Great Power Technology.

Chapter 464 Exposure

Chapter 464 Exposure
A week later, in a luxury apartment in New York.

Bruce's eyes were already bloodshot. He raised his head from the table and looked at Sid, who was also sitting opposite him with a tired face.

"There is no mistake. Judging from the information we have, the other party is absolutely serious."

"The 'end of the world' they are talking about is not a joke—we can't deduce whether the end of the world itself is true or not, but one thing is for sure: the Chinese people take it seriously."

"Sid, tell me, what should we do?"

Sid nodded heavily, then shook his head again, and after a long thought, he spoke:
"Congress should have received the news and even reached a preliminary conclusion, but our judgment must still be passed on to Congress. If they finally make a decision of disapproval, then we have to find a way to change this decision."

"Everything we do is just reasoning. There is actually no strong evidence to support the proposition of doom itself—unless they reproduce a quantum interference in front of everyone."

"But I doubt whether these Chinese people will do this-you read what is written in the report, every observation will lead to a quantum collapse, their opportunities are obviously limited, and they will never waste it for them on meaningless things."

"And, they already said at the meeting that they don't need allies!"

"This is very bad for us. We are not allies. How can those gentlemen in Congress trust them?"

"Bruce, I think that's your problem. I'm just a physicist, and I'm really not good at games like this."

Bruce nodded slightly and replied:
"I know, I know yes, we have to convince them, but before we do that, we have to find a way to get the opinion of Congress on this matter."

While talking, he directly picked up the phone, found the name of a senior congressional official from the address book, and dialed it directly.

At this moment, Sid finally saw the network of his old friend. In just two hours, the two had collected more than 20 opinions, and when they gathered all the opinions of these decision-makers, a The fact that shocked them was presented before them.

Just as Bruce imagined, Congress determined the authenticity of "Doomsday" through the most rational judgment.

However, they do not intend to cooperate with Huaxia. Instead, they intend to launch a full-scale offensive when Huaxia pours a large amount of resources into two huge projects specially created for the end of the world to regain Ugly's dominance in the world!

Whether viewed from the perspective of Bruce as a sociologist, businessman, and financial practitioner, or Sid as a pure theoretical scholar, such a strategy is foolish.

"These idiots! What time is it, and they are still thinking about fighting for hegemony!"

"Is it meaningful to fight for hegemony?! Since the end is right in front of us, what's the point of fighting for the first place? Do you want to die more decently than your opponent?!"

Bruce was swearing and turning around in the study, his already gray hair was scrunched up, and his image at this time was like an impressionist painter who had fallen into madness.

"This is our Congress. What can we do? We elected it ourselves."

"I didn't vote for this idiot on stage! Sid, we must stop them, we must find a way to get Huaxia's support—no, what matters is not their support, but 'non-confrontation'!"

Having said that, Bruce paused suddenly for a second, then asked:
"Sid, can I trust you?"

"You can totally trust me. You know mine"

"No, Sid, that's not what I meant."

Bruce's expression was extremely serious. He grabbed Sid's shoulder and squeezed it tightly, exposing the veins in his arm.

"What I'm saying is, can I trust you in this matter?"

"Can you stick to our principles, can you put our survival first?"

Sid was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously replied:
"Of course, survival is of course the first priority - even those in Congress, they are for better survival, aren't they?"

"No, no, you still don't understand!"

Bruce shook off his hand a little manically, walked around the sofa twice, and then continued:
"The point is not survival, the point is us! Us!"

"I'm not talking about the 'us' of you and me, and other ordinary people living in this era, I'm talking about the 'us' from now on to the infinite future!"

"Have you not understood the thoughts of those masters in Congress? They don't believe in heaven! They don't intend to care about the life and death of future generations at all! They are only for themselves!"

"Yeah, yeah that's their motivation, their average age is 40 years old. They're going to keep drinking, keep enjoying, keep fucking women for the next 20 years. So, they must be focusing only on their own generation Interests!"

