Chapter 25

"It's coming out, it's coming out." Seeing the officers and soldiers posting the list, all the people waiting around rushed to get up.

"I got hit."

"I was hit too, God has eyes."

"Who knows who Huiyuan is?"

"Huiyuan is a Juren named Nanwan, do you know him?" One person asked doubtfully.

She passed the exam three years ago. In order to pass the exam, she has been staying behind closed doors for the past few years, and she doesn't know much about the affairs of the imperial city.

"Nanwan." There was a sudden commotion among the crowd, "Is it the Nanwan I know?"

"It should be. I heard that she also participated in this test."

It was an astonishing word, and everyone was speechless.

"This son is awesome." After a long time, someone said with a sigh.

If it were them, they would definitely not be able to achieve such an achievement.

"The Ming family really picked up the treasure this time." All of a sudden, everyone was unified.

Ming family.

"Patriarch." The servant ran in panting, "Miss Nan is on the list."

Patriarch Ming shook his hand, and the jade worth hundreds of gold fell to the ground with a "slap".

"And it's still No.1." The boy added.

"God bless my Ming family!" The head of the Ming family was overjoyed, and couldn't wait to order: "Come here, go to the storeroom and pick some treasures for the young master."

If it is sent in the name of Nan Wan, the other party may not be willing to accept it.But in the name of Ming Yang, it's easy to say, what's wrong with being a mother who wants to give her children some good things.

Patriarch Ming narrowed her eyes when she smiled, agreeing to let Ming Yang recruit a son-in-law was the most satisfying decision she had ever made in her life.

At the same time, such scenes played out in different places.

Dean Li heard that Nanwan passed the exam, so he ran to show off to his old friend.

Xie Zhen was the calmest one, but after hearing the news, she was also shocked and speechless.

After Yunxia found out, she was so angry that she couldn't eat for a few days.

"My wife, congratulations." Ming Yang smiled with an indescribable joy in his heart.

His wife is so powerful.

Although Nan Wan was surprised in her heart, she didn't show the slightest sign on her face, and accepted Ming Yang's praise calmly.

Three days later is the palace test, which is the real battlefield.

On the day of the palace examination, Nan Wanyin went to wait outside the palace gate.

Other tributes came one after another, and together with Nan Wan waited for the palace guards to take them in.

"Squeak." When Dongfang was white, the palace gate finally opened.

A maid in red came out and led the crowd to the main hall.

There was a charcoal basin prepared in advance in the hall, and everyone felt warm when they walked in, and the sadness they felt for being cold outside disappeared without a trace.

After the palace man told them a few precautions, he withdrew.

Nan Wan found a seat and sat down, quietly listening to the people around him.

"What do you think we might test later?"

"It should be Jingyi, the same as in previous years."

"Brother, did you come here last year?"

"I did come, but I passed out in the hall due to the wind and cold."

"This is too tragic." Everyone sighed, and she was only one step away from entering the officialdom.

"Scholars, please move." Half an hour later, the maid in red retreated and led them into the Golden Luan Hall.

There were prepared tables and chairs in the hall, with corresponding rankings attached, and everyone carefully found their seats and sat down.

Nan Wan deservedly sat in the first seat, and she could see Her Majesty the Empress when she looked up.

Nam Wan remained silent about this.

"Let's begin!" The queen's majestic voice came from a height.

There were pens, ink, paper and inkstones and answer sheets prepared on the table, and the Gongshi immediately buried himself in the answers when he heard the words.

There are not many questions on the answer sheet, only four.

Nan Wan didn't rush to write, but read the title first.

After roughly calculating the time, Nan Wan started to write.

An hour later, the maid in red stood up and took away the answer sheet, and everyone returned to the previous hall.

"Mr. Nanlang, what do you think of the first question?" A tribute priest about 30 years old suddenly asked.

The first policy theory asks about governing the country, is war more important or national finance more important?Foreigners or Anne?
Hearing this, everyone turned their attention to Nan Wan, hoping that she would give them a satisfactory answer.

Nan Wan was originally thinking about the policy just now with his head down, when he heard Gong Shi's question, he subconsciously froze for a moment.

"Mr. Nanlang?" The man urged.

Nan Wan thought for a while, and replied: "If you fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside."

"What's the explanation?" Everyone put on a posture of listening attentively.

"Since the country is safe, the barbarians will submit themselves. If the old husband wants to fight against the outside world, he must first settle down inside." Nan Wan said calmly.

This is what Zhao Pu told Song Taizong in the early Song Dynasty.She had always liked this sentence when she was studying ancient history.

The security of the country is to secure the finances first, then the people, and the last is to fight against foreign countries.

On the Golden Luan Hall, the empress was looking down at the answer sheets of the tributes.

"This son is so stupid." The queen angrily threw the answer sheet on the ground when she saw whose answer sheet it was.

Ask her whether to fight outside or Anne, just answer honestly.No matter what the answer is, as long as it makes sense, it is right.But she took a slanted sword and praised the queen's political integrity. It is absolutely impossible for such a situation to happen.

No matter how much she likes to listen to good words, she doesn't like this kind of officials who do nothing but gossip.

When the ministers on the side saw the queen getting angry, they immediately shrank into quails.

The maid in red picked up the answer sheet on the ground and threw it aside.

The queen turned off the fire, and continued to read the answer sheet patiently.

The following answer sheets are still quite satisfactory, neither brilliant nor mediocre.

This feeling of inconsistency makes the empress very uncomfortable, and she would rather these tributes speak more violently.

The queen frowned and opened another answer sheet. The tribute was extremely bold, and immediately asked three questions.

Is it safe for the people?Junan?Is it national security?If everything is possible, you can fight against the outside world; if you can't, you need to secure the inside.


The country is safe, and the barbarians submit themselves.It is the old husband who wants to fight against the outside world, he must first settle in the house.

Seeing the end, the queen's brows gradually stretched.

This is the answer sheet she wants to see.

The queen looked at the name on the answer sheet, Nan Wan.

Does this name sound familiar?The empress asked the officials on the side: "Do you know Nanwan of the Ming Mansion?"

The official thought for a while and replied: "Your Majesty, this life is the one who was forced to drop out of school by the prime minister's daughter."

When the prime minister was mentioned, the empress frowned subconsciously.Asking her to go to Jinling to control the water was originally to give her a chance to change her ways, but after so long, the other party has not done anything.

"This son is very good." The queen made no secret of her satisfaction with Nan Wan.

After roughly guessing what the queen was thinking, the official closed his mouth tactfully.

There are some things that they can't interfere with if they want to.The queen's thoughts have always been difficult to grasp.

"Put her answer sheet first!" the queen said with a smile.

If the other party still performs well later, you can consider giving her the position of champion.

(End of this chapter)

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