The mad critic is fluffy and wants to be rua!

Chapter 269 The Importance of Male Virtue

Chapter 269 The Importance of Male Virtue

As a result, more and more mountains gradually appeared in the land outside Haicheng.

More and more fleeing supernatural beings came to build mountains, but their supernatural powers and supplies were limited, and none of them was more beautiful than Stone Mountain.

Crooked peaks are everywhere, and some gold-type supernatural beings even created an iron mountain in a very exaggerated way. The entire mountain is made of steel, and the rain falls on the iron mountain, making a roaring sound.

Living on Iron Mountain for a long time is not good for your health either.

Duan Ya and Cheng Yuanfeng are also constantly building up stones on the mountain peaks to increase the height of the stone mountain. Because their work efficiency is too high, many people want to hire them to help build the mountain, but they are all rejected.

Shen Junxie built a mountain 200 meters away from Shitou Mountain. His original idea was to build a mountain similar to Shitou Mountain. At least they have soil-type and planting-type superpowers here, and it will not be worse than Luoyunjin Mountain.

But the ideal is beautiful, the reality is very skinny.

First of all, the choice of foundation has become a big problem.

When choosing the address, I found that the location of Stone Mountain was the best with a radius of tens of kilometers, and the area was empty.The rest are potholed dirt roads and dead woods.

The swamp in the dry forest is dangerous, gurgling and bubbling.

If he wanted to build a mountain, he had to pull out all the dead forests. He set fire to the forest, but there was obviously something flammable and explosive in the swamp inside, and a series of explosions occurred directly.

This explosion blasted out the skeleton zombies hidden in the swamp. They tilted their heads, and each zombie was extremely powerful. Their bones were covered with green eyes, and there was a dark red light in their eye sockets. It was obviously not easy to deal with.

Lan Xinya was terrified.

She really tied the Q.

Why is my luck so miserable and everything goes wrong.

But these powerful zombies no longer allowed her to think about anything, and tried to resist with gold-type abilities.

The system kept reminding her to save some powers.

Her ability is provided by the system. Although it is a sixth-level ability, the daily upper limit is the sixth-level ability. If the ability reserve is used up, the ability cannot be released.She is not a supernatural person herself, nor can she obtain energy by absorbing crystal nuclei.

So soon, the ability will be consumed.

Like a nimble rabbit, she hid behind Shen Junqie.

Yuan Xiaoni is holding a shovel in her hand. She has auxiliary abilities, but after training these days, she has been able to rely on her own strength to deal with some low-level zombies.

Skeleton zombies are chasing after each other. Every time they run, the bones on their bodies tremble and make loud noises like falling apart.

Fire cannot burn them, nor ice can freeze them.

So the scene was very similar, Shen Junqi once again led these skeleton zombies to the vicinity of the stone mountain, even he himself was puzzled, why the subconscious made him bring the zombies here instead of other mountains.

The movement here made the surrounding supernatural beings very scared. They all ran to the mountain they built and looked at the ground worriedly. No one wanted to go down to help, and no one wanted to fight for the crystal nucleus in the brains of those skeleton zombies.

On the stone mountain, Duan Ya gritted his teeth and was awakened from his sleep by Cheng Yuanfeng.

"What's wrong? You have to give me a reasonable explanation!" Duan Ya was angry about getting up, and his eyes were bloodshot from not sleeping well.

"They brought the zombies here again. They are skeleton zombies. I think they are quite high-level. We have been in a bottleneck period recently. We can go and see if there are high-level crystal nuclei." Cheng Yuanfeng winked.

He directly dragged Duan Ya down the mountain, thinking that such a small number of zombies would not need to disturb Luo Yunjin and the others.

The two went down the mountain leisurely.

Duan Ya's drowsiness has long been worn away on the mountain road.

He yawned, looked at Shen Junqie and others outside the power grid, "Hey, brother, do you want to help?"

Shen Junwei put a wall of fire in front to stop the zombies from advancing, but the skeleton zombies are not afraid of fire, they still have flames rolling on their bodies, and they don't feel it at all.

Yuan Xiaoni's shovel was also melted by the fire, and she was in a panic at the moment.

But facing death so many times, she has already put life and death aside.

"Brother Shen, I'm blocking it, you guys go, you saved my life in the first place." Yuan Xiaoni was about to give away the head.

Shen Junqi was extremely helpless, he rubbed the space between his brows.

In front of him is Yuan Xiaoni, who is determined to die, and behind him is Lan Xinya, who is like an old dog.

He is really too difficult.

"Come and help, they are seventh-level zombies, they are not easy to deal with, and there may be eighth and ninth levels behind them." Shen Junxie can't control that much, he can't deal with these zombies at all, crystal nucleus and life, he chooses life .

