Chapter 477
Together with other high-level members of the pastoral organization, Yang Wei was taken onto a large transport plane. During the flight for several hours, the harsh noise and near-subzero low temperature almost caused her to collapse, but fortunately, the ordeal was over soon, and the plane finally landed At an airport she doesn't know.

After getting off the plane, she saw the man who was talking to her in the clubhouse again, Lin He.

"Where are they taking us?"

Yang Wei asked a little nervously.

Lin He looked out through the window of the bus. After a long time, he hesitated and said:

"Judging from the terrain, we should be in the desert now. There are not many places in the country that can have such deserts. In addition to what they said before, I think they probably want to throw us into the Corps to control sand. "

"Desert control?? Us?? Where is this place??"

Yang Wei had a look of horror on her face. In fact, when Qin Chuan said the phrase "Let you live an idyllic life", she had already vaguely guessed the other party's plan for dealing with people like herself, but in her In his mind, at best, he would throw her to work in a labor camp, at most, deprive her of basic entertainment rights, or go further, at most, cut down on food supply.

Such treatment did not frighten her, but sand control?

The desert is always associated with death. What is the difference between letting an inexperienced person like myself fight against the extreme arid and barren environment, and the death penalty?
A voice from a certain movie suddenly appeared in her mind:

Death penalty, or exile?
She had no choice, someone made her choice for her.

The death penalty, carried out in the form of exile.

Looking at her expression, Lin He answered:

"Judging from the terrain outside, we should be near the Gurbantunggut Desert now—that is, the Jungar Basin Desert. You see, there is a typical Yardang landform area over there. The entire desert is full of wind-eroded structures. Here It should be a scenic spot, near Tuoling Mengpo, I remember I have been here before."

"This area has been doing sand control work for several years, and the environment is not bad. If we continue to go north into the hinterland of the desert. But don't worry, there is a high probability that we will be thrown to the 150th regiment in Shihezi, at least not Died here inexplicably."

There was a hint of comfort in Lin He's expression. After hearing the word "150 regiments", Yang Wei's expression finally relaxed a little.

Yes, even though she is full of prejudice against this country, objectively speaking, she still thinks that the army is the purest place in this country—especially the army here.

"What will they let us do?"

"I don't know. Just wait. It's nothing more than sand control. It won't be too difficult, but... our career is completely ruined."

"This area continues to go deeper, and it can be said that it has entered an isolated no-man's land. Human nature and morality are rare here, and the death competition between creatures is the mainstream—but it's okay, We are at the top of the food chain after all."

Hearing this, Yang Wei's relaxed mood became tense again.

She always thought that she was strong, noble, and could be sacrificed for her faith and future at any cost, but until this moment, when she faced her own ending, she suddenly realized that she would also lose control of her emotions.

Could it be that the rest of my life will be wasted in this desolate desert?
For her, this is a reality more terrifying than death.

During the several hours of driving, her fingers never stopped shaking. It was not until she was taken out of the car by the staff that she was in the desert and felt the cold air that she came back to her senses.

Yang Wei raised her head and looked around, and what appeared in front of her was a garrison point, surrounded by scattered low-rise houses, with some greenery dotted between the houses, which were glass greenhouse-style vegetable gardens opened up by the residents here.

The water source is obviously precious, because she saw the drip irrigation measures in the vegetable garden, which aroused some absurd curiosity in her—after all, it was the first time she had seen such a method since she grew up in a big city. For her, it is a facility that only exists in books.

She was about to step forward to watch, but the staff who got off the car immediately after her were already standing in front of her.

"Don't move, stand in your own position!"

"Starting today, you will be assigned to the Sand Control Workstation of Xinhu Farm, which is the place under your feet."

"You are here to complete the 200-kilometer human entry and retreat project together with the local military and civilians. No one can leave until the project is completed."

"Your basic life will be guaranteed by Xinhu Farm, and you will still enjoy your basic civil rights until your final judgment is handed down."

"Except freedom."

"Don't try to sabotage or escape, otherwise, the charges against you will be escalated."

"The duration of the project is five years. During this period, we will inspect you. If the inspection results are excellent, you will have the opportunity to be allowed to leave early."

"Now, I will hand you over to Xinhu Farm, and someone will guide you to familiarize yourself with the environment. We will meet again in 6 months."

