Chapter 263 Retirement Life

The huts behind the dead woods are exquisite, and most of them are well preserved.

On the narrow streets, the scattered zombies are particularly afraid of life. When they see people, their first reaction is to hide in the house.

Luo Yunjin plans to find a place with a higher terrain and directly use existing materials to build a small residential area.

With the previous failure experience and the flooding of rainwater, this time we must plan the living place well, and the location selection is a big problem.

The terrain is flat and straight out.

There are quite a lot of ready-made houses in this area, but it is too flat. The dead forest next to it looks strange, and it is obviously not suitable for building houses.

Building on the mountain should always beware of mudslides and floods.

"We can build a stone mountain by ourselves and transfer the land to plant trees. There is not much water here, which is quite suitable. It is also convenient to see the surrounding situation from the top of the stone mountain." Xuan Hongyan suggested.

There are a total of seventeen people with different abilities here, each with different abilities, and it is completely possible to build a small system.

"Which mountain is more appropriate to build there? I think we can emulate the central base. They built the base in the air, with energy base stations and factories below. We build small residential areas by ourselves. We don't need energy stations and factories, as long as they are livable. Duan Ya touched his chin, "Haicheng is close to the ocean, and the rain is not going to stop now, we'd better stay away from the sea, as the water level rises, the rockery will also be submerged."

Luo Yunjin nodded in agreement.

However, she had read the original book, and although the heavy rain would last for a year, it would not flood all the land.

Build a stone mountain on a higher ground, and the foundation is a bit more laborious. Even if the ocean spreads over, a small island will slowly form.

Anyway, the flying car can travel in the air, which is quite convenient.

"Then build it on the left side of these houses. The stone mountain is 200 meters high, what do you think?" Luo Yunjin pointed to the ravine on the left side of the exotic hut.

"Yes, we have earth-type abilities, sand-type abilities and strength-type abilities here, and there are stones around. It should be no problem to fill in a stone mountain by yourself. Earth-type abilities above the sixth level have the ability to It is safer to transform the soil into boulders, and the gold-type superpowers will metallize the stones." Cheng Yuanfeng said calmly.

"However, living on a mountain made of metal all year round is not good for your health. It will form a magnetic field and radiation. It is better to build a stone mountain instead of metallization." Luo Yunjin suggested.

After reaching an agreement, everyone started working.

The 200-meter-high stone is an extremely difficult task. There is only one earth-type supernatural person, and the amount of work is huge.

In order to reduce the workload, other people are also responsible for helping to transfer the stones from other places together, so that the earth-type and sand-type supernatural beings can directly splice the stones together.

Luoyun brocade is also planting vegetation on the ever-increasing foundation.

Most plants will mutate as soon as they encounter gray rain, but the fruit trees she planted with supernatural powers have a certain detoxification effect, and when the time comes to move the tree of life over, with the protection of the light screen, the fruit trees here can grow intact.

At the end of the day, green trees and lawns have been planted around the ten-meter-high stone pier.

The stone mountain became more and more difficult to build, mainly due to the lack of manpower. They also wanted to expand the scope of the mountain, so there were many difficulties.

Duan Ya sprinkled yellow sand all day, his cheeks were extremely yellow and thin.

But precisely controlling the flow of sand and soil also greatly enhanced his ability to control abilities.

It seems that it will take at least ten days to build a stone mountain and a house on the top of the mountain.

They cleaned up several nearby houses.

Three meals a day must ensure that everyone can eat enough, Luo Yunjin began to cook differently.

There are also a lot of cured fish, bacon and sausages in the space, which are directly steamed as meat dishes.

Seventeen people and two cats need to steam five large pots of rice every day.

Cooking is also a big project.

All the auxiliary system superpowers participated in the logistics, busy inside and outside every day, cooking and cooking.

Because of this, the smell of delicious dishes can be heard from these houses every day.

Attracted a lot of little zombies trying to touch porcelain.

These zombies didn't dare to drool over the high-level power users, so they squatted not far away, smelling the scent of vegetables in the air.

Luo Yunjin made a big pot of spicy chicken nuggets and fried chicken today. This is the mutated pheasant that Lin Xi brought back from hunting.

The mutated pheasant is large in size, and two pheasants are enough for 17 people.

The pungent aroma flowed from the chimney, and the few people who were still tired of the stone all speeded up the movement of their hands.

"I can eat fried chicken today, I can smell it, it's delicious." Duan Ya was wearing a raincoat, drooling.

"The happiest time of day is eating and sleeping. If I can eat this kind of food every day, I am willing to work for the rest of my life." Xiao Wangba helped the yellow hard hat on his head.

"Okay, build it early and rest early, have you seen that the black sea is very deep, the wind and waves are also big, and it is not calm. Our mountain must be built stronger!" Cheng Yuanfeng has been moving stones, He climbed halfway up the mountain and pointed to the ocean not far away, with a serious expression on his face.

"Don't worry, let nature take its course." Mo Lian has a spiritual power, and his role here is to boost morale.

A group of people are busy building the mountain, and the stone mountain is getting higher and higher.

On the seventh day, the 200-meter-high mountain was finally completed.

Luoyun brocade is planted on the newly built part of the mountain every day, so the mountain has turned into a large green area on the day of completion.

The mountains are precipitous and uncanny, and it can't be seen that they are man-made mountains.

In order to strengthen the foundation, they deliberately enlarged the area, and the entire mountain covers an area of ​​more than 1000 mu.

It can almost be regarded as a tourist attraction.

