Chapter 299 Cargo Ship Crisis
Water consumption in the mountains is increasing day by day.

People with water abilities are all favorites. In addition to meeting the daily supply of drinking water, many lakes, pools, and swimming pools in the mountains must constantly change and add water.

And now that the temperature is high, even if no water is used, the water in the forest is slowly evaporating.

The water star superpowers can control the range and cause a small amount of rainfall.

Chen Yueliang is responsible for the rainwater supply for many plants in the mountains.

But today, she suddenly found that her water system ability is much more jerky than before.

Not only her, but other water-type supernatural beings have also discovered this.

Although the water system supernatural being seems to create water out of thin air, it is actually a product obtained by using water molecules in the air to purify and purify through supernatural powers.

Now the ability is very difficult to use, which means that the water molecules in the air are very thin.

It's okay for people with water-type abilities above the eighth level, and many low-level water-type people can't even condense a bowl of water.

The impact on Stone Mountain is not small, but there are many lakes in the mountain, and many mutant animals also have water system abilities. The water in the mountain can still condense normally, because the power grid locks the water on the entire mountain of Stone Mountain, but as long as Without Stone Mountain, it would be extremely difficult to use water abilities.

Fortunately, there are many fruits in the mountains, and the people with water system abilities are all high-level, so there is no burden for everyone's domestic and drinking water.

But the other mountain peaks outside and the small streets at the foot of the mountain are almost unstoppable.

On the mountain of Shen Junqie, everyone counted on the sixth-level supernatural person in the team to supply water, but the water that can be condensed every day is getting less and less. At the beginning, it was barely enough for twelve people to drink. Now there is only half a tank of water a day. [-] milliliters in everyone's hands.

Lan Xinya hasn't washed her face for three days and hasn't showered for a month.

She felt that her whole body stinks.

But that's it, there are still a few men on the mountain staring at her.

Once Shen Junwei was away, the way they looked at him would be extremely blatant.

It can also be seen from the side that Shen Junwei's management has gone wrong and he is already unpopular.

Lan Xinya originally thought that Shen Junwei would give her some protection, after all he is the second male in this world, but she got nothing.

"Be okay with me, this glass of water will be given to you." Zhang Liu took out a glass of clean supernatural water, with a little sand in it, and it looked like it had been hidden and stored for a long time.

Lan Xinya, who hadn't drank water for a long time, looked at the water in the glass, and her dry lips twitched a few times.

She has not had water for two days.

Anyway, Shen Junwei is not here now, and this Zhang Liu is his confidant.

If she could get Zhang Liu's favor, wouldn't it be almost equal to being protected by Shen Junwei?

And she was already very thirsty.

So Lan Xinya, who had no bottom line, let herself down again.

At this time outside the cave, Shen Junwei was watching all this sarcastically, and Li Wu also had a bad expression.

"Boss, it seems that this woman has other plans for approaching you. Many things were related to her before. If it weren't for her, Yuan Xiaoni would not have left our team. Yuan Xiaoni is now a ninth-level healing power He has also made good friends with many star-level supernatural beings on Stone Mountain." Li Wu said irresponsibly.

He thought about Yuan Xiaoni secretly for a long time, and later saw that she was living well with the wind-type supernatural being on the stone mountain. Although he was a little bit unwilling, he silently blessed her.

Compared with Yuan Xiaoni, Lan Xinya is an ugly mess.

"Let Zhang Liu set out her purpose, and throw it away if it's worthless. We don't need so many waste here." Shen Junwei said ruthlessly.

Lan Xinya never dreamed that everything she did was under the close surveillance of Shen Junwei.

On the stone mountain, Lin Xi had a hard time these two days.

Luo Yunjin changed his three meals a day to five meals a day in order to heal his injury early and try to fatten him up.

And she has a strange habit, every time she finishes cooking, she has to feed herself.

Lin Xi sat helplessly on the sofa.

The girl was stuffing a peeled red heart dragon fruit into his mouth.

The dragon fruit was not cut into pieces either, it was a whole hard stuffed fruit.

He was also forcibly bound hands and feet.

On the baby carriage beside him, Axun clapped his hands.

Luo Yunjin picked up a towel and wiped his mouth for him, then started scooping up food with a spoon, and forcefully stuffed it to Lin Xi.

Lin Xi who was almost choked to death: Help...

After eating, he had to do a lot of nursing work, including cleanser, facial mask, cucumber slices, and even took out hair dye cream to dye his hair.

Lin Xi felt that he was just a toy for girls and silly sons.

