Great Power Technology.

Chapter 422 How many teachers does he have?

Chapter 422 How many teachers does he have?

Vatican, the episcopal residence of St. Peter's Church.

Sitting next to the current Pope Francis are several white men in suits and leather shoes, who are having a serious conversation with a straight face.

However, the content of this conversation has little to do with religion.

They were discussing an issue that should not have been the concern of a detached theocracy.

"...As I said, Vatican has been in a state of estrangement from Huaxia before. Although the cooperation agreement a few years ago has achieved certain results, in fact, until now, the bishop of Huaxia has still not been appointed. "

"In contrast, your influence in the South Island has expanded rapidly, and you have also reaped a lot of rewards. Continue to support their independence, which is actually beneficial to you."

"You also know that if the current situation develops further, the originally free land will likely be bound by the rule of 'no preaching in public places' again. I think you can't accept this, right?"

After listening to the man's words, Francis nodded slightly, and replied somewhat ambiguously:
"The splendor of the Lord must shine upon every land."

The man smiled and continued:

"Your Majesty the Pope—or, in this case, I should call you Mr. Francis."

"The issue we are discussing now is related to the actual interests of Vatican. The reason why you can enjoy the current transcendent status is actually because of religious orthodoxy."

"To maintain this orthodox status, it is extremely important to continuously guarantee influence."

"In fact, this time the crisis in the South Island is not only an economic crisis, a social crisis, but also a religious crisis."

"You also know that because of the deterioration of the island's environment, there have been a lot of voices among believers such as 'the Lord cannot save people, socialism saves people'."

"In addition, churches around the world have also generally reported that the number of people attending baptisms has fallen off a cliff, the number of worshipers has fluctuated sharply, and the frequency of believers attending services has decreased. A truly 'de-religious' area."

"I don't need to tell you the impact of this on the prestige of the Holy See, you must be aware of it, right?"

After listening to the man's words, Francis nodded slowly, his expression changed subtly at this moment.

It seemed that he was no longer the incomparably holy pope, but the king who really planned and managed the empire.

Yes, the Holy See everywhere is the land he entrusted, and as the king of these lands, he must plan for his people.

As the man said, the crisis in the South Island is far from being as simple as it seems to the Holy See. If it cannot be handled properly, under the butterfly effect, not only the South Island, but even the country that has been working hard for many years The situation in China will collapse accordingly.

The Holy See has no idea how much effort and resources it has put in to allow its influence to germinate on that land. Although it is only in some remote areas and has some influence among certain elderly groups, That's at least a good start.

But the current situation is that this little bud is about to face a major crisis because of a problem that it seems that it doesn't want to do it at all.

Therefore, the Holy See must respond, and it must respond.

Thinking of this, he said:
"As a person, I sincerely appreciate your reminder; as a servant of the Lord, I appreciate your loyalty to the Lord."

"Now, what I want to ask is, from your suggestion, what method should we use to find the lost lamb for the Lord?"

The man opposite looked at his face, but there was no trace of piety in his eyes, he just said in a slightly frivolous tone:

"The loss of a lamb doesn't necessarily mean it's bewildered by a demon, it could also be because there's no grass... Do you agree with that?"


Francis nodded in reply.

"So, to get this lamb back on track, the first thing we need to do is simple: we're going to give them grass."

"We must provide them with necessary and sufficient assistance through the Holy See, especially for the poor people at the bottom."

"It should be noted that the objects of our assistance are not only believers, and not only those who are friendly to the Lord, but everyone."

"Aid to all those in need without discrimination and without conditions."

Hearing this, Francis' expression changed slightly, and he said with emotion:
"It will be a great gift, and the grace of the Lord will be upon that land like never before."

"Yes, this is a huge exposure opportunity for the Holy See, and everyone will witness the glory of the Lord."

"The glory of the Lord will shine on you as well—on the people who help each other."

"No, we're just making suggestions..."

Francis was taken aback for a moment, he looked into the man's eyes, and asked with some doubts:
"Didn't you pay for it?"

"...For now, no."

The man paused for a moment, then continued to explain:

"For some reason, we are now unable to conduct financial transactions with any sensitive affairs or sensitive objects, so this time the funds must be raised by you yourself."

"—Of course, we will not let the Holy See suffer. After 3 years, we will pay all the fees in one lump sum, plus interest."

"Mr. Francis, we have cooperated countless times. I think the trust between us should be unbreakable. Now that we make such a request, you should not refuse it?"

