The strongest god in the city

Chapter 176 1 Nothing, Ye Beichen

Chapter 176
how so!
He Changhu stared blankly at Ye Beichen's arms, to be exact, the two hands holding Ye Beichen's arms left and right.

The owners of these two hands are Xian'er and Rong Mengya.

Looking up, Xian'er smiled sweetly and Rong Mengya looked shy, but they are all superb!

These two bests are actually so close to a man!Moreover, it was the man he mocked!

It feels like you think someone is ugly, but he was invited to shoot the cover of a fashion magazine—it’s still very serious!
(The author bacteria will not encounter this situation!)

This is embarrassing.

And when He Changhu turned his head to glance at Mao Min beside him, the embarrassment disappeared in an instant, and turned into anger.

Why is it that I have a beautiful tree, a rich family, rich and powerful, but there is only one woman.Moreover, compared with the two extremes in front of him, Mao Min is simply - another extreme!

But Ye Beichen in front of him was obviously a poor boy, yet he was favored by two beauties at the same time!

This unscientific!

How can he refuse to accept it!

In fact, He Changhu wasn't the only one who was dissatisfied, and the others were equally grumpy, but they didn't come directly to snatch food like He Changhu.

I saw He Changhu chuckled, and a calm smile immediately appeared on his face.

He stepped forward, came to Ye Beichen, stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Two beauties, let's get to know each other. I am He Changhu, the chairman of Changhu Group."

While speaking, his eyes swept across Ye Beichen's face, and kept looking at Xian'er and Rong Mengya who were around Ye Beichen.

Originally thought that after he introduced his identity, Xian'er and Rong Mengya would at least have to greet him with a smile, not to say flattery.

But it turns out that he was thinking too much.

When he was speaking, Xian'er only glanced at him, then turned her gaze back to Ye Beichen's face.As for Rong Mengya, she lowered her head slightly from the beginning to the end, without raising her eyelids.

What is embarrassment, this is embarrassment.

He Changhu explained very skillfully that he was ignored when he struck up a conversation in public, and he couldn't get off the stage.

At this time, He Changhu stretched out his hand, whether he let it go or not, the smile on his face gradually faded.

Seeing this scene, Ye Beichen and everyone else's eyes were amused.

Mao Min is different from everyone.

Seeing He Changhu being ignored, the joy in Mao Min's eyes was fleeting.But when she saw Ye Beichen's indifferent smile being held by his arms, a feeling of anger, jealousy, and disgust came together spontaneously.

She wants revenge!She will be destroyed!
The man she Mao Min can't get, no other woman can get it either.

A man who looks down on her, Mao Min, shouldn't exist in this world!
"Hahahaha...Ye Beichen, you are awesome! You are so awesome! I never thought that you have nothing and you can hook up with two beautiful women at the same time. Hahaha..."

Mao Min laughed, and walked quickly to He Changhu's side, his eyes constantly changing on the faces of Xian'er and Rong Mengya.

"Beautiful, really beautiful. Tsk tsk tsk, what a pity, what a pity."

"Oh? What a pity?" Ye Beichen asked the question very cooperatively.

But Mao Min laughed loudly and said, "Ye Beichen, tell me about you. You sold your house to pay off your debts, and you're still here to pick up girls. I really feel sorry for these two girls! I'm with you, isn't it? , do you want to eat their soft rice?"

"What's wrong with eating soft rice? I eat soft rice based on my ability, so should I report to you?"

Ye Beichen chuckled, stretched out his hand to touch Rong Mengya's small face, and asked with a light smile, "Mengya, do you think so? I eat soft food, do you agree?"


What Ye Beichen didn't expect was that Rong Mengya really thought about it before slowly saying, "If you don't have money, I can sell the house and live with Xian'er."


Ye Beichen sprayed, but he didn't expect Rong Mengya to take it seriously.And... why does this idea suit him so much?

It wasn't just Ye Beichen who sprayed. Everyone who was waiting in line to register was paying attention to the movement here. When they heard this, they also sprayed.

Looking at Ye Beichen again, apart from envy, it was admiration.

Such an innocent girl, is this a dream?Ye Beichen, He Dehe Neng, has the ability to convince such a girl!

This is too crazy, right?
"The house is sold?"

Mao Min was stunned by this answer. When she realized it, she immediately sneered and said, "So what if the house is sold? Is it enough for you to live for the rest of your life? Men, they have no skills, no way of making money, and wait to die for nothing." , to what day can I hang out?"

Speaking of this, she changed the subject and said with a calm smile: "Unlike my husband, who has his own company. Houses, tickets, everything. Compared with my husband, Ye Beichen... tsk tsk tsk. The two little sisters, As someone who has experienced it, I have to remind you that a good bird chooses a tree to live in."

"that is!"

He Changhu quickly withdrew his hand, straightened his back, and said complacently: "I'm not talented. I belong to a group company with a market value of more than one billion. Compared with him...hahahaha..."

He Changhu glanced at Ye Beichen contemptuously, and burst out laughing.

Mao Min made up his mind to go all the way to Hei, since he has won He Changhu, he must hold it to the end!
"Haha, hubby, are you too unstyled? Comparing with him... Heck, the tax you pay every day is more than his annual salary. Is there any comparison?"

"Oh, my wife is still right, haha, it makes sense."

What He Changhu said made sense, and happiness blossomed on his face.

What could be more powerful than a god-assisted wife?

He glanced at Ye Beichen disdainfully, and sighed: "That's right, the tax I pay every day is more than your annual salary, what do I care about with you? Lose my position! Two beauties, I don't know if I am honored." , invite you to test drive the world's most valuable supercar?"

At the end of the picture, he saw the dagger, and He Changhu's fox tail was exposed again.

Rong Mengya glanced at him displeasedly, then pinched Ye Beichen's arm quietly, wanting Ye Beichen to fight back.

As Ye Beichen's woman, how could she tolerate her man being ridiculed by others?
Seeing Rong Mengya's resolute attitude, He Changhu smiled again and looked at Xian'er.

But Xian'er frowned, and asked coldly, "Ye Beichen, do you really have nothing?"

Hearing this, whispers erupted from the background.

How did this kid hook up with two beauties at the same time, and the other party didn't even know about him!
The doubt in Ye Beichen's heart was fleeting, and when he raised his eyes to see Xian'er's sly gaze, he instantly understood what Xian'er meant.

He immediately shrugged and said nothing.

Seeing this, Xian'er threw Ye Beichen's arm away, and said angrily, "Ye Beichen, how dare you lie to me! You said you would take me to the auto show, you said you would buy me a Bugatti Veyron, and you even gave me a Bugatti Veyron." Buying a villa and paying for me to start a company turned out to be lying to me!"

 The second change, there is still around twelve o'clock, the author bacteria is speeding up.

(End of this chapter)

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