After finishing speaking, the staff turned around and left, leaving Yang Wei and the others staring at each other.

Except for the soldiers with live ammunition, there are only those dusty sand control personnel around them.

No one knew what they should do, and no one came forward to guide them. They just stood in the cold wind for half an hour. When Yang Wei felt that her body was almost unconscious, she finally had a leader-like job. Personnel came from a distance and took them to a temporary residence.

The next day, Yang Wei and her team followed the farm into the real desert and began to do sand control work that was torture for them.

It is now the first ten days of February. According to the normal work plan, this time has not yet reached the tree planting season, but this does not mean that their work has become easier. Construction work is the part with the most workload.

This work team implemented the model of bringing the old with the new. Yang Wei was assigned to work with a middle-aged man named Wu Xuan who looked about 50 years old. The kindness of Yang Wei took the initiative to take over the work in Yang Wei's hands when she was exhausted to the point of collapse.

And this also increased Yang Wei's affection for him a lot. She thanked him sincerely, and the latter sighed and said:
"You don't need to thank me. To be honest, this is the first time that outsiders like you have come to this place. Let's renovate it. We will do it for one year this year and one year next year. By the year after next, our project will basically be over. gone."

"When the time comes, you can go back wherever you came from. It depends on what the leaders mean. It's not a big mistake you made. As long as you can educate yourself well, you will still be our own people."

Yang Wei was taken aback for a moment.

She never thought that the man across from her would feel that she and him were "one of her own".

"Thank you. I don't really think we did anything wrong, though—but thank you for your kindness."

"How could you be thrown here for reformation if you didn't make a mistake?"

Wu Xuan looked at Yang Wei suspiciously and asked.

Yang Wei sighed and replied:

"The route is different. It's the same as that time."

Wu Xuan frowned, and said with a serious expression:
"Different routes are not a small problem. If you take an anti-people route, then we are not the same."

"Of course not. On the contrary, we want to save people—it's just that there are some problems in the way. Maybe we are too radical and people can't accept it."

Hearing this, Wu Xuan couldn't help feeling a little curious. He filled the last bit of soil into the embankment wall, then sat down beside him, took out his cigarette case and asked:
"Do you smoke?"

Seeing Yang Wei shaking his head, he set himself on fire, and continued:

"Tell me about your route."

An excited look appeared on Yang Wei's face. She was keenly aware that this was an excellent opportunity. If she could start with the people on this farm and reform them on the ideological level, then it is very likely that this place will become a Pastoral's next secret base.

It was born under the eyes of the government, and it is the base that conceives the future of mankind.

Thinking of this, she couldn't wait to sit down next to Wu Xuan, tried to calm down her emotions, and then started from the adjacent dimension invasion, and explained the idea of ​​the pastoral song step by step.

During this process, the man always maintained a posture of listening attentively, and when Yang Wei finally stopped, he asked in confusion:

"So, the purpose of your organization is to lower the standard of living of ordinary people and let smart people solve the crisis?"

"It's fair to say, but the reduction in living standards is temporary."

Before she finished speaking, Wu Xuan interrupted:

"Then what did ordinary people do during this crisis?"

".live your own life."

"Live your own life?"

Wu Xuan laughed, and then asked:
"Do you know what life is to us?"

"As I said, pastoral songs, men farming and women weaving, reducing desire."

"Pastoral pastoral? Are you worthy of talking about pastoral pastoral?"

The expression on Wu Xuan's face suddenly became angry. Before the other party answered, he continued to question:

"Do you think our life here is an idyllic life?"

"Of course not. That's why we tried to persuade the officials to give up such a huge project that consumes a lot of manpower and makes you miserable."

"Desert control is not a necessary action. Even without this desert, can't you still survive? Is this country's 960 million square kilometers of land all desert? Can't you find another livable place? ?"

Hearing this, Wu Xuan's expression changed from anger to sadness. At this moment, he finally understood the reason why the woman in front of him was thrown over for transformation.

After taking the last puff of cigarette, he put the cigarette butt out on the ground, put it in his pocket again, and asked:
"Do you know how many people are affected by desertification in China?"

"You don't need to answer, I can tell you that it is 1.2 million people."

"Among the 1.2 million people, more than 80% of the population is poor. In other words, more than 40% of the poor people in China are concentrated in the Northwest Sandy Area!"