Duan Ya and Cheng Yuanfeng passed through the power grid directly, with unruly smiles on their faces, they used their abilities one after another.

They had dealt with low-profile skeleton zombies in City E before. Although these zombies were high-level, they were still very fragile in their eyes.

Although the sand type and the strength type are not powerful abilities, and their attack power is not strong, they are all eighth-level abilities and agile.

Duan Ya directly launched a big sand, and a tornado full of yellow sand was formed. The wind swept the zombies into the air, and then fell to the ground in a tangle.

Cheng Yuanfeng directly knocked the struggling sand pile away with his fist.

The skeleton with a strong body instantly turned into pieces, and the crystal nuclei in its brain were also scattered on the ground.

The two have been building stone mountains these days, and their control over supernatural powers has become increasingly sophisticated. Now they have reached the point of perfection, and even a ninth-level zombie can have the power to fight.

Not long after, the number of skeleton zombies decreased by half.

Shen Junxie and others watched the whole process, but they didn't expect these people's abilities to be so powerful.

Lan Xinya bit her small handkerchief: It's numb, any two passers-by who don't deserve to have a name in this world are the ceiling of force.

On the nearby mountain, those supernatural beings were applauding.

In the last days, the strong are respected.

In fleeing famine, those powerful people with supernatural powers are a ray of sunshine, and all those who are in the quagmire are scrambling to pursue them.

With these high-level supernatural beings around, those supernatural beings who built mountains nearby feel more at ease.

Shen Junqie looked at the skillful movements of the two, feeling deeply moved in his heart.

He thinks that he has powerful abilities, and he is the best no matter which base or safe zone he goes to, but he has no power to restrain these skeleton zombies.

The mood suddenly became particularly depressed.

There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people.

Suddenly, Duan Ya stopped his movements and stared at a thin skeleton zombie not far away.

The little zombie tilted its head, some flesh and blood still stuck to the skull, and two shrunken eyeballs hung in its dry eye sockets.

It walked step by step, not affected by the sandstorm, and its body was firmly stuck to the ground.

Although I am walking, every step is big.

Cheng Yuanfeng watched helplessly as the zombie suffered a fracture in the middle and lower third of the tibia of the calf.

Both of them felt danger from this zombie.

When Lan Xinya saw a little zombie walking towards her, she panicked and pushed Yuan Xiaoni to the ground in front of her.

Yuan Xiaoni hit his knee, and blood oozed out.

The zombies smelled blood, the red light in their eyes became brighter, and they began to riot.

It ran up, and before Shen Junwei could react, it threw itself in front of Yuan Xiaoni, and opened its bloody mouth.


The smell of flesh and blood came out.

Yuan Xiaoni smelled the stench of zombies and felt a familiar warmth.

Li Heng was hugging her.

But the man's shoulder was already bitten by the zombie, and the zombie even rubbed his mouth.

The sound of bones breaking was obvious.

The shoulder blade of Li Heng's right arm was directly torn off.

He ran away holding Yuan Xiaoni.

The zombie still had a piece of flesh in its mouth.

"You, you, why?" Yuan Xiaoni had tears in his eyes.

Li Heng murmured in his heart, if the system hadn't asked him to save people, he wouldn't have died.

Hearing that the system issued a reward for the completion of the task and the ability to automatically climb two levels, he felt that it was worth it to be bitten!
But soon his face began to turn purple.

On the one hand, it is to feel the improvement of the supernatural power in the body, and on the other hand, it is the burning sensation and pain all over the body.

This feels sour.

"System, hurry up and give me the antidote, I'm about to burp." Li Heng said in his heart, he could feel his vitality slowly passing away.

[Sorry, I was bitten by a zombie, there is no cure, please wait slowly to die~]

Li Heng:? ? ?
There are a hundred thousand sentences in his heart that he really wants to say.

But at this moment, the man has started to roll his eyes and foam at the mouth.

Yuan Xiaoni crazily output healing powers to Li Heng's shoulder, but her powers are very weak and will not help against the overbearing zombie virus.

Li Heng's whole body is numb, so fuck you, dead system.

He was asked to take the initiative to save people just now, and then he was rewarded with an ability improvement, and he was about to die in the next second.

Is he a fake protagonist?
Thinking about it, Li Heng suddenly stood up.

In Yuan Xiaoni's shocking eyes, black blood spit out from the mouth, like a fairy scattering flowers.

Duan Ya and Cheng Yuanfeng walked away with disgust on their faces.

At this time, no one went down the mountain to save people. On the other unbuilt hills, everyone was watching, and no one chose to come down to help.

This little zombie is obviously the leader of those skeleton zombies just now, an eighth-level high-level zombie, and it just bit Li Heng, and it seems that its ability has become stronger, and its bones are slightly pink.

