Great Power Technology.

Chapter 100 We want to take it all

Chapter 100 We want to take it all
On the other side of the sea, in the Advanced Strategic Analysis Office.

"Our strategy has basically worked. Now the production capacity of all chip manufacturers is basically saturated. Almost all the chips we released have been converted into contracts, but the shipment has not yet been completed."

"At least 60 companies on the other side have defected, including some large companies. As we thought, they either lost confidence in the government under the attack of public opinion, or they invested in cheaper prices. middle."

"All in all, we've won the battle for market priority."

Hearing the young man's summary, the white-haired old man nodded, and then continued to ask:
"Now how many chips do we have backlogged in the HMSC factory over there in Yindu?"

"About 12.6 billion pieces, which can meet the six-month shipment quantity under the current contract, and the subsequent quantity will continue to increase."

The white-haired old man frowned, and asked with some worry:

"Such a large shipment will not arouse suspicion from the outside world?"

"There must be doubts, but as long as it doesn't fall on the surface, it doesn't have much impact on our strategy. More importantly, HMSC already has chip processing capabilities, and its annual shipments in the low-end chip field It’s not low, it’s actually explainable.”

"Okay. Another question. Is the storage of these chips safe? Why should they be shipped to them all at once? I doubt the management ability of these Yindu people."

"This is mainly a matter of contract execution. We use a CIP contract. Our companies can only receive payment and generate income after delivery at the port. Therefore, they all tend to ship directly. This is beyond our control. "

"In addition, it's actually not that dangerous to store in Yindu. We have already dispatched professional management personnel to manage the warehouse, so it's not a big problem."

"Okay, then the specific execution is up to you. In addition..."


Before the white-haired old man finished speaking, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open.

"The opponent reacted!"

The old man's expression lifted, and he asked quickly:

"They lowered the price too?"

"No, they issued a notice today, and the content of the notice is..."

The visitor handed the PAD in his hand to the white-haired old man. After the old man opened it, there was a manuscript written in Chinese on it, with the translation in small characters next to it.

The manuscript lists all leaks in history and blames them on the back door of foreign chips. The argument is clear, but the evidence is not as strong as it seems.

After reading the manuscript, the white-haired old man shook his head.

"Questioning the secrecy of our chips...well, that's a tactic, but I don't see the brilliance of that tactic."

"They can question our secrecy, and we can also question theirs. In the final analysis, it is just a war of words that stays on the lips."

"How does this affect us? Merchants will not be shaken in their own pursuit of profit because of these frivolous responsibilities."

He was a little disappointed.

Originally thought that the other party could come up with a giant-level technology such as chip manufacturing technology, so it should be a strong opponent in other fields, but obviously, judging from the current reaction of the other party, their response did not meet their expectations at all. level.

This is a confrontation between two countries, how can one speak at such a time?

Just like a duel between two cowboys, the winner is always determined by whose gun is faster and whose gun is more accurate, not whose provocation sounds better.

How can you speak in a confrontation?

Whoever speaks has already lost.

He returned the pad to the secretary who just came in, and then said to the people in front of him:

"This is probably just the opponent's front-end strategy. I want to test the market's reaction first. Our opponents are not so weak, and they are far from helpless."

"So, we still have to continue to be vigilant and not take it lightly, let them seize the opportunity."

Several other people in the office nodded one after another. They also thought that issuing such a notice at this moment was an extremely substandard behavior, which did not conform to the real strength of their opponents.

Therefore, they will only regard this announcement as a temptation.

"Okay, go get busy first, we're going to continue our discussion."

His secretary agreed to leave with a push of the door, but less than 10 minutes after their discussion resumed, the door of the office was pushed open again.

"Sir! There is an emergency!"

The secretary's face was full of anxiety and uneasiness, and the white-haired old man's heart beat suddenly.

There is a kind of not so good premonition.

"What's the matter? Get straight to the point!"

"The other party released an official document just now, and it has now been forwarded in the national media. It is said that it will be distributed to various enterprises soon, and each enterprise will implement it..."

The old man couldn't wait to take the PAD, which was still a Chinese document.

And the title of that document is:
"National Chip Industry Revitalization Plan White Paper Volume [-] - Chip Patent Management Measures"

The old man looked at the file in silence, and after a few minutes, he raised his head and sighed deeply.

He looked at the translators in front of him who had finished reading the documents, and his colleagues who were also shocked and speechless said:
"Our opponents have a phrase called... drawing from the bottom of the pot."

"This word means that if you want to cool a pot of boiling water, it is useless to keep adding cold water to it. You have to draw out the firewood under the pot."

"Apt, isn't it?"

"They have known for a long time that we are going to fight a price war, and they also know that if we do it right, it is like adding water to the boiling water. As long as our fire is alive, no amount of water will be enough to fill it."

"So, they pulled out our firewood."

"It's really... a good plan."

"I really don't know when our officials will have such courage..."

As he spoke, the white-haired old man gradually became emotional.

"Licensing chip patents for free, and then using official financial funds to make up for related companies, this is not only a draw from our bottom, but also greatly promotes their chip R&D and manufacturing in another way..."

"This amount of money that would have been spent on price wars will generate countless new patents for them! And these patents will become weapons against us by then!"

"They don't seem to care about short-term gains at all..."

Having said this, the white-haired old man suddenly froze.

short-term gain.

Chip leaks.

Publish chip design patents for free.

Chip backdoors often come from the design process.


He suddenly realized what the other party wanted to do.

They want to eat all.

Whether it is short-term or long-term benefits, they want it all!
Thinking of this, his tone suddenly became low.

Finally regained some of the old feeling again.

40 years ago, he had also confronted another superpower, and his brain at that time was running as crazy as it is now.

"Start preparing immediately, we need to produce proof immediately to refute their allegations about chip leaks!"

"In addition, speed up the delivery at all costs, and send out the inventory on hand as much as possible! This market cannot be left to them anyway!"

"Also, submit an application to Congress immediately. I want to know whether we can implement reciprocal measures in patents!"

"What are you still doing? I'm talking about now!"

(End of this chapter)

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