Chapter 179 Husband Gets Favor (23)

After Pei Yu held it for a few seconds, he quietly let go.

The originally irritable mood suddenly became calm.

"The time has come."

Hearing this, the maidservant in green went down and presented the poems written by the students.

The eldest princess is responsible for reading, and the dean commented.

Thinking of a good work, before the dean opened his mouth, the eldest princess spontaneously praised it.

Once you come and go, the students who write good poems become famous.

The maid in green at the side was holding the list of today's heroes' banquet, and whenever the eldest princess read a good poem, she would lick the paper.

"Nanwan?" Looking at the name of the poem in her hand, the eldest princess frowned slightly. She seemed to have heard this name before, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"She is the daughter of Nan Xiuzhuan." The dean reminded.

Editing, from a sixth-rank official position?

The eldest princess lacked interest, she looked at the poem in her hand, and thought she would throw it away if it didn't start well.

People who are not outstanding in literary talent and family background are not worthy of her efforts to win them over.

As a result, I was stunned when I saw it.

"The rain doesn't know the spring, but the sunny side feels the deep summer."

The eldest princess looked at the poem in her hand suspiciously: "Could it be that Pei Ling did it!"

She remembered that Nan Wan's literary talent was mediocre. Although she was lucky enough to win the exam, she was ranked at the bottom, and she was almost squeezed out.

Pei Ling was sitting next to Nan Wan. If she had written it, it would be possible, but it would be inaccurate and disadvantageous to other contestants.

"No." The dean shook his head, "This poem is not in Pei Ling's style."

After hearing this, the eldest princess was even more surprised.

Upon hearing this, Lin Han asked with great interest, "What did Nan Wan write?"

In her memory, Nan Wan is still that dandy who is used to eating, drinking and having fun.

The eldest princess glanced at her, and she hated iron and steel: "It's time for you to change your temper. Look at Nanwan, and then look at you."

If Lin Han was a talented person, she wouldn't need to worry so much.

Dealing with Lin Han's troubles every day has minimized her affection for Lin Han.If it wasn't for the support of her blood relative in name, she wouldn't bother to care about him.

Lin Han just asked casually and didn't expect to be scolded, and his face was very ugly.

The eldest princess didn't bother to pay attention to her, and praised Nan Wan casually.

Nan Wan accepted it calmly, and her neither humble nor overbearing attitude made the eldest princess look at her with admiration.

Hearing the eldest princess' praise, Lin Han felt more and more uncomfortable.

Obviously, Nan Wan's reputation was similar to hers before, but because of being admitted to Juren, she turned around overnight.It is no longer a dandy, but a good name for the prodigal son.


The more Lin Han thought about it, the angrier he became.

The final result was that a student surnamed Yan won the leader.

"Yan? Yan?" Nan Wan muttered to himself.

"The Yan family is a side branch of the Yan family." Pei Ling sighed softly.

As expected of a great family, full of talents.

Even if the foundation of the aristocratic family is destroyed one day, with these children around, they can get back up quickly.

Although that Yan Qing did not participate in the competition, the last painting still belonged to her.

"I still have important matters to attend to in this hall, so I won't bother everyone." The eldest princess laughed.

After speaking, she hurried away.

Lin Han followed her, and when he left, he deliberately turned his head and gave Nan Wan a look.

Nan Wan's face was calm, showing no emotion at all.

On the contrary, Pei Ling was very angry.

"Xiao Yu, come back with me!" Nan Wan said softly.

Pei Yu bit his lip, of course he wanted to go back, but Li's side.

"Daddy agreed. If he didn't agree, I wouldn't be here today."

Seemingly aware of Pei Yu's concerns, Nan Wan explained.

"Really?" Pei Yu was obviously moved.

"Yeah." Nan Wan held Pei Yu's hand tightly, and suddenly said without thinking: "This is the first time and the last time."

I don't know if she is talking about Lin Han's covetousness, or about the separation that lasted for more than half a year.

Pei Yu replied with a smile: "Okay."


At midnight, the sky was poured like thick ink, black crows.

A carriage staggered into the alley, and the wheels rolled across the ground, making a rumbling sound.

"Miss, we're here." The servant said respectfully.

The low panting sound from behind the curtain disappeared, and the servant lowered his head, waiting for the servant inside to come out, and handed over a few taels of silver.

After Xiao Guan smiled and said a few thoughtful words, she turned and left.

Lin Han was lazily lying in the carriage, his clothes were open, and he smelled of alcohol all over his body.

In the distance, there were rustling footsteps.

"Go down and see if Nan Wan is here?" Lin Han said drunkenly.

The boy nodded and immediately jumped off the carriage.

"Why so long?"

Lin Han blushed and stepped out of the carriage cursing, only to find that there was no one around.

She swallowed, and called out the servant's name loudly.

There was no answer, only the willow branches on both sides of the road were blown by the night wind, making a small sound.

Frightened by this, Lin Han's drunkenness dissipated a bit, and his mind began to sober up slowly.

"Lin Han?"


Hearing a familiar voice, Lin Han raised his head.

Nan Wan stood in front of her, looking straight at her with a pair of dark eyes.

Lin Han breathed a sigh of relief, just as he was about to speak, Nan Wan's fist rained down on him.


Lin Han held back the muffled groan in his throat, and stretched out his hand to cover the corner of his mouth with difficulty.

Because it was a private matter, she only brought along a servant whom she trusted the most, but she never expected to give Nan Wan an opportunity.

"Nan Wan, do you want to die?"

Lin Han threatened angrily: "I am the cousin of the eldest princess, you messed with me, don't think about it in the future."

Nan Wan didn't speak, grabbed Lin Han by the collar, pressed him to the ground, and beat him wildly.


Lin Han was frightened by her beating, and said incoherently: "Nan Wan, if you let me go, I'll give you gold, silver and jewelry. Whatever you want, I'll give it to you."

The movement of Nanwan's hands stopped.

Seeing that she listened in, Lin Han continued: "There are a lot of young men in my backyard, one of them is very obedient. I'll give him to you, and you can give me your husband to play with. It kills two birds with one stone."

Seeing that Lin Han was still thinking about Pei Yu at this juncture, Nan Wan's expression became darker and colder.

"You talk too much."

Nan Wan said coldly, her hands kept moving.

Lin Han clutched his stomach, unable to breathe due to the pain.


There was the sound of orderly footsteps in the distance.

Nan Wan casually glanced at Lin Han, then turned and left.

Lin Han was in pain all over his body, and could not stop crying on the ground.

After a while, the soldiers patrolling at night rushed over and saw Lin Han lying on the ground, a little surprised.

"Miss Lin?"

It's not that they can't recognize it, it's that Lin Han's image at this moment is quite different from before.


Thinking of the chief culprit who caused her such harm, Lin Han gritted his teeth with hatred, and said angrily, "What are you still doing, report to the authorities."

"Miss Lin." The leading soldier wondered, "Now it's Zishi, the yamen has already closed."

To report to the official, at least until tomorrow morning.

Lin Han fainted.

"Miss." The servant hurried over and was stunned when he saw the person lying on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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