Chapter 289 We Are Too Free~
Zombies surrounded Yuan Huan, clawing at the metal protective clothing on his body.

There are at least 3000 zombies in the underground base, and about [-] survivors hiding in the central laboratory.

Yuan Huan and several other high-level power users have been slowly cleaning up the zombies. After all, it is their base's housework. He does not want to ask other bases for help, and now the base gate has been blocked. If the gate is opened, it may make the base The mutated zombies affected by stardust escaped.

Once the stardust spreads more and more widely, it will make the already riddled world even more smoky.

Luo Jinbei and Mo Lian were separated by the gate, and cooperated with Yuan Huan to remove the zombies at the entrance.

"If the zombies here are not very capable, we can go in and help, but the zombie crystal cores we collect must belong to us." Luo Jinbei said slowly.

Yuan Huan was very surprised. Normal people would not take the initiative to take risks even if they have powerful abilities.

Just when the three of them cooperated to repel the zombies, he could feel that the two of them really wanted to stay and help.

See you soon.

"We have zombies transformed from star powers here, which is very dangerous." Yuan Huan warned in a deep voice.

"It's okay, we haven't seen a star zombie yet, so it's a good time to see it." Mo Lian used the walkie-talkie to contact a few people who were still waiting on the speeding car outside, telling them to go back first.

Seeing that the two were very calm and confident, Yuan Huan opened the door.

Some zombies rushed over when they heard the sound of the iron door opening.

Luo Jinbei and Mo Lian quickly got into the crack of the door and knocked the attacking zombies to death with a shovel.

In the underground base of Haicheng, all kinds of dried blood can be seen everywhere, and there are also many fallen fresh zombies on the roadside.

In the central laboratory, the surveillance screen showed that Yuan Huan had brought two outsiders in, and he slapped the table in awe-inspiring manner.

"This Yuanhuan, won't everything we do be exposed?" Ma Maipi stood up, "No, don't even think about getting out after they come in. Don't we have the final experiment to complete? These two abilities just right."

In the underground base, apart from Yuan Huan, there are many people wearing metal protective clothing like him who are cleaning up the zombies on a large scale. Yi Mucang was killed.

Luo Jinbei discovered that this base was built in a deep place underground, and the outside of the solid steel was black sea water, and wandering zombie fish could be seen outside some transparent windows.

Yuan Huan led them directly to the central laboratory.

Many people here are laying on the floor, most of them are hungry, looking very embarrassed, and can smell a faint smell of excrement and urine.

"We came from Stone Mountain. I am Luo Jinbei, a first-level gold-type star power, and he is Mo Lian, a third-level spirit-type star power. We are here to help you." Luo Jinbei said friendly Introduced.

Zhong Yang and Niu Bi looked at each other, and couldn't hide the shock in their eyes. The last time they met, they were only seventh-level and eighth-level supernatural beings, but now they both have advanced to star levels.

Stone Mountain should not be underestimated.

The two dared to go to their base alone, obviously because they had great confidence in their own strength.

"There are three star superpowers outside the base, and the real-time camera in my hand is also monitoring in real time." Luo Jinbei said nonchalantly.

Ma Maipi's heart aroused turbulent waves.

Since Stone Mountain sent all star-level abilities, it means that there is no shortage of high-level abilities on their mountain, and they are still being monitored in real time. As long as they act rashly, they may attract Stone Mountain's crusade.

Ma Mai gave a look to the people next to him, telling them not to do anything for now.

Yuan Huan was very sensitive to the emotional change in his eyes, and a sarcastic expression crossed his face hidden in the metal mask.

"Since you are willing to help, we welcome it. Now there are two star power users in the base who have turned into zombies. As long as they are solved, other zombies will be trivial. We are discussing countermeasures, and it is just right for you to come. "Ma Mai asked Niu Bi to lift the white cloth on the table.

On the blue screen is a line map of the entire Haicheng underground base.

Like a cross, the central laboratory is located in the center of the cross, and most of the zombies are distributed on the four short arms.

In order to prevent them from spreading, Ma Maipi has closed all the door locks in the base, and has been sending supernatural beings out to clean up the zombies. At present, only the short arm space of the top link tower has been cleaned up.

"The two star zombies were locked in the lowest floor by us. Originally, we planned to develop a drug that can paralyze the zombies in a short time. Now that you are here, we may directly form a small team and act alone."

After hearing this, Luo Jinbei frowned, "Since you have sealed all the hatches, why don't you escape? I think the materials of this base are very strong, and those zombies should not be able to escape."

