Chapter 41 Hail
In the middle of the night, the villa shrouded in the branches of tall and lush apple trees is illuminated by the small colorful lights, and the black shadows are swaying on the ground.

The earthworm monster curled up on the roof, circling around.

Suddenly, the sky was dark and gloomy, and light blue hail the size of quail eggs fell without warning.

The hailstones hit the ground and the roof, splashing many ice flowers.

The earthworm monster slowly slid into the villa to hide from the bigger and bigger hailstones.

Luo Yunjin was still soundly asleep, but Luo Yunjin suddenly woke up from the cold.

There was no heat in the quilt, and my feet were cold.

She half-closed her eyes, put the little tabby cat on her head next to her feet, and covered them.

Cat curled up in a circle: ? ? ?
It suddenly felt difficult to breathe, and was pressed under the quilt, with a pair of cold feet on its body.

But it was still very cold, and there was a loud thumping sound from the hail hitting the trees and houses outside, Luo Yunjin suddenly lost sleep.

She got up wrapped in a padded jacket, filled several mineral water bottles with hot water, and put them under the quilt.

Only then did I feel a trace of warmth.

The little tabby cat also moved from the feet to the hands, becoming a hand warmer.

The little · hand warmer · tabby cat being moved around for heating: ? ? ?
The hot water bottle quickly warmed the bed, and when it was cold, I picked up a bottle and took a sip, and immediately felt warm all over.

Because he couldn't fall asleep, Luo Yunjin put his phone on the bed and found a thriller to watch.

The little tabby cat raised its heavy eyelids with difficulty, and when it saw a kitten being crushed to death by a car on the screen, accompanied by a strange sound effect, it instantly lost sleepiness.

Ears drooping, as if not daring to look but wanting to look.

Lin Xi in the next room woke up when he heard the sound of hail.

He was a little surprised. In his previous life, the hailstorm that lasted for two months and the subsequent heavy snow should have happened three years after the end of the world.

It's early now.

Hail and heavy snow increased the difficulty of finding supplies. These two months were the most difficult time. Even after the bad weather ended, the scarce supplies became even rarer.

There are still half a room of supplies in the villa and enough bottled water for them to live for a period of time, but these are far from enough.

The cost of two months will be more than imagined.

Coal and dead wood for fire, daily drinking water, and various daily necessities are still insufficient.

The impact of the hail was very powerful, but fortunately the villa was completely covered by the giant tree in advance, which neutralized the impact.

This kind of big hailstone can directly smash a big hole out of a person's head.

Just when he was still planning what supplies he would go out to collect tomorrow during the day.

There was a scream from the next room.

Lin Xi quickly got up and rushed to the room.

Luo Yunjin was wrapped in a quilt, hugging Little Tiger Ban, watching a horror movie.

She was slightly stunned when she saw the man in black thin pajamas rushing into the room.

"Are you okay?" The worried expression on Lin Xi's face has not completely receded.

"It's okay, I was watching a movie just now, and a Piao got out of the toilet."

Lin Xi turned and went back to the room.

After a while, there was a louder scream than before from the next room.

Lin Xi opened the door calmly.

Sure enough, the girl was still wrapped in a small white flower quilt, like a baby cicada chrysalis.

A pause symbol on the phone screen stopped the ferocious expression of a heavily made-up Ah Piao.

"It's okay, I'll just watch a horror movie." Luo Yunjin said awkwardly, the more frightening it was, the more he wanted to watch it again.

Lin Xi didn't leave at all, and moved a stool over to watch together.

"Come, come, I'll give you a bottle of hot water to cover your hands." Luo Yunjin envied him seeing that he was dressed in a thin suit and had no intention of wearing cotton clothes.

The little milk cat is full of firepower, like a small stove, not afraid of the cold.

Horror movies are approaching their climax.

In the picture, A Piao in white squeezed out of the shampoo bottle, killed a cannon fodder, and then appeared in other places more wantonly.

It can be found everywhere in vases, ballpoint pen barrels, potato chip bags, and soy sauce bottles.

The ending is that the male lead is frightened by the A Piao coming out of the essential oil bottle and becomes mentally retarded, and the female lead is frightened by the A Piao coming out of the infusion bottle, and becomes a new A Piao to death due to hemorrhoid surgery.

Lin Xi finished watching the whole movie with a blank expression, and didn't respond to the various sound effects and weird makeup that appeared in the movie.

"Don't you think it's scary?" Luo Yunjin was frightened again when A Piao came out of the bottle of essential oil at the end of the story.

"Aren't zombies and mutated earthworms more terrifying?" Lin Xi looked confused. The girl could accept zombies and earthworm monsters from her second brother, so why did she find the special effects coming out of the bottle scary?
"No, some zombies and mutated animals are cute too." Luo Yunjin rubbed the soft-fur chin of the little tabby cat. "Oh, you're so boring."

Lin Wuqu Xi: ...

There was an extra circle of broken cobwebs on the windows, and several hailstones shattered the glass.

The ice flowers are overflowing.

Cold air crept into a room that wasn't very warm.

Luo Yunjin quickly spawned a few vines to fill the hole in the window.

"Go to my room." Through the balcony, Lin Xi saw that the hail had smashed a lot of branches and flew in through the gap, his face was slightly gloomy.

Luo Yunjin took the initiative to pick up the quilt and the little tabby very quickly, "Let's go, let's go."

Lin Xi dismantled several benches into wooden boards, nailed the windows of the room firmly, and lit a small water stove beside the bed.

This kind of small water stove for boiling water can generate heat and has very little smell.

On a big bed, Luo Yunjin was sitting on the left side holding the quilt.

Maybe because of the people around, the thriller looks less scary.

"Tomorrow my ability will be restored, and I will strengthen the apple tree outside again. We need to find more seeds."

"After tomorrow, I won't be able to keep my body. Tomorrow I will go out to find enough supplies for half a year. I will pay attention to the seeds." Lin Xi said quietly.

"Then I'll stay in the house and sort out the materials we already have, such as wood, quilts and so on."

The two tacitly arranged the tasks for the day.

The weather is cold, and the consumption of materials is already fast, so everything must be prepared twice as much as usual.

Especially the hail and snow outside are undrinkable water. I don't know if they will affect the fruit trees planted after they melt into the soil.

There is a water heater and a human-shaped stove beside the bed, and the quilt is warm.

Luo Yunjin soon fell asleep, she put on the blindfold, "I'm asleep, you should go to bed early too."

In less than a minute, the girl was seen sleeping soundly, her face and nose were red.

Lin Xi tucked her in the quilt, and was about to lie down when she felt a cold little foot get into her quilt, found the heat source familiarly, and then pressed against her.

He reached out and held the little feet, warming them up.

The little tiger was nestled under the water heater, squatting on Luo Yunjin's plush slippers, its eyes were squinting, and white steam was steaming from the top of its head.

It was freezing cold outside the villa, but the small room was as warm as spring.

 Dididi, is there any cute bug-catching duck~


  The girl first tentatively stretched out the jio, seeing that it was safe, the whole person who made an inch of it slipped through.

(End of this chapter)

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