The mad critic is fluffy and wants to be rua!

Chapter 74 The stinky fart ability that can make zombies stink to death

Chapter 74 The stinky fart ability that can make zombies stink to death

On the stone clock on the clock tower, the hands of the turntable trembled and vibrated under the accumulation of falling snow.

The snowflakes floated on the green saplings and soon melted into water droplets.

Standing on the tall tower, you can see many vehicles coming from all directions on the snow-capped ground.

Luo Yunjin covered the sapling with a black curtain and squeezed it into the narrow gap behind the tower.

Big earthworms wrapped around the tower, their bodies were already covered with snow, and their shapes couldn't be seen clearly.

"Hide all of you, don't be discovered by those supernatural beings." Luo Yunjin told the zombies and the big earthworm to the second brother, and then hid behind the stone bell with three cats.

It didn't take long before the sound of car brakes and the sound of wooden warehouses fighting each other could be heard outside.

Many pores behind the stone bell have cold wind coming in, which is super cold.

Even if you cover your hands with three kittens at the same time, it is not enough.

Just when she was about to change her squatting position and continue to observe the outside, a white puppet cat crawled in front of her.

Its thick cat fur is rippling by the cold wind, it is a big fluffy cat.

Without saying a word, Luo Yunjin hugged the fat cat in his arms to keep warm.

Qi Chi struggled to move.

Then began to enjoy this embrace, very warm.

The black cat raised its eyebrows, "mao~(Where did you go just now?)"

The puppet cat narrowed its eyes. It turned out that this was the shit-shoveling officer that the black cat was looking for. It looked good. It liked being hugged like this very much, and the posture would not make it uncomfortable. "miu~(I just went out to find something to cover the tree of life, but you beat me to it.)"

"miumiu. (Someone wanted to snatch the fruit of life. When I escaped with it, I hid in this clock tower, but I didn't expect that there was an unowned sixth-level planting system zombie crystal nucleus, and the fruit of life was directly parasitized on it. Germinated.)"

The puppet cat stretched out its small claws to rest on Luo Yunjin's arm, looking leisurely and dignified.

The little milk cat on the side was so angry, another cat came!
The girl's habit of hugging a strange cat casually is really bad.

The little milk cat struggled to climb to the girl's hand, and the little jiojio kicked the puppet cat in the face.


The little milk cat wouldn't listen to his nonsense, and continued to kick a few jios.

The puppet cat that was kicked to the mouth with its sharp claws was stung. It screamed, and the cat's face squeezed into Luo Yunjin's arms again.

Who doesn't like a soft and delicate kitten?
Such a cat, she can suck bald!

The puppet cat shook its tail noblely, and the fluffy tail flicked to the face of the little milk cat.

very angry.


The magnetic ray from the laser barn pierced the domed ceiling on the tower.

The black cloth covering the tree of life was also blown away by the wind.

The gathering of supernatural beings attracted countless zombies.

A scuffle broke out in the Shura field in an instant.

Luo Yunjin cautiously moved a little to the side, the red ray just passed directly beside her, leaving neat oval grooves on the bricks.

Almost lost his life.

She moved with difficulty with four cats.

Just as the supernatural beings outside were fighting each other, the big earthworm ringing around the clock tower shook off the snow on its body.

The zombie of the snowman's second brother who had been standing not far away also sneezed, and the snow shook off.

Eyes wide open.

The second brother Zombie waved friendlyly to those who came over, heituied several times, and said hello politely.

The big earthworm stopped pretending, swam to the ground, and rolled itself into a mosquito coil one by one.

The scales on its body are very hard, and the rays of the laser barn cannot penetrate it.

The second brother's zombie looks dull, but his movements are very sensitive. All abilities cannot catch up with its cheerful footsteps.

Luo Yunjin heard the movement under the tower, and was slightly worried.

As a result, looking through the cracks in the wall, the zombies of the second brother were running wildly, followed by a group of zombies, and they were uniting to tease the zombies with abilities.

Big mosquito coils and earthworms are invincible.

The surrounding snow was covered with fragments of bullet casings.

Ni Baba was standing on a tractor directing Mu Cangjian.

But none of the bullets were aimed, and all of them were lonely.

Many zombies headed by the second brother zombie aroused public outrage.

But it also led a bunch of zombies to spit in unison.

"Boss, I can't take it anymore, hurry up and kill these zombies, I feel strongly despised!" Cannon fodder Ability A stammered.

"Ah, so is that big earthworm, and there are five more colorful earthworms swimming over there, which also formed a mosquito coil. The ability and the laser wooden warehouse are useless to them." Cannon fodder second was panting, exhausted. .

Ni Baba frowned, all her abilities were snatched from others.

Most of them are common abilities. The only ability that seems to work from the beginning is a bit too shameful, and it is very indecent to use it in public.

But in order to break the current situation.

Ni Baba still decided to give up her ego and help everyone.

She domineeringly pushed back her combat uniform jacket, pouted slightly.

In the direction of the zombies.


Huge loud fart with cloudy yellow smoke.

The unspeakable stench caused some zombies to be overwhelmed and fainted, foaming at the mouth.

But there were also many supernatural beings who met the fart attack head-on.

Injure one thousand enemies, and self-inflict eight hundred.

The sense of smell of zombies is more sensitive than that of humans, and a bunch of zombies who were recruited fell to the ground and did not recover for a long time.

Several low-level zombies were even directly stink to death.

Luo Yunjin could smell the stench hiding in the tower.

This ability is too strong.

Luo Yunjin covered her nose, she didn't expect Ni Baba to look so weak, but her powers were so rough.

The four kittens were also retching, and four exaggerated emoticons were collected in an instant.

Ni Baba coughed, put on her coat again, her face was expressionless, and her mentality was extremely strong.

"You can harvest the crystal nuclei of those zombies."

The supernatural beings put on gas masks one after another, their gait was unsteady, and they staggered around the zombies to collect the prisms.

They expressed shock at the fart ability possessed by their leader!
No wonder everyone was asked to wear a gas mask before leaving.

This fart can stink zombies to death!
The second brother zombie and several high-level zombies held their breath and escaped. They hid behind the big earthworm and took a step to spit.

Although Ni Baba harvested a lot of prisms, she was very depressed because everyone, including the zombies, looked at her with respect and distance.

Who would have thought that Aunt Liang, who looks clean and beautiful, would fart so stinky.

She must have eaten dozens of catties of garlic at one time.

Scary, yellow smoky fart bomb.

There are still many single supernatural beings who have a crush on their leader in the team, and they all put away their thoughts that they shouldn't have.

Ni Baba felt a little regretful about farting, and suddenly wanted to poop.

Her face was darkened because of embarrassment, and the person who was courteous a second ago looked at her as if she was looking at a scorpion.

 Dididi, is there any cute duck that catches insects~

  Little milk cat retches.jpg
  Little tabby cat crooked tongue.jpg
  Black cat rolls eyes.jpg
  Ragdoll cat covering nose.jpg
  Four emoticons get

(End of this chapter)

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