"Do you know what kind of life they lived before?"

"There is no water, no food, 365 days a year, and more than [-] days are windy and sandy days. The first thing to do when you get up in the morning is not to wash, but to clean up the sand that has been blown by the door. When two sandstorms come, you may not even be able to open the door the next day!"

"You ask me why they don't move away. What I said is really why they don't eat minced meat. How do you move it? What do you use to move it?"

"Moving requires money and risks!"

"A family that has just barely solved the problem of food and clothing, how can they afford the risk of moving?"

"In 2002, I was in Mu Us. I was still a young man at that time. Seeing the extremely difficult living standards of the people there, I asked the same question as you. Do you know how they answered me? "

"They said that if they stayed in the sandy area, they could barely survive, but if they moved out of the sandy area, they would definitely die."

"Do you know why? Have you ever heard a story called the offspring of the shepherd boy?"

"The offspring of the shepherd boy, all he can do is herd sheep. He absolutely has no extra resources and energy to try to cross his own class and change his own destiny as you said!"

"Because on that piece of land, the total amount of resources is only so much. If you want to feed their bodies, it is impossible to feed their spirits."

"This is a spiral of poverty, and no individual can break this spiral on his own."

"But, should they be content with poverty, with what you call a low-desire life?"

"You may have heard the story about a little girl whose grandmother cooked a bowl of instant noodles for her on her birthday. The reporter advised her not to feed the child such unhealthy food, but what was the answer?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I only eat it once a year on my birthday."

"Things that are unhealthy in your eyes are already the most nutritious food they can get."

"You don't really think that the so-called pastoral is planting the land, singing songs, and having no worries about food and clothing? You are too naive."

"The pastoral song is about thinking about where the next day's food comes from every night before going to sleep, about carefully taking a bath with a cup in the wind and sand, and about killing the sheep in the sand sea in order to find the sheep lost in the wind and sand!"

"Have you ever seen a real pastoral? Have you ever seen a son clamoring for meat, and the father couldn't afford the money to buy pesticides to poison the whole family? Have you ever seen school-age children walking barefoot to save a pair of shoes? Are you bloody? Have you ever seen people in the sand area cringe at your off-road vehicle, curious but not daring to approach it?"

"You didn't, you just looked at these people from above, and said coldly, 'You must save resources and buy time for the real elite'."

"You forget that they are human beings too."

Having said that, Wu Xuan let out a long breath, and then continued:
"In more than 20 years, we have transformed 8 square kilometers of sandy land and planted more than 3 square kilometers of various trees, a considerable part of which are cash crops."

"At least 4000 million people have been lifted out of poverty because of the 'unnecessary' giant sand control projects you call, and 1000 million children have been able to go to school normally because of the improvement of the regional economic level."

"After the desert is turned green, all measures to revitalize the economy in the animal husbandry, planting, and tourism industries will have the basis, and the people here will have the hope of breaking the poverty spiral."

"Now, go to Mu Us and take a look—no, you don't even need to go to Mu Us, just where we are standing, walk 20 kilometers south, and you will know the difference between a desert and an oasis!"

"And you dare to say in front of me that such a project is unnecessary?"

"In my opinion, it's not only necessary, it's not even sufficient - that's why we have the Tongtianhe project."

"Yes, I can understand your thinking, and I can understand that your starting point is also to solve the crisis of the invasion of adjacent dimensions——on this point, you are indeed more noble than those who are purely for profit."

"But you are as arrogant as they are."

"You want ordinary people to live a life of low desire? What about yourselves?"

Looking at the tongue-tied Yang Wei, Wu Xuan lit a cigarette again, and said:

"Living with low desires can't solve our crisis. On the contrary, only by advancing with strong desires can everyone's strength be gathered together, so that this society will not collapse under a crisis, and only then can everyone have hope. .”

"We are willing to choose hope, and you have no right to make decisions for anyone who has hope."

Yang Wei stared blankly at the angry Wu Xuan. After a long time, she looked away and silently picked up the shovel beside her.

At this moment, there was a crack in the logic of elitism in her heart. The crack was not too deep, but maybe this was the beginning of the collapse.

What she didn't know was that, thousands of miles away, in the cell she had been in, after 40 hours of hard work, the spider in the corner had formed its web.

(End of this chapter)

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