He stared at himself in the mirror with a head of pink hair, completely stupefied.

"Would you like to turn into a cat? Maybe it's a pink cat." Luo Yunjin's eyes sparkled, who doesn't like a pink cat!

Soon, the little tabby and the little leopard cat were also poisoned by her.

The little tabby was dyed black and white, with black rings around both eyes.

The little leopard cat is dyed orange, and it looks like a fat orange from a distance.

The two cats are lying on the ground lovelessly emo.

It feels like life is full of despair.

But Luo Yunjin thinks that light pink hair is also very suitable for Lin Xi, a bit like an idol.

When Chen Yueliang came to visit, he saw the little tabby cat raised its panda eyes, and it was so cute.

Luo Yunjin also dyed herself a pink hair of the same style as Lin Xi.

This hair dye is disposable and can be washed with clean water after use.

"Are you guys playing cosplay?" Chen Yue wanted to join.

"Yes, there are still many colors here, if you want to dye them, you can take them yourself." Luo Yunjin poured a box of hair dyes on the ground.

These were collected in a barber shop before, and they have been piled up in the space for a long time, and they have not had time to clean them up.

It's been a long time since Lin Xi wore this kind of clothes that look like a spirited guy. Looking at the pink-haired boy in the mirror, he felt a little uninhibited for no reason.

Luo Yunjin was wearing a couple suit of the same style as him, a light yellow skirt.

Light yellow dress, fluffy pink hair.

It makes people look more immature.

"I think we can go for a drive." Luo Yunjin wanted to take this opportunity to see the sea view.

She has been in Haicheng for so long, but she has never been to the beach.

Although it is a black ocean, it must be very romantic to sit on a speeding car to see the vast ocean.

Suddenly the girl's heart burst.

Lin Xi unconditionally cooperates with his wife's requests and proposals.

Without further ado, go straight to the speeding car.

Luo Yunjin prepared snacks, fruits and drinks.

The air conditioner was turned on in the flying car, and reflective gauze was pasted on the glass.

Not long after, the speeding car lifted off onto the surface of the black sea.

Lin Xi drove far away, so he could hardly see the edge when looking around. The bottom was an ocean like a black abyss, and there were zombie fish and zombies swimming in the water from time to time.

I have to say, this feeling is very exciting.

At this time, a huge zombie shark jumped up in the water, its mouth was full of human head teeth.

Luo Yunjin was drinking orange juice, and accidentally saw the human head in the zombie shark's mouth grinning at her, almost spitting out the juice.

"What is that, it looks disgusting." Luo Yunjin couldn't help but tugged on Lin Xi's sleeve.

She has been in the apocalypse for so long, and she has long been immune to all kinds of mutilated, horrific and bloody images, but she still feels scared when she sees such a weird zombie shark.

"Mutated zombie shark." Lin Xi also saw it chasing other small zombie fish in the sea.

This zombie shark is very ferocious and has a huge body.

It is the king of this sea.

Luo Yunjin urged Lin Xi to drive the car further away.

There are still many unmanned ships floating in the sea, many of which have been damaged and half sunk in the water, but there are also many cargo ships still splashing on the water, covered with moss.

Wait, why are there plants growing on this ship?

Lin Xi drove close to the ship, and could see a faint white smoke wafting out of one of the windows inside.

It seems to have noticed the flying car overhead.

A man in ragged clothes and holding a long wooden barn walked out of the cabin. He didn't seem to want to make friends with them, and kept aiming at them with the wooden barn.

Lin Xi saw the man's face clearly, and his expression changed slightly.

"It's him."

"Who is it?" Luo Yunjin took out the binoculars, and found that although the man in the cabin was a bit scruffy, he could vaguely see that he was good-looking, with delicate features.

Lin Xi frowned, "It's a friend I knew before, I want to go down and have a look."

Luo Yunjin didn't have any comments.

Lin Xi slowly parked the car on the cabin.

After getting off the car, he did not forget to hold a black parasol to shade Luo Yunjin,

Luo Yunjin put the car into the space.

Seeing the girl's actions, Tian Fengshu's pupils trembled slightly.

Space ability!

Then he recognized Lin Xi, "Are you Brother Xi?"

Lin Xi nodded.

"Brother Xi, I didn't expect to see you again in my lifetime." Tian Fengshu was very excited, but he still held the wooden warehouse very vigilantly.

"You have been living on the boat for so long?" Lin Xi saw that there were many bandages on his body.

"No, I was still on a mission on the day of the end of the world, and then I lived in a helicopter for a while. While the helicopter still had oil, some of us survivors found a ship full of food cans at sea, and now it is on this ship. Lived on board for four months."