Francis looked into the man's eyes, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

Seeing his reaction, the man happily continued:

"You can have complete confidence in our promise, and if you don't believe it, we can sign a non-public document, or I can swear to the Lord before you."

"...Let's sign a document."

"So much the better."

After finishing speaking, the man took out the documents he had prepared and handed them to Francis, and then continued:
"Aid is only our first plan, and I need you to do another thing."

"whats the matter?"

"We need you to speak out internationally, accuse China of its economic and cultural attacks on the South Island, and call on all Catholic countries to support or directly support the South Island."

"This support can be financial, religious, or even ... military."

"In addition, I need you to make a global visit. The list of countries to visit has been listed here. You just need to travel according to the itinerary."

Francis looked at the long list of countries on the thin piece of paper, and fell into deep thought for a while.

In fact, such visits are no strangers to him. When he was just a bishop, he once represented the Holy See in various countries that believe in the Lord. This can be said to be a very normal "job".

However, the countries on the list this time made him feel a little uneasy.

Because those are all countries that have close ties with the South Island.

Is it really a wise choice to appear on the territory of those countries now that we know that Huaxia has launched the final assault on the South Island?
These countries include not only the members of the Five Eyes Alliance and the Hundred Treaty, but also some countries that are so poor and small that they are almost ignored by the world.

And they have only one thing in common: the position is biased towards the South Island, whether it is public or private.

Seeing Francis' hesitant look, the man comforted him:

"You can rest assured about security issues. Every country you go to will do its best to ensure your safety. What's more, they will never dare to do anything to you."

"Once you have a problem, it's a declaration of war with the entire Western world."

Hearing the man's words, Francis took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind.

After a short pause, he asked:
"What can we get?"

The man smiled slightly and replied:

"It's all written in the agreement. Believe me, you can't refuse such a condition."

Francis opened the agreement and read it carefully for a moment. After 10 minutes, he held out his hand.

"Then, wish us a happy cooperation?"

Francis spoke.

"May God bless us!"

The man replied reverently.

Half an hour later, the man left the Pope's Palace. After getting into the car, the assistant on the side asked with some doubts:
"Mr. John, I remember that you are a devout Catholic, but it seems that you behaved in front of him..."

"Not so religious, is it?"


The assistant nodded.

"I can explain this to you, but I have a question to ask you first."

"Do you know why the Holy See is always the villain in the games and animations of the islanders?"

The assistant was stunned, he didn't expect his boss to ask such a nonsensical and irrelevant question.

After thinking for a moment, he tentatively replied:
"Is it because...they have their own beliefs, so they don't believe in the Lord?"

John smiled and replied:
"Wrong. It's because the Holy See likes little boys, but the islanders don't."

"Although I'm not an islander, but..."

"Anyway, you should be able to understand it here, right?"

Seeing the assistant nodding, he sighed and continued:
"I believe in the Lord, but I don't believe in these so-called...servants of the Lord."

Within a week of John's meeting with Francis, a massive aid campaign from the Vatican was launched, with the Pope running the gamut calling for international aid for the beleaguered South Island.

As an example, the Church of the Holy See in the South Island responded first. They used a large amount of funds to subsidize all ordinary people who have difficulties in life. Although the money distributed to everyone is not much, it is indeed in the society. caused a stir.

Subsequently, according to the originally planned itinerary, Francis began to visit the countries on the list, and his first stop was Ireland.

On the other side, in a certain office of Hailan, He Tong also finished reading the report in his hand. He threw the report back on the table with some disdain, looked up and said to the staff in front of him:
"This time the opponent's actions are actually selling Vatican. They want to use religious influence to instigate international support and introduce complex forces to slow down our progress. This kind of plan is really a bit naive."

"The assistance on the island is indeed a good move, but when our 'credit knife men' are fully activated, their amount of funds is almost like a playhouse."

"As for the Pope's itinerary..."

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"It just so happens that at this time, we should also have a friendly exchange with all countries in the world."


Three days later, dozens of countries received invitations from China to visit and exchange, with the purpose of discussing the future of maritime trade, discussing a series of issues related to the safety of maritime routes, combating piracy, and mutual assistance in maritime equipment and technology among various countries.

They don't want to accept, but dare not refuse.

Because it was the No. 003 aircraft carrier combat formation that issued the visit request.

The first stop of the visit was Ireland.

(End of this chapter)

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