Chapter 277

Yuan Xinyue showed a crooked smile, ignorantly grabbed the ham sausage that Shen Junwei handed her, and gnawed on it.

She has been on the mountain for several days, shuttled among so many supernatural beings, and was not discovered by relying on her invisibility ability, which is enough to prove that her supernatural ability is very powerful, even if her level is not high.

Therefore, Shen Junwei deliberately included him in his team.

But seeing the other party eat a ham sausage in three or two bites, combined with the lost supplies at home, it is conceivable that she has a big appetite and it is difficult to feed her, and she also has a quirk of collecting leftovers.

Shen Junqie was about to throw the spittoon in the closet away, but she still had a reluctant expression on her face, and struggled for a long time before nodding her head in agreement.

"Don't worry, I have enough food and water here. But you can't grab food directly in the future, you are very dirty, you have to be hygienic." Shen Junwei directly gave the half tank of polluted water to Yuan Xinyue , let her go to the compartment inside the cave to take a bath.

She was too dirty and smelly, Shen Junqi looked at her as if she was looking at a moving trash can.

Yuan Xinyue changed into clean clothes after roughly washing them. Although the clothes were too big for her, it was a long-lost sense of cleanliness.

She fled all the way in the last days, relying on her invisibility ability to travel in front of all kinds of zombies and supernatural beings. She has never joined the base, and Ollie ate it when she was most hungry.

In such a long time, I have never met such a strange person as Shen Junqi.

But I have to say that enough food and water reassured her, as long as she can eat enough, there is nothing wrong with joining them.

Even if she was really abandoned again, she was used to it, anyway, it wasn't once or twice.

At this time, on the top of the Stone Mountain, Luo Jinbei and Chen Yueliang were sitting at the dining table and eating big pieces.

God knows how long they haven't had enough to eat. Following that pervert Zeng Zishan, they dare not eat any food or water given by this person, for fear of drugging or other dirty things in it.

Luo Yunjin watched helplessly as the two finished four bowls of instant noodles, even the cold soup.

"It turns out that you have settled down here, not bad." Luo Jinbei sipped red bayberry juice.

"Luo Yuanting is missing, and he imprisoned Xiao Jin before, I don't think he looks much better than that Zeng Zishan, he is a pervert." Xiao Jujue muttered.

Luo Jinbei had known for a long time what Big Brother Cheap was like.

That man looks like a human on the surface, but in fact, he can't be a dog anymore, and no one knows what his intentions are.Even his brother, who has lived with him for more than 20 years, can't see through this man.

"That's why I didn't go to him. I suspected that he was at Beiming Base. I could dial his number on the walkie-talkie before. But my intuition told me that I couldn't go to him. It might be a man's seventh sense, come to you It's the right decision, you guys are more reliable." Luo Jinbei said solemnly.

"However, what the hell is that Haicheng underground base? They also came to intervene. If we don't go out, we can't pretend that we don't exist. It's too embarrassing for us to bring a group of low-level superpowers here." Xiao Wang Ba hummed.

"Is there a possibility, that is the strongest group of supernatural beings in Haicheng's underground base." Luo Yunjin said coolly.

Haicheng has been isolated from the world for so long, and even the supplies in the nearby small towns are well preserved. Obviously, there are very few scattered people here, and they are all native people of Haicheng.

They have never been in contact with foreign high-level supernatural powers, and they are petty, of course not that powerful.

Fortunately, I didn't expect too much from them.

Luo Jinbei clutched his stomach, sat on the rock and looked at the gray sky in a daze.

"By the way, it's time for you to upgrade, right? Now there are enough crystal cores, try to reach the ninth level or star level. This time, they are all young people." Luo Yunjin took out all the crystal cores, and As last time, it will be equally distributed to everyone according to the attributes.

Lin Xi is an eighth-level senior, and he can reach the ninth level with just one kick, and according to his physique, he can directly cross an entire class, from the eighth-level advanced to the ninth-level advanced.

Luo Yunjin deliberately picked out all the crystal nuclei of the thunder system and gave them to him. You must know that he is the main force in the family now.

Xuan Hongyan and Mo Lian haven't come back yet, but they contacted through the walkie-talkie and know that they have found a lot of weapons, and they have also advanced on the way back.

Luo Yunjin took out the small blackboard, with a serious expression, "Family, we need to be under pressure. We are too weak now, especially me. So you all have to work harder!"

Each person's ability level is clearly written in chalk on the small blackboard.

Luo Yunjin's sixth-level intermediate planting ability.

Lin Xi's eighth-level high-level lightning system.

