Great Power Technology.

Chapter 410 The Fishing Field Controversy

Chapter 410 The Fishing Field Controversy
According to the plan of the General Technical Office, Ye Zhou will be mainly responsible for the work of the Shenguang 5 project for a period of time in the future. At the same time, the Nantianmen project has also entered a critical period of nuclear power aviation development and will be launched in the future The ground test vehicle, these two technical application tasks are related to a certain extent, which can just avoid the confusion caused by Ye Zhou being responsible for too many projects at the same time.

As for the AES technology provided by Ye Zhou before, it will continue to be handed over to the Chen Li team of Zhejiang University who was in charge of the BCI skeleton project. They have already made some progress in AVS technology and continue to expand into the AES field, which has natural advantages. .

However, no one has a clue as to when the first results will be produced.

After all, AES technology is a comprehensive technology involving multiple fields such as biology, medical treatment, computing, artificial intelligence, etc. Its progress speed is difficult to measure reliably like other pure industrial technologies, and there may be no results for several years. A breakthrough may be achieved in just a few months, or even a few days.

The eager way of working is completely unreliable in this technology, and all you can do is be patient.

At sea, on the southwest side of the Penghu Islands, in the shallow pile fishing ground, a formation of ocean-going fishing boats with red flags is carrying out fishing operations in this fishing ground.

The leader is one of the largest fishing boats in Yashan Fishing Port, Qiong Sanya Fishing No. 72106. This fishing boat started construction in May 2014. It is a steel fishing boat with lights and nets. It is 5 meters long, 58 meters wide and has a gross tonnage of 9 tons. , with a total cost of 700 million yuan, and can resist 1468 strong winds.

The ship has been equipped with 12 crew members and has been continuously operating for more than 80 days. During its years of service, it has brought countless catches to its owner. Now, it has taken on a brand new Task: open up new fishing grounds.

In fact, the traditional scope of operations of this fishing boat was mainly in the South China Sea, where the fish resources are abundant and the fishing difficulty is relatively small. It is basically not a loss for a single voyage, but just a few days ago, the boss of the boat did not know that he had received Where did the order come from, and he insisted on changing the original fishing plan. Instead of going to the South China Sea, he withdrew and headed north, moving closer to the northern fishing grounds.

When he set sail, no one knew the reason why he did this, so it naturally attracted complaints and doubts from the crew. However, when they saw the big island that was getting closer and closer from the map, and the gathering After the formation of other fishing boats, everyone understood the significance of this operation.

It turned out that this time I was not going to eat, but to smash my job.

After figuring this out, those doubts disappeared as if they had never appeared before, and even some passionate emotions appeared on the boat—although no one said it, everyone knew that this time, they might be As the most ordinary fisherman, he must participate in a certain event.

Zhan Hui, the chief mate of fishing boat No. 106, was sitting on the fishing platform on the side of the boat, holding a fishing rod in his hand, and throwing the hooks into the sea in boredom. Occasionally, one or two sea fish would be caught on those hooks, but he just pulled them up to watch At a glance, he threw it back again.

For him, fishing on a boat is just a pastime, and even trawling is just a routine, and the things he really cares about have not happened until now.

At this time, the sea was calm, and the captain Tan Min also left the cockpit. Seeing Zhan Hui who was killing time on the fishing platform, he walked up and sat down beside him, and then said:
"Why are you so idle? What are you doing, what are you doing with a fishing rod and no fishing? There's no work on the boat?"

Zhan Hui chuckled, looked back at Tan Min and replied:
"Boss, look how there is no work here. There are boats everywhere in this small area. Let's just pick up some corners and corners. Do you still expect to pay back this trip?"

Tan Min stretched out his hand and patted Zhan Hui on the back of the head, and said angrily:

"You are half-brained, you have to do everything. Let me tell you again, we are here to fish. The fish in the South China Sea are not good. We come here to ask for a living. Do you understand?"

"Oh, I understand. Am I not fishing? You see, all of my first mates have come to fish in person. Isn't that hard enough? Life is hard, and it's great to catch one more."

"Then can you catch the fish you caught? What does it mean to put it in your hand?"

