Great Power Technology.

Chapter 498 Reached a consensus

Chapter 498 Agreed

On the other hand, at this time, neither the General Technical Office nor the BCI team of Zhejiang University knew anything about Mingsen—or the plan of the Ark organization. They were busy dispatching various resources and helping Yaoyao carry out The final physical examination, so as to complete the application experiment of BCI transmission technology in the shortest time.

As Hassan judged, the most difficult part of this process is indeed the algorithm. In the technical documents provided by Ye Zhou, many algorithm frameworks that have not yet appeared in this era are used. It is necessary to adapt these frameworks to the current stage. Zhu Xuan spent a lot of effort on the compiler.

But fortunately, in the final analysis, this is still a job according to the gourd painting. It is difficult, but not insoluble.


In the laboratory, Zhu Xuan was doing final debugging on the compiler algorithm, and Chen Li asked beside him:
"So, is the compiler done?"

Zhu Xuan nodded slightly and replied:

"There are basically no major problems at present, but there is still a problem with the emotion decoding part. What about you? How is the electrode array progressing?"

"The supplier has submitted the PEDOT and IrOx solutions separately. At present, I am more inclined to choose the lrOx solution. Although this solution is relatively low in transmission sensitivity, it is generally more stable in properties and better in biocompatibility. .”

"We don't have the pressure of time and money for this experiment. In this case, we should choose a solution with higher security and scalability, which is more friendly to the experimenter."

Hearing Chen Li's words, Zhu Xuan hummed, and then continued to ask:

"How is Chuya's progress? Have you communicated with Yaoyao? Where is the progress of the previous signal sample pool collection?"

"The sample pool has been constructed, and now they have entered the psychological preparation stage, so there is no big problem. Yaoyao's consciousness activities are still very stable, and the flux of the first test content is not large, so she can handle it."

"What about surgery? Are you ready?"

"Get ready. Director He from the imperial capital was invited to throw the knife. He has done more than 400 similar brain surgeries with a [-]% success rate."

Zhu Xuan let out a long sigh of relief, pushed away the keyboard in his hand and said:
"Then I'm the only one left. Just wait for me, I have to run the simulation system a few more times to see if there are any new bugs."

"It's okay, I can wait for you, the most important thing is to ensure that nothing goes wrong."

Chen Li glanced at his watch, then changed the subject and said:
"It's lunch time too, let's have a meal first, as I have something to discuss with you."

"whats the matter?"

Zhu Xuan's expression was a little curious, but Chen Li gave it up in a rare way. He didn't finally open his mouth until the three of them sat in the office and opened the takeaway box:

"We have just received an application for collaboration from Birmingham National Laboratory."

"Birmingham National Laboratory? The one in Ugly Country?"

Chu Ya looked at Chen Li in surprise, her hand stayed on the action of opening the lid of the soup, and even forgot what she was going to do for a moment.

For them, Birmingham National Laboratory was once an elusive goal. In that laboratory, in the field of BCI alone, countless pioneering technological achievements were born. In this group, I started to contact AVS Before technology, that laboratory has always been ahead of them.
In other words, not only walking ahead, but walking so far ahead that you can't even match it.

However, with the successful application of AVS technology, a series of related results began to emerge. Slowly, the shadow of the other party became clear in their hearts. When the latest BCI transmission technology was handed over to them, their Suddenly discovered that Huaxia has actually far surpassed the other party in the field of BCI technology.

The cooperation application this time is actually a typical manifestation of the changes in the status of the two parties.

It's an application, not an invitation.

No one thought that this day would come so soon.

"Yes. They want to participate in our AVS project, mainly to obtain the algorithms and databases we use in the interpretation of neuroelectric signals-they are very short of this thing."

"What are they trying to do with it?"

Zhu Xuan's face was a bit ugly. Although most of the compilation algorithms of the AVS project came from the extremely mysterious "Suiren", he himself also invested a lot of energy in it, only relying on a so-called "cooperation application" , just hand over these things, he will definitely not accept it.

