Great Power Technology.

Chapter 427 One thought, the world is wide!

Chapter 427 One thought, the world is wide!

".So, your so-called helping us is sending us 5000 yuan every month? Pastor, do you know what the current prices in South Island are?"

Liao Guoxing looked at the pastor sitting on the sofa in disbelief, and asked involuntarily.

The other party obviously regarded the staff sitting on the side as his ordinary friends, and he didn't know that his debt had been paid off through the loan from the Cross-Strait Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In the conversation just now, he said a lot of things such as "suffering It is the Lord's test", "The Lord has not abandoned His own lamb", "As long as you persevere, the debt will be paid off and life will be better" and other beautiful words that don't cost money.

But when it came to the so-called help at the end, Liao Guoxing's jaw was almost shocked by the conditions proposed by the other party.

Provide a subsidy of 5000 yuan per month, on the condition that they are not allowed to accept loans from the sorority.

For Liao Guoxing, this condition was like a joke.

Is it the 5000 yuan that I lack?
What I lack is 60!
According to the current prices in the north of the island, 5000 yuan can barely feed a family for a month, but considering the consumption of various living materials, this means that they can't even buy meat except seafood!

What is the point of such assistance?Can you really get yourself out of trouble?Can you solve your growing debt with compound interest?Can you let your daughter afford tuition?Can I let my father use a life monitor?
Liao Guoxing exchanged glances with the staff on the side, and there was a sarcastic smile on the other's face.

He sighed slightly, remembering that he had talked about the church’s subsidy with the staff of the fraternity before, and the other party said it was just a show in the religious field. fulfilled.

Isn't it just for show?
Distribute large sums of money to people who may or may not need it, and use such small favors to buy people's hearts. What is the difference between such an operation and those parties giving red envelopes to the people before the general election?
Those who received the red envelopes may be happy, but those who can't make it through, still can't make it through.

The so-called church, they don't care who they help, nor how much they help. What they care about is how many people will speak for them because of the few hundred South Island coins, so as to expand their prestige.

The pastor on the opposite side noticed his expression, and his face became serious. After a pause, he said:
"It is said in the proverbs that the Lord saves those who save themselves. Mr. Liao, although the 5000 yuan is not much, it can also solve your urgent needs. You also have a job, don't you? With this money, you can concentrate more on your work. Do your own thing well instead of worrying about food and clothing at home."

"We know that the fraternity has proposed attractive conditions to you, but please believe me, it is just a poisoned apple. They tempted you to eat it, but after eating it, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Do you really believe the super low interest rates they're offering? Do you really believe they'll forgive your loan?"

"No, how could they be so kind? They just want to use you to influence more people, so as to achieve their evil purpose."

Hearing this, Liao Guoxing frowned slightly, but before he could answer, the staff on the side asked:
"What evil purpose?"

The pastor on the opposite side sighed and asked:
"Isn't it obvious? They want to break the stability between the two sides of the strait. Mr. Liao, you are a smart man, you can't see it, can you?"

"I can see it."

Liao Guoxing looked calm.

"But, so what? I don't think there's anything evil about it. Don't you think it's evil for an official who punishes a fisherman to ruin his fortune just for the benefit of his own party, regardless of the lives of the people? "

"Mr. Liao, you seem to have been blinded by the devil. But it doesn't matter, the Lord will not give up any lost lamb."

"We all know about the issues you mentioned, but this is not something the Lord's servants will pay attention to. We don't care about this kind of secular disputes. Our purpose is to let the kingdom of heaven come to this land again."

"Then why do you say that the other side is evil? Isn't this also a secular dispute?"

The staff interjected again.

The pastor on the opposite side was obviously taken aback for a moment. He still hadn't guessed the identity of the staff member. After a while, he answered:

"No, it's not the same."

"You know, the other side is a country without religious freedom. There, the Lord's voice cannot be spread, and the Lord's believers cannot freely believe in religion. If we let it go, the South Island will become like them. This is our absolute responsibility. unacceptable result."

"We will defend the land of the Lord, the Lamb of the Lord."