Tian Fengshu didn't hide anything.

There are still many cargo boxes on the ship that have not been opened, and there are indeed a lot of cans in them.

These cans are enough to feed ten grown men for 20 years.

"Brother Xi, come in and sit down, I happen to have canned fruit here." He said with a smile, a dark light flashed in his eyes.

Lin Xi didn't refuse, but just glanced at him lightly.

Luo Yunjin kept tugging at his sleeves, following him wherever he went.

It was stuffy inside the cabin, but the living room was cleaned up very clean.Several shirtless men were playing cards around a table.

"Yo, this is?" A middle-aged man with many white notes stuck to his face smiled at Luo Yunjin.

"He was a very good brother of mine before the end of the world." Tian Fengshu looked in Luo Yunjin's direction again.

"My wife." Lin Xi said softly.

"My name is Luo Yunjin."

Several people were very kind. Among them, the middle-aged man who just spoke took out a few cans of fruit from a locked cabinet beside him, opened the lid with a key, and put it on the table.

As soon as the can was opened, Luo Yunjin could smell a faint rancid smell.

Apparently the fruit in the can had gone bad.

Tian Fengshu was very good at observing words and expressions, and noticed that Luo Yunjin was frowning. He took out a few bottles of new cans from his room, "The cans just now are what we usually eat, and we took them out to entertain people when we forgot. Don't mind it." , this canned yellow peach has not expired."

They all noticed that the two of them were very clean, and they had just boarded a speeding car, and they were even precious space-type supernatural beings.

Luo Yunjin didn't answer, but thanked politely. "Thank you, we just ate it, you can keep it for yourself."

Tian Fengshu didn't force it, and invited the two to chat in the meeting room next to him, and turned on the air conditioner extravagantly.

Luo Yunjin felt a lot more comfortable with the cool air blowing by the air conditioner, and sat lazily on the chair.

"Brother Xi, can I ask you something?" Tian Fengshu avoided other people's gazes, borrowed a seat next to Lin Xi, and muttered silently.

'There are a lot of people locked up on this boat. '

Lin Xi was not surprised at all, he had also been on this ship in his previous life.

To be honest, he is very familiar with everyone on board.

They are only on the top floor of the ship now, and there must be many supernatural beings in the control cabin below watching their every move through the monitor.

And the third floor has special metal cages, in which many slaves they captured were imprisoned.

'Save me, save Yuanzi. '

Tian Fengshu didn't dare to be too obvious, he knew someone was watching.

"Haha, it's been a long time, brother Xi. I don't know what your current ability is? Is my sister-in-law a space-type ability?" Tian Fengshu made a sound, but his eyes wandered from time to time, hinting at Lin Xi.

"Ninth-level high-level lightning power."

The few people nearby kept their ears up and listened. After hearing Lin Xi's supernatural power level, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then the greed that had endured for a long time came to the surface, staring at the two with malicious intent.

Luo Yunjin also felt the eyes on her body.

Lin Xi pulled her into his arms.


The door is opened.

A group of strong men holding long wooden warehouses broke in. The leading man was thin and handsome, but his body had a dark aura like a mouse running out of a ditch.

Everyone no longer hides themselves.

"Brother Ting, I want that girl!"

"It's okay, brother first."

"I want that guy!"


They were all chattering, not paying attention to Luo Yunjin and Lin Xi at all.

Being discussed like a commodity, Luo Yunjin is very angry now.

The corners of Tan Shengting's mouth curled up slightly, "I heard that people with lightning-type superpowers can fight by leapfrogging."

"You can try it." Lin Xi said without changing his expression.

With a flick of his finger, the strong men who had spoken ill of himself and Luo Yunjin just now were shrouded in a cloud of thunder, and they fell to the ground with explosive heads from the lightning.

The noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Lin Xi with peeping excitement and a trace of fear and worry.

Excitedly, this strong man was surrounded by them. They had two star powers on board, and they would definitely be able to capture these two extremely good-looking men and women, and they could do whatever they wanted with them.

What was frightening was that before they could react, the teammates around them were instantly killed by Lin Xi's slight enough to ignore action, and they didn't even have a chance to fight back.

The arc of Tan Shengting's mouth became more and more obvious. He likes challenges and excitement.

However, since the end of the world, all the hard-to-get things were finally owned by him one by one.

It's like a cat catching a mouse. The more struggling the prey is, the more excited it is.

Tan Shengting chuckled: You have successfully aroused my interest.

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(End of this chapter)

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