"Because we don't want to give up this base yet." Yuan Huan whispered, "It's very difficult to build a new base, and the weather outside is bad now, so it's almost impossible for us to build another base that can accommodate a large number of people in a short time. Survivor base."

Zhong Yang nodded in agreement, "Most of our materials are in the base, and other bases will not accept us."

They are very self-aware.

Luo Jinbei believed their words for the time being.

"In that case, let's make a quick decision." Mo Lian still wanted to go home early to accompany Xuan Hongyan.

The last six went to explore under the base.

Luo Yunjin has been guarding in front of the TV, seeing the zombies all over the place on the screen, he has no desire to continue watching.

The vegetable dog from before also came back with her. Due to the lack of water and being exposed to the hot sun for a period of time, the vegetable leaves on the vegetable dog were a little wilted.

Pour a glass of water on it, and the vegetable dog immediately becomes energetic, leans on her, and follows her back.

The tabby cats and ocelots in the family are very curious about it.

Caigou is a very friendly cabbage. He gave two cats, one cat, a piece of its cabbage leaf, and helped them cover their heads thoughtfully.

Soon, two fresh rookie cats appeared.

The black cat lying on the wooden steps at the side glanced extremely coldly.

Vegetable Dog thought it wanted it too, so he sent a vegetable leaf.

It didn't take long for the tabby cats and leopard cats to start chasing and fighting in the yard with the vegetable dog.

"This cabbage is the mutated plant that was affected by the stardust before? It doesn't look like a ferocious mutated plant." Xiao Jue said.

Chen Yueyue on the side clicked his tongue twice, "Didn't you see that tabby cats and leopard cats are both affected by it, I suspect that the vegetable leaves covering their heads are some kind of switch, as long as they wear it, they will become excited, Look at the happy tabby cat, it used to be the laziest cat in the house, it couldn't jump on the table every time, but today it can jump the tree."

Xiao Jue sighed and nodded.

The video camera that Luo Jinbei took away is linked to the TV on Stone Mountain, and now many idlers are watching the real-time surveillance.

They haven't seen so many zombies for a long time, and they feel a little itchy for no reason.

"If I had known, I would have followed. There is not much work on the mountain now. I helped the Mutant Gray Rabbit's family chop some firewood yesterday, and they kindly gave me a basket of red berries."

"Isn't it? I've been squatting outside the cafeteria every day when I'm free recently, just sitting and waiting for three meals a day, eating and sleeping, and eating after sleeping. I really envy the supernatural beings and zombies in the base under Haicheng. We are too leisurely." gone."

"Yeah, my wife and I have been thinking about having a baby recently, otherwise it would be too boring."


A group of people sat on the second floor of the cafeteria, gathered together to watch the surveillance, and chatted a few times when they had nothing to do. They felt that such days were too boring without that sense of urgency.

On the monitor, Mo Lian led the way, and all the low-level zombies he passed were controlled by his powerful spiritual power.

Niu Bi was about to collapse the wooden warehouse and kill the man who was leaning against the wall, but Luo Jinbei grabbed his arm, "They can all be saved."

Luo Jinbei didn't bring out many recovery fruits, so he had to move the survivors who hadn't completely turned into zombies into a room, and then cut a few recovery fruits into several pieces, trying to make everyone feel as comfortable as possible. To.

Because the number of recovery fruits is insufficient, they can barely save their lives, and they have to recuperate well later.

Zhong Yang has been closely observing Luo Jinbei and Mo Lian.

Seeing them take out something he had never seen before, and their formidable strength, this made him unconsciously develop a kind of trust and admiration for the two of them without source.

I no longer look at people with colored eyes, and I am very obedient.

They rushed all the way to the bottom of the base.

Zombies infected by stardust, even if they are above the seventh level, do not have their own consciousness. They are stronger than ordinary zombies.

The closer you get to the bottom, the more you can feel the powerful abilities of the zombies locked inside.

"The two zombies are water-type and soil-type." Zhong Yang said quickly.

Mo Lian understood, he put his palm on the door, and used his mental power to weave a network that can lock his consciousness.

Although it was only aimed at zombies, all the people around felt their heads throbbing, and they involuntarily stood a little further away.

All zombies locked by the mental network will freeze in place and will not move.

But the two star zombies inside didn't seem to be affected, and the roar inside could still be heard.

Mo Lian increased the power output.

At this moment, there was a sudden silence behind the door.

The door shook violently.

Mo Lian took two steps back, his palms trembling.

He couldn't believe it, "There are star spirit zombies here! Are they dual-line zombies?"

Niu Bi's eyes dodged.

Zhong Yang immediately realized that something was wrong, he patted the back of Niu Bi's head vigorously, "Brother Niu, it's already this time, just say what you have to say!"

