Chapter 86 I Love You ([-])
Exams come gradually over time.

The fourth middle school exam adopts the joint exam method, that is, the test paper is the same as that of the first, second and third middle schools.

According to the practice of previous years, the test papers for this exam are made in one middle school.

Nan Wan sat upright, listening to Lao Gao explain the precautions for the exam.

Ji Chen frowned and wrote a set of math test questions.

This was given to him by Nanwan this morning, and he was told to finish it before the exam.

The topics are relatively simple and are at the basic level.But for Ji Chen who hasn't studied for a long time, it's a bit difficult.

"Don't cheat, take the exam well." Lao Gao tapped the podium with the pointer, "If you rank high in this exam, you are eligible to participate in the competition."


Everyone in the class is dismissive.

Although their grades are considered good in the No. [-] Middle School, they are still far behind such a behemoth as the No. [-] Middle School.

They also have self-knowledge. Although they can't understand the group of top students who are so arrogant, they still admit in their hearts that they are indeed inferior to others.

They are generally not qualified for such things as competitions.

"Nan Wan, take the test hard." As if knowing the virtues of the people below, Lao Gao entrusted Nan Wan with emphasis.

It was only then that the people in the class realized that Nan Wan was the second grader in No. [-] Middle School before, and it is very likely that he will be ranked in the front of this exam.

Nan Wan nodded slightly, then turned to look at Ji Chen's table in a daze.

At this time, Ji Chen was suffering from a headache from a math problem.

Nan Wan glanced at it, wrote a few strokes on the paper, and handed it to him.

Ji Chen suddenly realized, and quickly calculated the answer to that question on paper.

"Is the square root three right?"

"Yes, you are amazing." Nan Wan praised a few words encouragingly.

Ji Chen's face turned reddish, a little embarrassed.

The boy sitting behind heard their conversation clearly and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

With such an obvious relationship, Gao Gao was blind, thinking that they were better friends.

"Okay, let's set up the examination room now." Lao Gao asked the study committee to distribute the test numbers, and he stuck a test room form at the door.

The order of the exams is based on the results of the previous monthly exams. Nanwan came later and without an exam, he was assigned to the last position in the last classroom.

Ji Chen was in the same class as her, but he was in the first place.

On the day of the exam, grandma specially fried two golden eggs for Nan Wan, served with a deep-fried dough stick.

Nan Wan couldn't refuse the old man's kindness, so he finished eating honestly.

Most of the students with poor grades gathered in the last examination room knew each other well.

When a new face walked to the last seat and sat down, it attracted the attention of many people.

"It's you." The gangster sitting in front of Nan Wan slammed his pen on the table.

He still remembered that Nan Wan beat him up earlier.

Nan Wan raised his eyes and found that he didn't recognize him, so he continued to read with his head down.

"Don't pretend." The little gangster sneered and reached out to touch Nan Wan's face.

But before reaching halfway, he was stopped by someone.

"Ji Chen?" The little gangster sneered, "Could it be that you want a hero to save the beauty?"

"What are you doing?" A female teacher of unknown age came over aggressively.

She is the head teacher of class nine, she has the most violent temper, and calls her parents if she disagrees with her.

Calling parents these days is a common problem for every student.

The little gangster was a little apprehensive, and turned his head away hastily.

"Go back!" The female teacher glanced at Ji Chen.

Ji Chen glanced at the little gangster, then walked away.

The desks in the examination room are spread far apart to prevent cheating.

The female teacher handed out the test papers one by one, and when they were passed on to the gangster, he deliberately suppressed the test papers and refused to hand them over to Nan.

For this little trick, Nan Wanli ignored it, stood up and said: "Teacher, I don't have any test papers."

Hearing this, the female teacher frowned.

She was sure she had counted enough papers and there could be no shortage.

She cleared her throat and said, "Is there any classmate who took too much?"

No one answered.

The female teacher simply walked down and checked them one by one.

With a pale face, the little gangster quickly passed down the test paper.

Due to too much movement, he accidentally took down Nan Wan's water glass.


The water glass was smashed to pieces.

The students in the whole class looked up one after another.

The female teacher also noticed this scene, walked up to the little gangster and knocked on the table warningly.

The water glass was already broken, Nan Wan glanced at the little gangster, and bowed his head in silence.

Ji Chen clenched the pen in his hand.

"Start the exam." The female teacher looked down at the time and said in a deep voice.

Nan Wan picked up the test paper and looked at it, feeling that it was okay.It's just that the big question in the back is a bit out of the outline. If you don't review it, you won't be able to get this question.

She picked up the pen and answered the questions one by one in order.

I don't know if the little gangster did it on purpose, but he was shaking the stool the whole time, making creaking noises.

When the female teacher walked by, he stopped directly, and when the female teacher left, he started shaking again.

The female teacher had no choice but to let Nan Wan take more care of her.

Nanwan has written to the back at this time.

No one stopped him, and the little gangster became even more arrogant, throwing paper balls at Nanwan.

"Teacher, she cheated." The little gangster was triumphant, and seemed to see Nan Wan crying soon.

The female teacher walked up to the little bastard with a livid face.

"You, invalidate your grades and call your parents."

"Why?" The little gangster was unconvinced, "It's obvious that she cheated, so why should my test scores be invalidated?"

"She's better than all of you because of her grades." The female teacher sneered, "The second grader in No. [-] Middle School cheats. It's a big joke."


The other students sitting in the classroom laughed out of face.

Although their grades are not good, their character is not bad, and they can't do things like stumbling a girl.

"What's going on?" The dean happened to be inspecting this class, heard the movement inside, and walked in.

The female teacher gave the little gangster a blank look, and said, "This student framed classmate Nan for cheating."

Nanwan, all the teachers in the No. [-] Middle School knew him. After all, he was someone who could be called a top student in No. [-] Middle School.

"Come out with me." The dean comforted Nan Wan a few words, then turned to look at the little bastard sternly.

The little gangster gave Nan Wan a hard look, and followed.

Not long after, the exam bell rang.The female teacher took away the answer sheet and turned to leave the classroom.

"You are not affected!" Ji Chen knew the importance of this exam, and was very worried that Nan Wan would not perform well because of it.

"No." Nan Wan shook his head.

She knows how to do these questions, so there is no such thing as being influenced by the gangsters.

Hearing this, Ji Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

The little bastard had already returned, after the lesson just now, he didn't dare to provoke Nan Wan again.

After a few 10 minutes of rest, the language test will begin.

The invigilator seemed to know what the little gangster had done before, so he deliberately moved the little gangster to the front row.

In this way, the person in front of Nan Wan is Ji Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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