"Don't cry, people can't die. Come and help, this zombie is hard to deal with." Duan Ya sternly said, he asked Shen Junqi to take care of his little brother, and several people attacked together.

There were also many skeleton zombies who smelled the smell of blood, and their behavior became extremely irritable and even more ferocious.

Suddenly a group of zombies blocked the crowd, and the little zombie jumped ten meters high, like a spider, landed on the head of a zombie, and then stretched its teeth and claws towards Duan Ya.

Just when its nails were about to touch the top of Duan Ya's head, its movements suddenly became stiff.

Then he was hit by a shadowless leg.

Pei Chuan landed lightly, and his appearance made it impossible for all the zombies to display their abilities, greatly restricting the zombies' physical movements.

Qi Chi was also standing not far away, holding a wooden laser bin in his hand.

After a few bullets, several zombies were hit in the head and fell to the ground one after another.

Xiao Silkjue quickly walked to Li Heng's side and healed him quickly. She stuffed a recovery fruit from Luo Yunjin into Li Heng's mouth.

Li Heng was choked, and swallowed it without even tasting it.

He opened his bloodshot eyes and saw that the wound on his right arm was slowly healing.

The zombie virus in the body is also fading rapidly, as if it has encountered some nemesis, it approaches the wound on the right arm, and then turns into a pool of black blood.

[You are so blessed, you are a miraculous fruit.It should be your Bai Yueguang's ability, but it's a pity that he is destined not to be available to you. 】

There was a hint of gloating in the system's voice.

Li Heng stood up clutching his arms, and thanked Xiao Jujue.

"It's okay, it's nothing, I saved you because you are Xiaojin's ex-boyfriend and you haven't been a monster all this time. It's not expensive for me to save people, just two seventh-order crystal cores."

Li Heng took it out of his pocket slowly, and actually found two seventh-order wind crystal nuclei.

This seems to be obtained from a previous mission, and I have been cherishing it and not willing to use it. I didn't expect to give it to someone else today.

But he is already at the eighth level...

Subconsciously squeezed a wheal.

In a small circle, it doesn't have the aura of an eighth-level supernatural power user at all.

Xiao Silk gave him a sympathetic look, "It's okay, you've been poisoned, it's normal for your ability to drop, but fortunately, it didn't drop much, I thought there was only a third level at most, but I didn't expect you to have the strength of a fifth level, not bad Not bad~”

Li Heng's whole body is not well. He completed the mission to save people, and then was bitten by a zombie. Although he was cured, he still lost a level.


Yuan Xiaoni walked over weakly, she looked at the man with a worried face, her face was pale, and she was relieved to see that he was safe and sound.

"Brother Li, thank you for saving me. You saved me three times, and you can't repay me. I will give you all my crystal nuclei in the future." Yuan Xiaoni saw that Li Heng had paid two crystal nuclei as medical expenses, and made up his mind. She must become a rich woman, and then make Li Hengyang fat and fat.

After Duan Ya collected all the crystal nuclei, he led Pei Chuan and the others up the mountain.

The car was dirty, and there were obvious signs of zombies gnawing on it. Obviously, it was not easy for them along the way.

Xuan Hongyan and Mo Lian are trapped in an underground mine, but they can still be reached through the walkie-talkie. There are many weapons and an abandoned underground laboratory in the mine.

But both of them have found a way out, and they will be back in two days.

"Why do I think you guys have lost a lot of weight?" Luo Yunjin compared his arms with Pei Chuan Qichi's.

"We have been chased by zombies for the past few days. We haven't found much supplies, but we have collected a lot of crystal cores. We have all upgraded because of this." Qi Chi took out a big sack from the dirty carriage, which was full of sparkling crystals. crystal nucleus.

"It may be because of the high tension that has been maintained. It is true that everyone has lost weight." Pei Chuan lifted his shirt and showed off his strong muscles.

Luo Yunjin: ...

Lin Xi silently stretched out his hand to cover the girl's eyes.

Qi Chi: ╰_╯

"Why are your muscles so much more obvious than mine? I only have six-pack abs, but you have eight?" Qi Chi's face was full of disbelief.

"I also have eight yuan, and I will show you when I go back." Lin Xi said that he is a man of masculinity, so he will not expose his perfect muscles in front of everyone.

The little tabby on the side was very envious, he turned into a human form, "Why do I only have one piece???"

He has a big belly.

"Who told you to eat so much every day and not exercise. You are still young, and when you grow up, you will get fat and ugly, so you must exercise since you are young. If you get fat, you will not lose weight." Qi Chi said Said the matter.

Little Tiger Ban showed hesitation, "But I'm not fat, I look pretty thin."

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(End of this chapter)

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