You know, when he wanted to obtain some non-public technical support from the other party, the other party's attitude was not positive at all.

After countless applications, countless communications, and countless promises that it would never be used for military purposes, it was finally granted the right to use it for just two weeks as a charity.

In two weeks, I can't even finish reading the documents, so what's the use of it?
The feeling of humiliation at that time is still fresh in his memory.

"I don't know, they didn't say."

"This application is actually not a formal application. It was mentioned in the email. They have already started communicating with the General Technical Office. It seems that they want to exchange some things for our technology."

"Do they have something that we can see? Oil? Or an aircraft carrier? Who cares!"

Chen Li shook his head with a smile, and replied:

"Who knows... After all, it is a big country, and there are always things that can be exchanged. Anyway, the general manager has found me now. They want us to evaluate the importance of related technologies and let us issue an evaluation report so that They decide whether or not to have this technology exchange."

"Evaluate the fart, definitely not give it to them, it is impossible to give it to them anyway."

Zhu Xuan put down the chopsticks in his hand, and said solemnly:
"Brother Li, we have been working on AVS technology for more than a year, and now we are turning to BCI transmission technology. You should have seen that this type of technology is not as simple as we thought before."

"From the human brain to the machine, this is the forward process of BCI technology. This process is okay, and the strategic significance may not be that great, but what about the reverse process?"

"The current AVS, AES, and BCI transmission technologies are the reverse process. Once this technology achieves a breakthrough, human beings will enter a new milestone in their own development. In the future, it is very likely that the development of the entire society will revolve around this technology. .”

"We must not hand over such technology to our opponents. Who knows what they will use these technologies for? If we lose the opportunity and let them use this technology to overtake in a corner, then we will really change. A sinner!"

Hearing his words, Chen Li nodded and replied:

"I know, I know. But the problem is, we don't know what the other side is offering in exchange — and that's not our concern."

"Suppose, suppose that what the other party can come up with has more strategic significance than the technology we have at hand? Then should we change it or not?"

"This issue needs to be considered by the high-level. All we have to do is to output a report."

"Then I will be realistic, and I believe that the top management will not be short-sighted."

Zhu Xuan sighed. He still felt that there was a conspiracy hidden in this cooperation application, but as Chen Li said, they were just pure researchers, and higher-level matters should be left to professional personnel to solve.

However, having said that, he feels that he should make preparations in advance. If there is a one in ten thousand possibility that the officials make a wrong choice, then he has to bring his own professional knowledge to argue Strive for it.

"Chuya, what do you think?"

Chuya on the opposite side was surprised when she heard the identity of the other party, but she seemed to lose interest in this topic soon. When Chen Li was communicating with Zhu Xuan, she was busy sorting out her own siu mei platter , Put all the chicken in soy sauce into the soup, and rinse it again, it seems to be to remove too much fat on it.

But the problem is, she drank the oil again when she was drinking the soup—probably also a strange sense of ritual.

"Me? I don't agree. I think Xiaoxuan is right."

"What kind of exchange? Not to mention that they can't produce what we need, even if they can, it's probably fake. Who would be fooled by this?"

Hearing Chu Ya's answer, a helpless smile appeared on Chen Li's face.

He had already guessed that the answer from the two of them would be like this, but out of caution, he asked again.

Then, the opinions of the three most core members of the project team have been unified, and the next question before him is how to pass his opinions to the chief technical office in a more reasonable manner.

What evaluation report, he really doesn't want to write it-wasting time, and can't produce value, if it doesn't work, just hold a meeting directly, after explaining it briefly and rudely, save time and invest it in Yaoyao Immediately In the experiment to be conducted...

However, what he didn't know was that in Rongcheng, which is more than 1000 kilometers away from Yuhang, a secret team flying from Europe had already arrived at the office of the General Technical Office in Rongcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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