"The villains of the Federation cannot save the people of the South Island. Only by throwing themselves into the arms of the Lord can they be saved."

Hearing this, the staff suddenly stood up.

He looked directly into the pastor's eyes, and said in a word:

"Pastor, your coming here today represents a kind of goodwill. I am grateful for your help to the people of the South Island."

"But you said that you are defending the Lamb of the Lord, but I can't agree with it, because this kind of statement is too ridiculous."

"I am also a South Islander. For a long time, I also believed that we are independent. I also believed that the two sides of the strait should maintain the status quo and develop independently."

"However, this does not mean that I can let you talk nonsense here, and I can forget the suffering that you sanctimonious missionaries from the Vatican have brought to my nation."

"You say you are defending the Lamb of God, who are you defending?"

"Beginning in the 18th century, when you shipped opium to our countrymen in clipper ships, and then received donations from those opium dealers, who were you defending?"

"Since 1842, when you participated in the planning of various treaties, occupying our lands, seizing our gold and silver, and plundering our cultural relics, who were you defending?"

"Beginning in the 19s, when your missionaries went deep into the mainland of China to occupy land, interfere in internal affairs, shield the Christians, and engage in usury, who were you defending?"

"In 1900, European Catholic missionaries put forward the slogan 'head for head' on the grounds that 680 Catholics were killed, and killed 680 innocent people. At that time, who were you defending?"

"Just a few years ago, when you sanctified Malai, who did so much evil in our land, who were you defending?!"

"Yes, I also admit that in the following period of time, your missionaries gave us some help in the war against foreign aggression. These are objective facts."

"But, after 1950, what is your attitude towards us? Just because a country chooses a political system that is different from what you expected, your Holy See has issued two orders against this newborn country!"

"Not only that, your Holy See even announced that it will impose the so-called 'super excommunication' on ordinary believers who are still freely active!"

"Who are you defending? You haven't even defended your most loyal lamb!"

"Now, don't you think it's ridiculous when you say here that 'the Holy See doesn't care about secular disputes'?"

Hearing the questioning from the staff, the pastor stood up blushing, and after more than ten seconds of being tongue-tied, he squeezed out a sentence:

"In times of war, we also helped many people"

The staff smiled coldly and replied:
"Yes, I do not deny that. But they are not you."

"Their roots are in China. They are Chinese people first, and then they are believers. And your roots are in the Vatican, in Rome, and in the West. You will never really plan for the interests of China and the Chinese people."

"You said that you have helped many people. I just want to ask you, what were you doing when all the Taoists in Qipantuo Taoist Temple died for the country and the huge Taoist temple was burned?"

"We have never opposed religion, and we have never restricted the freedom of belief. What we oppose is you group of so-called believers who are coerced by Western interests and use so-called beliefs to cover up their dirty goals!"

Having said that, the staff paused for a moment, then continued:
"Now, you still want to use those old methods to stop our pace and deceive our compatriots. Then I want to ask you, are you worthy?"

"You cannot save the people of the South Island, only socialism can save the people."

Immediately afterwards, before the pastor could answer, the staff turned around and looked at Liao Guoxing who was at the side, and said sincerely:

"Mr. Liao, I hope you don't mind if what I said offends me."

"We are not opposed to freedom of belief, and we will not kill all religions with one stick. We just want to tell you that on that continent, there are truly worthy beliefs."

"That kind of belief... as long as you understand it, you will know that it is definitely higher than any belief you are familiar with."

Hearing what the staff said, Liao Guoxing was silent for a long time.

He ignored the pastor who finally came back to his senses and was chattering and retorting, but asked the staff:

"What if I don't believe in the belief you speak of? Will you get my loan back?"

"They will!"

The pastor on the side shouted anxiously.

But the staff just shook their heads slowly.

"We won't. I can tell you directly that the money came from this island, and it belongs to you, to you."

Hearing this, Liao Guoxing nodded slightly, then looked at the pastor and said:

"Sorry, I voted for the Communist Party."

(End of this chapter)

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