"The leader asked me to find an opportunity to attack. Uncle Wang is indeed a dual-line supernatural power. The leader said that if we can take this star zombie for our own use, we will not be afraid of other bases." Niu Bi told all the truth in one breath. When he came out, he followed all the way, and he also saw that Luo Jinbei and Mo Lian were really good people.

"Ma Maipi didn't tell us that Wang Fu has a dual-line ability. It seems that he still doesn't trust us and has his own plans. Let us clean up the zombies, and he may be using them." Yuan Huan said disdainfully.

"Even so, the zombies still need to be dealt with." Mo Lian signaled to Luo Jinbei, telling him to destroy the door directly with a metal-enhanced shovel.

Without saying a word, Luo Jinbei punched three times in a row, poking a big hole in the door.

Seeing the zombie reaching out, he chopped off that hand with a shovel.

The soil zombies inside kept making mud, and the sand slowly slid out of the hole.

The water zombie Wang Fu was also pouring water into the soil. Its face was covered with mud and sand, and the skin on its body was festered and rotted, exposing the yellow fat inside.

There is still a little stardust on the body that has not been completely absorbed, and in the dark, the blue stardust emits a faint light.

Yuan Huan tried to burn them with fire, but the bodies of the two zombies were very strong, and they were completely unafraid of the flames.

Zhong Yang, Niu Bi and several other supernatural beings were frightened by the high-level zombies, and they knew that if they encountered this zombie, they would definitely end up as cannon fodder seeking death.

Several people cooperated with Luo Jinbei and Mo Lian to block the zombies inside.

The metal condensed by Luo Jinbei could hurt those zombies, so he turned to making golden needles, and then fired them at the zombies. He was the main attack force.

Mo Lian was interfering with mental power to slow down the zombie's movement speed as much as possible.

Just when the two zombies were weak and were about to be controlled by Mo Lian.

The short man who had been standing beside Zhong Yang suddenly rushed forward, stabbing Mo Lian's waist forcefully with the dagger in his hand, the dagger was covered with stardust.

Mo Lian frowned with difficulty, precisely because of the slack in his abilities.

The two zombies broke free from the shackles of their mental power and rushed out.

It happened very quickly, and Luo Jinbei quickly aimed a golden needle that hadn't fully condensed and pierced the zombie's forehead.

Yuan Huan looked at the supernatural being who was still holding the dagger in shock, strode over, and slammed a large pen at him.

"Are you crazy?"

The other party's face was red and swollen quickly, and there was still some entanglement and hatred in his eyes.

Mo Lian quickly ate a rejuvenation fruit to restore his strength.

He could feel the supernatural power in his body boiling.

He had forcibly used the mysterious Meow Meow Stone regardless of his body before, and he still had hidden wounds on his body.

Now the power of Xingchen spreads to all parts of his body along with the blood, if it weren't for his high ability, he would have fallen into a coma long ago.

In the real-time monitoring, everyone on the stone mountain saw this scene and stood up angrily.

"Fuck, the people in Haicheng's underground base are too heartless, right? We went to help, and they hurt people behind their backs!"

"My temper!"

Luo Yunjin was also a little worried. She just saw that the two of them had given all the recovery fruits on their bodies to the survivors, so there must be no reserve now.

So he quickly contacted Zhong Lingmei and asked her to go in to deliver the Fuyuan Fruit, and also contacted the second brother, and asked him to bring Mo Lian out quickly.

Both star zombies were pierced in the brain by the golden thorn that Luo Jinbei sent out just now.

He took away the crystal cores of the zombies without any psychological burden, and took away all the crystal cores in the brains of the surrounding zombies, leaving none of them to Yuan Huan and the others.

Yuan Huan knew he was angry.

And the short supernatural being holding the dagger wanted to take the opportunity to stab Luo Jinbei again.

In the end, Niu Bi took a picture of him with another big pen and kicked him several times.

Luo Jinbei picked up Princess Mo Lian and rushed out.

Everyone else followed.

Ma Maipi in the central laboratory had been waiting for the news, and his eyes lit up when he heard the sound of running outside.

As soon as he opened the door, Yuan Huan dumped a large sum of money.

He was directly stunned.

"You really don't deserve to be the leader of a base." Yuan Huan cursed fiercely, then quickly followed Luo Jinbei and opened the door for him.

Outside, Zhong Lingmei waited anxiously.

Seeing the weak Mo Lian in Luo Jinbei's arms, he directly poured the recovery juice that had been in the bottle for him.

Mo Lian, who was almost choked to death:? ? ?

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  I'm going to stay up late tonight to write a literature report...

(End of this chapter)

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