Pei Chuan's eighth-level intermediate invalidation, Qi Chi's seventh-level high-level utensil transformation, the seventh-level small tiger tiger's primary pig transformation system, and the little leopard cat's fifth-level intermediate gold system.

Luo Jinbei's seventh-level intermediate gold system, Chen Yueyue's fifth-level advanced water system, and Green Butterfly's fifth-level primary gold system.

Xiao Sijue's sixth-level advanced healing system, Xiao Wangba's seventh-level elementary soil system.

Duan Ya's eighth-level elementary sand system, Qian Yuanfeng's eighth-level intermediate strength system.

Xuan Hongyan and Mo Lian, who have not yet returned, also have eighth-level intermediate abilities.

The crystal nuclei saved at home should be enough for everyone to continue to upgrade to at least one level.

"The last half-month upgrade plan was very successful, and everyone successfully completed the task. This time we have a deadline of one month. In this month, in addition to the daily business of hotels and restaurants and the management of household supplies, everyone will spend all their time It needs to be spent on promotion!" Luo Yunjin said righteously.

Everyone has no objection, everyone knows what strength means, and no one thinks they are getting stronger.

Xiao Jue didn't expect that she would get so many crystal cores. She only had Ye Chao's subsidy in the Rose team before, and her promotion speed was very slow.

There are so many supernatural beings here, and it seems that she is the only healing department.

"Don't worry, I will definitely upgrade well, and I will not disappoint your crystal cores!" Xiao Silkjue put the cloth bag containing the crystal cores into his backpack cherished.

Luo Yunjin's leveling up is relatively slow, and her need for energy seems to be much greater than that of planting-type supernatural beings in the same period.

In fact, for so many days, she absorbed crystal nuclei all the time as long as she had free time, but the growth rate of the ability was very slow, as if she was stuck.

However, she used a sixth-order crystal nucleus before, and today she is going to use an eighth-order crystal nucleus in a luxurious way, and it will be done in one step.

With a sack of crystal nuclei, Luo Yunjin was about to close the door when Lin Xi grabbed the doorknob.

He went straight in.

"I may need ten days this time." Lin Xi looked deeply at the girl in front of him.


"Stay away from those cats these days." Lin Xi threatened.


"If you're in trouble, come find me in my room." Lin Xi pointed to the room just across the stairs.


Luo Yunjin scratched her head hair, looking like a scumbag.

Lin Lao Mazi Xi looked suspicious, and then gently hugged the girl.

But the height difference between the two was too large, Luo Yunjin had to step on his feet to barely reach Lin Xi's shoulder.

She pushed away the man who was still reluctant to let go, "You have to be good, don't rely on me too much, you are already a big child." She said with a look of disgust.

Lin Xi directly turned into a soft and cute little milk cat.

The fluffy tail hooked the girl's calf.

Luo Yunjin was hit on the chest by the cat all of a sudden.

She picked up the cat, grabbed its two front paws, and took a deep breath on the cat's soft belly.

The little milk cat curled up its ears slightly, and its face hidden behind Maomao was slightly hot.

It's been a long time since I saw Lin Xi transform into a cat form, but this time I saw that his fur seemed to be more fluffy and soft.

Every time I see a cute kitten, I want to eat it in one bite, hehe~
After rua for a full 10 minutes, the girl reluctantly put the cat back on the ground, closed the door without looking at it.

The cat that was blocked from the door was almost flattened by the door, and it had a question mark on its head.

In the past, when I became a cat, girls always loved and tolerated it, but today it has no effect? ? ?
Sure enough, she was tired of herself!

Luo Yunjin, who was behind the door, ran to the bathroom to wash her hands. She just sucked the cat lightly, and felt countless cat hairs fall off the cat's body and hit her face in a mess.

It's a good thing she was holding her breath, otherwise she wouldn't be choked to death by the cat hair now?

As the kitten grows up, it sheds more and more hair.

She loves soft, cute, fluffy cats that don't shed!
Now it seems that only the little leopard cat is left in the family because it is still a cub and does not shed much hair. Other cats have begun to shed their hair. This is not a good trend.

No wonder Xiao Jujue seldom visits the house these days.

She was already allergic to cat fur, if she entered the house, she might fall to the ground and go into shock in the next second.

Luo Yunjin leaned on the sofa and took out an eighth-order planting crystal nucleus.

The eighth-order crystal nucleus is a watershed from the first seven. The crystal nucleus is a circle larger, and the color is more pure. There are bright green star dots shining in the crystal nucleus, and it is cold in the hand.

