichen drove Rong Mengya back to the villa in Binjing City.

Nothing else happened for more than an hour, which made Rong Mengya heave a sigh of relief.

But after thinking about it in my mind, it seems...feeling...not so uncomfortable.

This thought rose from Rong Mengya's mind, and she couldn't help but secretly glanced at Ye Beichen, then quickly looked away, her cheeks flushed slightly.

Ye Beichen took Rong Mengya's expression into his eyes, and he knew in his heart that Rong Mengya knew the taste.

The previous rejection will become smaller and smaller, and will become more and more liking, and more and more addicted to it...

Xian'er was wearing an apron and cooking in the kitchen. When she saw Ye Beichen, she hurriedly shouted: "You are not allowed to enter the kitchen, go and accompany Mengya, go quickly."

As she said that, she also locked the sliding door to prevent Ye Beichen from sneaking in.

Ye Beichen shrugged helplessly, how can he prevent him like a wolf?
He is also powerless now, okay?
This dinner, Ye Beichen ate properly.

Therefore, when Ye Beichen received a call after dinner, saying that his car was about to be delivered outside Binjing City, he left without hesitation regardless of the sad eyes of Xian'er and Rong Mengya.

If he stays any longer, won't he be killed?
After receiving the sky-blue Bugatti Veyron, Ye Beichen drove straight to Villa No. [-] of Amethyst Yufu.

But when his car came outside Villa No. [-], he had the urge to turn around and leave.

There is a fairy in the house!

Yuxin is still at home.


But even if it was torture, Ye Beichen still had to go back.

Otherwise, who knows if Yuxin will burn the house down?
When Ye Beichen parked the car next to the Aston Martin and walked into the house, he happened to see Yuxin lying on the sofa, and couldn't help frowning.

What's wrong with Yuxin?
"Yu Xin, Yu Xin!"

Ye Beichen yelled twice before Yuxin opened her eyes in a daze, looked at Ye Beichen in a daze, and suddenly screamed and jumped up, rushing into Ye Beichen's arms.

"Woooooo... Brother, you are finally back. I thought you ran away from home, woooooo..."

Hearing this, Ye Beichen's worried mood disappeared.

runaway?This seems to be his only home, right?What home did he leave and why did he go?

"Woooooo... I thought you didn't want this small villa, the broken car outside, or me... Woooooo..."

The second time Yuxin spoke, it gave Ye Beichen the urge to beat her up.

Cottage, broken car... Well, since you put yourself next to cottage, broken car, I'll forgive you for once.

When Yuxin spoke for the third time, Ye Beichen felt a pain in his heart and didn't know how to answer.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu My parents also run away from home often, for a few months, and for several years, and they don't care about me."

Parents not at home?Leave a left-behind child?
This... what a heart-wrenching story.

Ke Yuxin's last addition made Ye Beichen almost vomit blood.

"They don't care about me. I can only be with Aunt Chen, Aunt Li, Aunt Zhang, Aunt Sun, and Aunt Zhao at home..."

In this tone, I reported more than 30 aunts, all of whom were called servants...

, More than 30 people serve you, are you still not satisfied?Thank you for remembering each one!

It seems that because of venting, Yuxin's mood has improved a lot.

She wiped the corners of her eyes, and asked pitifully, "Brother, you haven't eaten dinner, have you? Can I cook takeaway for you?"

As she spoke, she looked at a lunch box on the table.

"Don't, don't, don't." Ye Beichen quickly pulled her back, and said anxiously, "I've already eaten, so there's no need to do it again."


Yuxin blinked her eyes in disappointment, and muttered to herself: "I plan to cook takeaway for you, and let you use it to sleep with me tonight in exchange..."

This sentence, uttered from a girl's mouth, or a young girl's mouth, can only be described as violent.

Ye Beichen's heart surged for a while, and then... a touch of sadness...

 The second change, and then follow the order of the rewards to add changes to Wan Rewards.

  Some people ridiculed me that I don't have any female readers, is it okay for beautiful women to take a chance?
(End of this chapter)

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