The strongest god in the city

Chapter 163 Who Can't Brag B?

Chapter 163 Who Can't Brag B?
"Got it!"

Le Qiwen happily responded, and was about to get on the steering wheel and turn left.

But Ye Beichen said again: "Turn right."

Hearing this, Le Qiwen narrowed his eyes, and replied cheerfully again: "No problem."

At the next intersection, Le Qiwen was fooled by Ye Beichen again, and ordered five times in a row.It made Le Qiwen almost lose his mind.

However, although Le Qiwen was unhappy about this, he was secretly proud of it.

You are awesome, you can direct with all your strength!It's better to be addicted to commanding and unable to extricate yourself, I will be even happier!
When you get out of the car, Lao Tzu's artifact - the meter will make you cry.Get ready to bleed, boy!

After Ye Beichen found out that there was something tricky in the meter, he guessed what the other party was thinking.Regarding this, Ye Beichen said that there was no fluctuation in his heart.

How much is the distance of more than 30 kilometers, even if it is doubled by you?several hundred?several thousand?

Sorry, money is really just a number to him, Ye Beichen.

What's more, Ye Beichen's money is not so easy to get!

A few minutes later, the mileage on the meter has reached nearly ten kilometers, but the actual distance has not been three kilometers.

It's really an artifact.

After directing Le Qiwen, who even the Heavenly King Lao Tzu couldn't direct, Ye Beichen took out his mobile phone and called Qian Shaocheng.

"Shaocheng, how popular is it now?"

"Boss Ye, it's hot!"

As soon as Qian Shaocheng opened his mouth, his excitement couldn't be restrained, and he almost burst out.

I only heard Qian Shaocheng report excitedly: "Mr. Ye, our popularity peaked at 700 million last night! It is far more than the 1000-[-] million record set by Dou Sha some time ago. Moreover, our popularity is less than [-]% No. [-]. Fighting sharks...hehe, that is the sea, at a glance, it is full of water."

Qian Shaocheng had a big heart, and even made a joke with Ye Beichen.

Ye Beichen smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. How will the situation be?"

Hearing this, Qian Shaocheng on the other end of the phone became serious, and replied: "Last night, the popularity peak lasted until one o'clock in the morning. After one o'clock, the popularity declined normally. Until the latest statistics, the current stable active number is 460 million."

Speaking of this, Qian Shaocheng smiled wryly, and said: "Mr. Ye, to be honest, my goal was to increase the popularity of Hukou TV to the peak of 500 million. But now... the time when the activity is the worst is already close to 500 million." Wan...I...I want to resign. Mr. Ye, there are capable people around you who know how to operate the live broadcast platform!"

Understand the operation of the live broadcast platform?
Ye Beichen was ashamed, what a fart he knows!
His method last night can only be described in four words - simple and rude.

Can't make money, who can't spend money?

No pressure.

If this is also considered to understand business operations, Ye Beichen wants to say that he understands any business operations.

"Hehe, you can work with peace of mind. Hukou TV still has your shares. You are very suitable to be the president of Hukou TV. Work hard, I'm still waiting for the harvest."

Ye Beichen's words of encouragement from Qian Shaocheng reached Le Qiwen's ears, making him almost laugh out loud.

Hukou TV, Le Qiwen has heard of it.Not only has he heard of it, but he has also attracted many customers, claiming to be an anchor at Hukou TV.

Each of the little anchors spoke with the rhythm of the gods.

But after hearing Ye Beichen's words, Le Qiwen realized that compared with Ye Beichen, those people who brag about B level are simply students!

President of Hukou TV?Do it well?shares?
Yo, from your tone, you are still the boss behind Hukou TV!
How can you brag B better than me!I brag, hundreds of millions.If you blow it, it will be billions!
Le Qiwen's eyes were full of contempt, and he made up his mind that he must slaughter Ye Beichen, the pretender, this time!
Thinking of this, he pressed a few times under the seat with his left hand.On the meter, the mileage of thirteen kilometers was swiped a few times, and it had jumped to fifteen kilometers.

Ye Beichen saw all this without raising his eyelids.

You can come on!If you have the ability, you can jump to 20 miles for the [-]-plus kilometers.

If the other party really jumped to [-] miles, Ye Beichen might really pay the money readily.Think about it, it takes only half an hour to go abroad for a round trip, which is too cost-effective!

On the phone, Qian Shaocheng patted his chest and assured: "Mr. Ye, don't worry. The situation of Hukou TV is very good. The recharge amount from last night to now alone has exceeded last month. I can't guarantee whether this year will be profitable, but the annual grand ceremony You never need to pay for the money."

"Oh, okay."

Ye Beichen responded with a smile, and asked again: "By the way, do you have a good negotiator?"

"Negotiation? Mr. Ye, what happened?" Qian Shaocheng asked in surprise.

He was really worried about what happened to Ye Beichen's temper.

Then I heard Ye Beichen say casually: "No big deal, just a normal business negotiation, I plan to buy a small company for fun. Am I in a taxi? I ​​feel that being a taxi company is quite profitable. Buying one may be profitable." Some pocket money."


Qian Shaocheng was in a cold sweat.

Boss, if you take a taxi, you want to buy a taxi company.If you make airplanes, don't you buy an airline company.

That's okay, in case you take the subway one day and think the subway is good...

"If there is, give me an accurate word. If not, I will call their company directly."

As Ye Beichen said, he glanced at the service card in front of him.Xingchen Rental fits his name very well.

Calling the other party's company would at least take a lot of talking and time, which was not what Ye Beichen wanted.

As for complaints?

He, Ye Beichen, still needs someone else to uphold justice for him?

Just kidding!
Hearing Ye Beichen's displeased tone, Qian Shaocheng came back to his senses, and quickly responded: "Yes, the company has business negotiation experts and a legal department. Which taxi company do you like, Mr. Ye? Arrange for people to negotiate."

"Star rental. Go as soon as possible. Let me know the price and I will transfer the money to you."

"Understood, promise to complete the task!"

After hanging up the phone, Le Qiwen's sarcastic voice sounded immediately.

"Dude, are you bragging? This is Hukou TV and it acquired a taxi company. Are you the crossover singer? Oh no, you are a crossover god, you are so omnipotent." You said that we are so destined, you took over our company, and you will also be a boss?"

Ye Beichen chuckled: "Boss? Haha, your ability to make money is really qualified."

Le Qiwen didn't seem to understand what Ye Beichen meant, or in other words, he didn't take Ye Beichen's words seriously at all.

Are you kidding me?When I just came back from practicing in the deep mountains, my mind was still stupid and naive?

Bragging B, who wouldn't!
He raised his brows and said: "Brother, to tell you the truth, I am the boss of Xingchen Taxi, and driving a taxi is just to experience life. Sigh, these days are boring."


Hearing this, Ye Beichen couldn't help but smile: "Don't worry, you will soon be able to get rid of this boring life. Maybe your future life will be very exciting."

 That... There are so many rewards today, I really can't thank you one by one.I can only thank everyone together, thank you thank you!

  The New Year's event is scheduled for the first day of the Lunar New Year, friends who haven't joined the group yet, join the group quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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