Great Power Technology.

Chapter 425 No one sleeps

Chapter 425 No one sleeps
After the order was issued, until the No. 003 formation left the port of Djibouti two weeks later, almost no one slept in the entire Lemonier camp.

Schneider and Wood, who were originally full of ambitions, were almost tormented by planes taking off and landing day and night. They couldn't understand how such an aircraft carrier with a small tonnage could take off and land hundreds of aircraft in a day. sorties of aircraft.

What makes them even more incomprehensible is that almost all of these aircraft are heavy fighters. Except for the J-20H and J-16J they are familiar with, there are also a small number of J-35s. AWACS.

These planes took off from the deck at an extremely dense frequency. At most, they could even observe 6 different types of planes taking off at the same time.

Fighter planes and early warning aircraft that take off from three ejection runways, J-20H that take off from a vertical take-off and landing point, anti-submarine helicopters that fly from any position, and Wuzhao-9 reconnaissance aircraft that are launched from catapults on the edge of the deck.
This kind of density of take-off and landing, even the most advanced aircraft carrier of our own side, cannot do it, especially the simultaneous operation of three electromagnetic ejection runways will bring huge challenges to the ship's integrated electrical system.

Maybe this kind of situation is just "awesome" to outsiders, but for their army, which claims to have grown up on the back of the machine, it is just like alien technology.

Only then did they finally feel the fear of being dominated—especially after being woken up by a sudden sonic boom for several days in a row.

Schneider's spirit was almost on the verge of collapse. He walked out of the barracks in a daze. There was a clear sky in front of him, but in his eyes, it was as lifeless as a black and white photo.

In the past five days, his effective sleep time has not exceeded 10 hours in total. No matter how he adjusts the sleep time and tries to cover his ears, the situation has not improved in the slightest.

You know, the opponent can almost say that the sonic boom produced by flying close to the ground reaches more than 140 decibels, while the sound of the shock bombs commonly used in the army explodes at close range is only 170 decibels-a shock bomb can directly shock Broken eardrums, causing permanent brain damage and organ disability.

Although this situation can't be said to be uninterruptedly dropping range bombs into the camp, it is at least equivalent to dozens of artillery firing continuously in the ears.

You may not find it difficult to resist when you are awake, but what if you are not allowed to sleep?

A sense of guilt suddenly felt uncontrollably in his heart.

Maybe I shouldn't have treated those colleagues in the Djibouti base in that way before. If I didn't do it first, how could the other party take such cruel revenge?
He looked blankly at another fighter plane flying in the sky, and he recognized it as a J-20 called "Veyron". He was already very familiar with this fighter plane, even so familiar that he could barely He could draw three views of its fuselage, but now, he felt an unprecedented fear from this plane.

That plane seemed to be like a giant dragon with teeth and claws, flying through the air with the sound of a thundering dragon, crushing himself like an ant on the ground with incomparably cruel power.

As the figure of the fighter gradually faded away, some kind of hallucination appeared in front of his eyes.

He felt that he had become a warrior on the ancient battlefield, wearing armor on his body and holding a sharp sword in his hand, while the sun in the distance turned into a giant eye of a demon, and the sharp light pierced his brain, killing him All the negative emotions in my heart evaporated.

Anger, fear, madness, pain. He felt dizzy and uncontrollably walking towards the hangar.

There is his car and his horse. He will ride his horse and kill all the enemies.

Everything went smoothly, he entered the hangar without hindrance, the B-1B Lancer bomber was waiting for his arrival quietly like any time before, he stroked the skin of the fighter plane, his hands were cold The touch made him moan with satisfaction.

Then, he moved the "stirrup" in sight from the side of the hangar, and along the "stirrup", he boarded the cockpit of the plane. Many people rushed from a distance to stop him, but he Wielding the sharp sword in his hand, all those people were repelled.

"Monsters, all monsters!"

A hoarse and low roar came from Schneider's mouth, and he found that his hands were stained with blood, which made him even more excited.

The war horse is right under your own crotch, while the enemy
Enemies in the sky?

But how could his war horse reach the sky?
He looked at his body in confusion, but before he could think clearly, there was a sudden sharp pain in his head, and then his body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

There was a burst of exclamation from around, and at the last moment of landing, Schneider finally remembered his identity.
It’s over.

It was his last thought before his neck snapped.

Two hours after Schneider's accident, the Djibouti base received a call from Camp Lemonnier. The person who answered the call was Liu Yijun, who served as the temporary commander, and on the other side of the phone was the commander-in-chief of Camp Lemonnier.

"...I apologize for the trouble I caused to your base before, but you should also be aware that it is just a normal, uh, normal training behavior."

"Compared to what you are doing now, we actually have to restrain ourselves a lot—at least we didn't fly supersonic close to the ground, right? You are from the Air Force, and you know how much that noise will cause ground personnel influences."

"Today, we have had three consecutive cases of insanity. There was even a highly decorated pilot who almost fell to his death from the plane because of hallucinations—yes, he climbed into the plane, injured himself, and then He fell downside down from a height of nearly three meters."

".No no no, of course not credit for your actions, he's a counter-terrorist hero. Well, he's fine, the gangway saved his life, just a broken neck."

"I sincerely hope that this kind of training will not continue. We have received your protests, and I can assure you that even after the 003 formation leaves, the previous harassing flight will not happen again. .”

"No, absolutely not. We are all senior military officers, and we all know the reasons behind the current situation. On this point, I think we can reach a consensus."

"Two weeks? Sir, only five days have passed now, and our soldiers may not last the other three days."

"I know, I know you've been at it for a year, but like I said, at least we didn't have a sonic boom, did we?"

"If you insist on doing this, then we may have to counterattack"

".No, I didn't mean that, I'm definitely not provoking a new military confrontation, I'm just saying."

"Forget it. Sir, two weeks is two weeks, but at least, don't fly again until the sun comes up?"


"Good. Have a nice day."

With a long sigh, the commander-in-chief of the Lemonnier Battalion hung up the phone. Another officer beside him saw his expression and asked tentatively:
"They agreed?"

"No. Prepare a transport plane and send away the soldiers who recently had psychological problems. I can't change the other party's decision."


The officer nodded, and then asked unwillingly:

"So, what reason did they use to refuse?"

The commander-in-chief sighed again, and after a long silence, he answered:

"Actually, there is no particularly convincing reason."

"However, for this reason"

"He said that their training is carried out according to China time."

"The sun of Lemonier has not risen, but the sun of Huaxia has risen."

The high-intensity take-off and landing training of Formation 003 was originally a routine training subject, and even the U.S. military could not find any reason to question it.

Therefore, no matter how the Lemonnier Battalion protested to their superiors, the only order they received was "stand by and do not allow conflicts."

The higher-ups really don't want to expand the conflict in this embarrassing period, because the result of doing so is obviously to send their own face in front of the other party to make the other party slap them.

The top people in this country may be bad, but they are not stupid, and they know how to judge the situation better than anyone.

Just a few unhinged soldiers. So many soldiers suffer from PTSD every year, what's that at Camp Lemonnier?
Was the strategic position of Camp Lemonnier important?Are overseas bases important?Does the South Island matter?
It's very important, but compared to their strategy of keeping a low profile, all of this can be tolerated.

After all, their most important thing at the moment is to "slow down" the progress of the South Island incident through other forces, so as to buy time for themselves.

Now, all their hopes are pinned on Francis and the Holy See.

(End of this chapter)

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