"Sid, I want you to promise that you will never only focus on your own interests! You have no offspring, and you have no concerns. No, just a promise is useless, you must give me a reason enough to convince me."

Hearing this, Sid frowned tightly. He vaguely sensed that Bruce seemed to be about to do something big. This big thing should be enough to change or destroy the strategy of Congress, but he couldn't think of what it was.

Could it be that he intends to make this "doomsday" information public?

But this is not enough to change the high-level strategy.
At most, it just caused them some trouble. The reason why Huaxia was unwilling to disclose it at this time was simply because they wanted to make the start of the two projects smoother. As time went by, their people would naturally know this information.

However, besides this, is there any other way for Bruce to influence high-level decision-making?
No matter how wide his contacts are and how powerful he is, in the face of such a major strategy, his right to speak is actually extremely limited—or, in other words, he almost only has the right to suggest.

In this case, the power of the individual is almost negligible.

Sid was still hesitating, and Bruce on the side couldn't wait to speak again:

"Tell me the answer! Our time is limited!"

Sid breathed a sigh of relief and replied:

"Bruce, I have no way to give you such a guarantee. I can only tell you that I am a rational person. If you don't believe me, you can exclude me from your plan right now!"

Bruce looked into Sid's eyes, and after a long while, he nodded dejectedly.

"Yes, you can't give me such a guarantee. Similarly, I shouldn't drag you into the water."

"Let's stop here, I will find a way to persuade Congress."

"I'm trying to make them realize that cooperation is the only way out."

"But why do you believe that so much? How do you know that Huaxia's strategy is right?"

Sid interrupted Bruce's soliloquy.

In fact, in his opinion, although Congress's strategy is indeed very stupid, is Huaxia's strategy necessarily correct?
Is it enough to change the final outcome by overdrawing all the resources and manpower to build and open up wasteland like they did?
It was hard for him to believe this.

Then, Bruce gave him a completely different answer.

"Sid, you are mistaken. I don't know whether Huaxia's strategy is correct or not—maybe their strategy is also stupid."

"But I know that it is absolutely right to choose the maximum cooperation from now on!"

"I don't care at all what the final solution to the so-called adjacent-dimensional invasion is -- that's what you physicists need to do."

"I am a sociologist, what I want to do is to eliminate unnecessary confrontation, what I want to do is to unite the entire human world!"

"Not just our country, but many other countries"

"What are you going to do?"

Sid shuddered involuntarily, he finally realized the danger of the decision Bruce had made in a very short time.

"You don't have to worry about what I do. In short, this will definitely be a kind of betrayal."

"Betrayal? For China? Is it worth it?"

Bruce shook his head and replied:
"No, I'm not for China, I don't care about their lives."

"I'm for ourselves—so that we can live in the right way."

"Maybe it's going to be a big cleanse but it's got to be worth it."

After all, Bruce turned and left the apartment. At the last moment of closing the door, he turned to Sid and said:

"Sid, my friend, you must remember this."

"Motivation! There is a source motivation in the development of all things! Finding this source motivation and finding a way to eliminate it or replace it is the key to solving the problem!"

Sid nodded heavily, and then his sight was cut off by the slowly closing elevator door.

This day was the last time the two met in the long years since then.

For the same goal, they embarked on completely different paths.

Two days later, a mysterious person anonymously disclosed to the media news about the "invasion of the adjacent dimension" and the "coming of the end".

Along with that, Huaxia's Beacon Plan and Tongtianhe Plan to deal with this crisis were also announced.

While everyone was looking at these two plans with mixed emotions, an even more explosive news was made public:
The Ugly Country will take advantage of the opportunity of China to use all its resources to deal with the crisis, and launch an attack on all fields of China with all its strength, so as to try to regain the dominance of the world.

This project was ironically named the "Last Wish" project by the mysterious person, and as the leader of the plan, the Healy Organization, their membership list, strategies and a large number of technical documents were all made public.

Using this as a starting point, a large-scale declassification campaign that spread across the world began to ferment.

(End of this chapter)

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