Chapter 111 I Like You (33)
This year's winter vacation passed extremely quickly, and it was the start of school after only a few visits to relatives and a few meals.

This short vacation, which couldn't be shorter, didn't affect the interest of Class [-]. At the moment, they were discussing with great interest where they would go during the winter vacation.

"Okay." Old Gao slammed the podium with the pointer, "Take it back, let's see what your grades are in the exams at the beginning of the semester. How can you get into college with this look? Thanks to you, you are still the best class in the whole year. "

"Why isn't it the best class in the whole grade?" The boy said with a playful smile, "The provincial number one is in our class."

"That's right, Mr. Nan is in our class."

"We deserved to be the best class in the whole year."

"You guys still have the nerve to mention Nanwan." Old Gao was even more angry, "Nanwan doesn't need to take the college entrance examination and is recommended directly, how about you? If you don't take the college entrance examination, what can you do?"

Those who started talking all bowed their heads guiltily.

This winter vacation, they really played a little crazy.

They are about to take the college entrance examination, but their minds are still playing.The countdown on the blackboard decreased day by day, but they didn't notice it at all.

"Old Gao, will Nan Wan come back?" Cheng Ji asked boldly.

Nanwan has helped him a lot during this time, no matter what the reasons are, he hopes that the other party will come back.

"Probably not coming." Lao Gao shook his head, "She has already accepted the invitation from Q University."

In other words, Nan Wan has half a foot into the university gate, which is different from those who still need the college entrance examination.

Hearing this, everyone in the class was a little unhappy.

"Cheer up." Lao Gao persuaded earnestly: "Look at how hard Ji Chen has worked during this time. This time he was able to take the third place in the class in the first exam, which proves his strength."

correct!The people below suddenly realized.

Why did they ask Lao Gao?Isn't Nan Wan Ji Chen's girlfriend?Ji Chen's news must be more accurate than Lao Gao's.

"Ji Chen." Taking advantage of the convenience of his seat, the boy at the back table lightly kicked Ji Chen's stool, "Will Mr. Nan come back?"

Ji Chen didn't answer, but just looked out the window.

The boy in the back seat followed his gaze and was stunned.

He read it right!South big brother.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, but when he looked again, the result was the same.

Soon, everyone else noticed the movement here.

"What are you all looking at?" Seeing that they were all staring out of the window, Lao Gao said helplessly, "Could it be that there is something precious outside the window?"

"Teacher." Nan Wan suddenly appeared at the door.

"Nanwan." Lao Gao was surprised when he saw the person coming.

"Oh." The people in the first class cheered in unison.

"Welcome Nan Daxie back to work."


"Okay, you little bastards, be quiet. If the dean finds out, he will scold you again later." Lao Gao scolded with a smile.

"Nan Wan, why are you here?" Compared to other people, Lao Gao treated Nan Wan with a pleasant face.

"I'll accompany you to study." Nan Wan glanced at Ji Chen with a smile, "Besides, I haven't taken my graduation photo yet?"

"Yes, take graduation photos." Xu Xun took the opportunity to boo: "Boss Gao, tell us quickly, when will we take graduation photos?"

"Yes, we're going to take graduation photos."

"The third year of high school last year had already finished taking graduation photos at this time."

At this moment, Lao Gao was still pondering over the word Accompanying Reading, and he was obviously taken aback when he heard that he was taking graduation photos.

"It should be soon, we will shoot next week."


"Haha, it's finally time."

"Come in." Lao Gao reacted slowly to the fact that Nan Wan was still standing at the door, and hurriedly beckoned her to come in.

Nan Wan went to sit next to Ji Chen.

"Why did you come back all of a sudden?" Ji Chen looked at Nan Wan quietly, his eyes were full of joy.

Just now the other party said on WeChat that she might not come back for another month.As a result, in the next second, he said that he would give him a surprise and let him look out of the window.

He thought she had sent someone to deliver something to him, but he didn't expect her to come by herself.

"I want to give you a surprise." Nan Wan smiled and took out a gold medal from his pocket and hung it around Ji Chen's neck.

"This is your reward?" Ji Chen lightly rubbed the pattern on the gold medal with his fingertips.

"Well, it's yours now." Nan Wan gave away the hard-won gold medal with a single word.

"This..." Ji Chen was rarely at a loss.

"Take it as our token of love." Nan Wan said softly.

The boy who sat behind and eavesdropped had a terrible toothache, and he took the gold medal as a token of love, which is something only Nan Daxie can do.

"Okay." Hearing this sentence, Ji Chen did not refuse.

"It means you agreed to my pursuit?" Nan Wan smiled with eyebrows and eyes crooked.

"Agreed." Ji Chen solemnly took the gold medal off his neck and carefully put it in his pocket.

Later, he must find a box to put the gold medal in and hide it.

"That's classmate Ji Chen." Nan Wan cleared his throat, "Tell me about our relationship."

"Boyfriend relationship." Ji Chen said without hesitation.

The boy in the back seat moved the table away silently. He was determined not to eat dog food, especially the dog food on the front table, which was so hot.

"Brother Nan."

After class, Ji Chen was surrounded from front to back.

"Master Nan, is the national competition difficult?"

"Brother Nan, how long will you stay in class?"

"Brother Nan, have you won the gold medal yet?"

Nanwan answered patiently one by one.

"Ji Chen." Xu Xun smiled and bumped Ji Chen with his shoulder, "That's it, you have someone to accompany you."

"Nanwan." Liu Yan smiled and said, "Congratulations."

One in.

Wang Xiao returned to school to study, but his life has obviously changed.

"Look, that's Wang Xiao."

"So he is Wang Xiao! His grades are so good, why can't he think about accusing someone of cheating?"

"Be jealous! Now that Nanwan has entered Q University, no matter how jealous he is, he can't surpass it."

Ordinary gossip is nothing to Wang Xiao, after all, he is not weak in his heart.

But what he can't stand the most is the nonsensical comparison.

"He deserves to be compared with Nan Wan? Nan Wan is now a college student, and he is also the most famous Q University."

Wang Xiao clenched his fists tightly, so what if Nan Wan sent him to Q University?With his strength, he can also enter Q University in the college entrance examination, which is no worse than Nanwan.

"Okay, don't talk about it, he's watching us, I'm afraid he will use his power to oppress others."

"It's strange to say that Wang Xiao has moved back to the dormitory during this time. Has he had a conflict with his family?"

"What's the conflict? He's not a child of Ji's family at all, but Ji Chen is. The hospital made a mistake."

Hearing this, Wang Xiao fled in despair.

He is finished.

Wang Xiao stuck himself against the corner of the wall, realizing how embarrassing his current situation was.

He was still secretly happy when the Ji family didn't tell the truth before, but now he is only timid and not happy.

(End of this chapter)

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