"I'm not lazy. I know, I know, I'll go get the bucket and put it away in a while."

Hearing his answer, Tan Min sighed helplessly, pulled up his trousers, and sat down on the fishing platform beside him.

Looking at the other fishing boats faintly visible on the sea in the distance, Tan Min suddenly laughed too. He pointed to the shadow of the fishing boat in the distance and said:
"Look at that ship. It has been anchored there for two days. They dare not come over, and they can't catch any fish. I don't know what they are thinking. Could it be that they want to wait for us to leave before coming to pick up the leak?"

Zhan Hui shook his head and replied:

"I don't know where to go, but we have encountered many fishing boats from the South Island in the past few days. They are very courageous. They clearly see that there are so many boats on our side, and even one boat dares to break into them in a daze. Come—are you not afraid that we will be bumped into by him?"

".It's not your ship, you don't feel bad, do you? If you don't understand, you will hit your head! If you really have nothing to do, go and drag the deck. Don't do those aggressive things all day long. matter."

"That's not because I'm so brave!"

Zhan Hui's expression seemed a little aggrieved, and after a pause, he continued:
"Boss, you weren't there when the ship passed by two days ago. Everyone pointed at us and scolded Sai Lianmu. You didn't let us fight back. Tell me, who is so brave?"

Hearing his words, Tan Min patted him on the shoulder and comforted him:
"If you are angry, you should be angry! You know, we are here to do big things this time, put away your little temper, don't make big mistakes because of small things, understand?"

"Understand, understand, as long as they don't provoke us, we will never take the initiative to provoke"

"Even if you provoke us, you can't fight back!"


Seeing Zhan Hui's dissatisfied expression, Tan Min smiled slightly and replied:
"You are still too young. Let me give you an example. You went to school when you were young. What should you do if other children bully you?"

"Call back, what else can I do?"

"So you are half-brained! What's the use of beating back? The nature of beating back will change! I'm different. If I can't fight back, I can't fight back, and I turn around and tell the teacher to sue the parents, and let the teacher beat him. This is the fundamental way to solve the problem, can you understand?"

".Understood, it's still you."

"It's not that I'm black, it is."

Before Tan Min finished speaking, the expression on his face suddenly changed, and then he looked at the black spot in the distance and asked hesitantly:

"Xiaohui, do you think that the boat over there is moving? It took so little time to improve so much, and it's coming at us?"

Hearing this, Zhan Hui stood up, put his hands on the awning and looked at it for a while, then went back to the cabin to get the binoculars. After a look, he found that the fishing boat that had been anchored in the distance was emitting black smoke from a distance. coming.

Judging from the density of the smoke, they were probably moving forward at full speed, and the direction was exactly in the direction of the berthing operation of No. 106.

There was a trace of worry on Zhan Hui's face. Although he had expected something to happen, he realized that he was still afraid when it was really possible to happen.

It's not that I'm afraid of the matter itself, but I'm afraid of trouble.

After a short pause, he sighed and said:
"It seems that it is really coming for us."

"Boss, look, we are not looking for trouble, but trouble is looking for us. What should we say? Should we avoid it or meet it?"

Hearing his question, Tan Min pondered for a moment, then replied:

"It's absolutely impossible to meet them. Wouldn't that be two children fighting? It's even worse to avoid it. In this way, when everyone returns to their posts, we will pretend that we don't know and do our own things. Later, if they really want to If you dare to do anything, you must treat them to a good drink!"

After finishing speaking, he got up and went directly to the captain's cabin, and Zhan Hui also returned to the deck immediately, and began to direct the sailors on the ship to take full action, and started the fishing work in a serious manner.

At this time, three days had passed since Qiongsanya Yu 72106 arrived at Qiandui Fishing Ground, and at this moment, someone finally couldn't hold back.

Half an hour later, the South Island fishing boat coming from the right side passed the tail of No. 106 fishing boat in a thrilling manner. The trawl net they carried was entangled with the trawl net of No. 106. It was dragged and turned in one direction.

Then, the two entangled fishing boats collided fiercely!
(End of this chapter)

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