After giving birth to the ability, you can feel the powerful energy in the crystal nucleus.

When she replenished abilities at the central base, she used mostly sixth-order or seventh-order crystal nuclei. The first time she used eighth-order nuclei, she had to have a sense of ritual.

She held a crystal nucleus in one hand, and a potted plant with strawberry seeds in the other.

Then draw the energy in the crystal nucleus while using the ability.

Soon I felt a little dizzy.

Immediately afterwards, it seemed as if something was broken, and the brain was sore for a while.

One minute later, she successfully advanced to the sixth-level advanced level, and activated a new magical fruit—Guben Fruit. The shape of the fruit is a bit like a small pineapple, with many thorns on the outside.

In the original game, a solid fruit can directly restore a player who is weak and about to die to his full state.

At this time, strawberry seedlings have grown in the potted plant in the girl's hand.

Different from the past, the speed of planting this time is very slow, but the roots, stems and branches of the plants are crystal clear.

After absorbing a whole eighth-level crystal nucleus, the moment Luo Yunjin opened his eyes, his abilities soared to the seventh-level elementary level, and the strawberry potted plants also began to quickly produce bright red strawberries.

These strawberries are bigger than the ones in the orchard and have a strong fresh strawberry scent.

She picked all the strawberries from the small potted plant, thirteen in total, washed them, and ate one.

The pupils gradually dilated, and this strawberry was sweeter than all the strawberries she had ever eaten.

Obviously not in the refrigerator, but the taste of the strawberry is just right, it is cold and melts in the mouth.

And she didn't expect the promotion to be so smooth this time, and she succeeded in less than half an hour.

She was just trying to put the energy that overflowed from the crystal nucleus into the potted plants, but it seemed that the use of the crystal nucleus could be maximized.

Luo Yunjin took out another eighth-order crystal nucleus, and replaced it with a small potted kumquat.

Continue to absorb energy as before.

This time the headache was more severe than before, and the memory was flowing in sequence during the process of brain swelling, as if a lifetime had passed in a few seconds.

After absorbing all the crystal nuclei, she successfully advanced to the seventh intermediate level, and the potted plants in her hands were ripe and bearing fruit.

But this time it took a full three hours.

And she can obviously feel strenuous, sweat all over, and her head hurts.

Directly using the energy in the crystal nucleus to stimulate the brain and forcibly improving the ability is indeed a great burden on the body.

If it weren't for her frequent use of abilities, and the fact that she used a lot of crystal nuclei to absorb energy in order to activate the dormant cabins at the central base, her body would be strengthened imperceptibly, and she would not be able to support it now.

She forced herself to take a shower, then fell on the bed and fell asleep.

At the foot of the stone mountain, another group of survivors escaped.

Because many bases are overcrowded and no longer accept people, in order to find shelter, many survivors have no choice but to climb mountains and mountains, fleeing to higher ground.

After avoiding the zombies and parasites in Haicheng, I didn't expect to see some mountains not far from the sea, and there were still smoke from cooking on several mountains.

Apparently there are people living here.

A man dressed in rags, with long, messy knotted hair, a little hunchback, but he couldn't tell the gender from his appearance.

"We have to go up the mountain to ask for help. These children haven't eaten for a long time." The man looked at the children with disheveled hair and couldn't see the specific expression clearly.

He swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva.

"Why don't we wait and exchange some crystal nuclei when someone goes down the mountain. We saw a lot of powerful supernatural beings along the way, so we should be careful." The woman standing beside him was sweating profusely.

The woman was seriously ill. Her right hand was almost festered, but it was roughly tied with clothes. She kept biting her tongue to force herself to stay awake. If she died, the child would definitely not survive.

The others silently found a clean place at the foot of the mountain, and struggled to set up a tent made of several raincoats. Everyone scattered among several raincoat tents and got together to keep warm.

They are all low-level power users or ordinary people, and they can live so long because there are two water-type power users among them.

All people rely on this water to eke out a living.

Looking at the lush green trees on the stone mountain, a thin young man scratched his throat, "I'm going to cut some bark and leaves, and some salt, we can cook a pot of soup."

His words were echoed by many people.

Among the crowd, this young man had the highest ability, the fourth-level water system ability.

He is also the most promising person in this group to join the base, but in order to be with his girlfriend who has no supernatural powers, he gave up this opportunity.

"Then be careful." The woman standing next to the young man was pale and thin, but she could vaguely tell that she was good-looking.

Among the crowd, there is this girl who can luxuriously wash her face with a handful of water every day, and she is the cleanest among them.

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(End of this chapter)

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