A large area was left on the top of the mountain, and protective walls and railings were built around it.

Lin Xi also deliberately connected the power grid to prevent mutated animals and zombies from entering the living area by mistake.

Building a house on top of a hill is much easier.

Everyone's abilities work.

Luo Yunjin continues to beautify the environment, filling the ground with lawns and trees.

She planted a circle of fruit trees on the lower level of the mountain for easy picking.

Tall trees keep out the rain.

With wood, you can build a tree house.

However, tree houses are prone to damp, and the tree houses built on the top of the mountain are mainly for viewing. Several tall tree houses were used to store special instruments, and they were directly requisitioned by Qi Chi as his laboratory and small workshop.

They are not going to build apartments, but each draws design drawings and builds houses according to his own preferences.

There is a lot of open space left on the top of the mountain, enough for 17 people to live.

Xuan Hongyan built a three-story stone house on the edge of the mountain. The top floor can be used as a watchtower, and the second and third floors are living rooms. She and Mo Lian chose to make their home here.

Xiao Wangba and Xiao Jujue like freedom, and they also choose to live in a tree house.

Luo Yunjin gave birth to a tall and strong apple tree. They built a tree house with wood on the trunk and settled directly on the tree.When the apples are ripe, they can be picked at will.

Zhong Lingmei has always been worried about the disappearance of the milk tea shop. She designed a mobile cabin that can make desserts, and plans to build a small dessert shop on the top of the mountain.

She was a dessert chef before the end of the world. Now that she has fruits and ingredients, she can make desserts by herself. There are few people on the mountain, so it is convenient and comfortable to be self-sufficient.

Because Cheng Yuanfeng and Duan Ya want to live a collective life, now everyone has their own homes, and the top of the mountain is quite big, so everyone likes to stay at home and doesn't want to come out to visit.

So the two chose to live together. They built a circular courtyard and arranged several rooms for everyone to live in when visiting.

Luo Yunjin designed a two-story glass house with a courtyard.

The glass was kindly provided by Xiao Wangba. He is a gold-type supernatural being who can condense special glass.

The glass house is surrounded by glass, and the base is made of stone, which has a good thermal insulation effect. Two bayberry trees and vines are planted in the small yard, and you can pick bayberry and soak in water to drink at any time.

She and Lin Xi lived in the glass room.

Pei Chuan lived in a single-family villa.

Generally speaking, the houses on the top of the mountain have different styles and forms, but they are inexplicably harmonious when they are mixed together.

It is far away from the central base, and the walkie-talkie cannot find a signal.

But Qi Chi is developing an enhanced version of the signal receiving equipment, so the transfer of the tree of life is not urgent yet.

In other words, it took them ten days to successfully build a small residential area, which was still a sea view room.

Standing on the wooden watchtower on the top of the mountain, you can see the black sea in the distance.

Although it looks a bit dense phobia from a distance, the overall life is still very unsatisfactory.

The vegetable garden and orchard are arranged, and fresh fruits and vegetables can be eaten every day.

Gradually, there were many zombies and mutant animals on the mountain.

There are cables on the top of the mountain, and those zombies and animals can't get close. In addition, there are high-level supernatural beings on the mountain, and the surrounding environment is relatively quiet and harmonious. This place is very suitable for the elderly.

"This red bayberry fruit tea is very good. It's sour and bitter, with a sweet aftertaste." Xiao Sijue sat on a branch next to the tree house, dangling his feet, drinking tea.

Xiao Wangba was drinking sparkling water made with pine needles and added sugar.

In fact, it is sugar water, but it has a sense of bubbles.

The two were leisurely, sitting on the branch in a daze all day long.

The trees are tall and dense, and they specially made a balcony to block the rain.

The only downside is that the house is very humid, and you can't light a fire in the tree house, you can only carefully put it in the stove to start a fire.

As long as the temperature drops sharply, the two will temporarily live in Duan Ya's courtyard.

The only problem now is that there are not enough warm clothes and quilts.

Because of the crystal nucleus as an alternative energy source, the mountaintop has achieved full power supply.

In addition, Luo Yunjin collected a lot of electrical appliances in the space before, and now they are all in use. There are only 17 people in the room, so they don't need too many things.

But there is still a lack of many supplies.

Many of them were brought up from nearby abandoned houses, and most of them have traces of use.

So everyone decided to go to the nearby abandoned towns in batches to find suitable supplies.

The crystal nuclei are also limited. Every once in a while, they need to go out in batches to collect more crystal nuclei. On the one hand, they will be used for energy supply, and on the other hand, everyone must upgrade.

After all, it is still very dangerous to guard a place without strength.

Haicheng has a small population and lack of resources. Most of the survivors went to other survivors' gathering bases, so for the time being, no one knew that there was a newly built stone mountain outside the city.

Just the green vegetation all over the mountain is enough to envy many people.

Today Xuan Hongyan and Mo Lian went out to look for supplies, and everyone else stayed at home as salted fish.

Luo Yunjin is making skewers, and she has prepared a lot of bamboo sticks and ingredients.

Open directly in the yard.

Sliced ​​and diced fresh vegetables.

Small sausages, luncheon meat, chicken feet with pickled peppers are all ready to sign.

The most important thing is the spicy soup base and dipping dish.

The hot pot base is directly used, and the dipping plate can be matched according to each person's preference.

It didn't take long for the fragrance to dissipate.

Zhong Lingmei brought a new dessert to visit, Xiao Jujue brought a newly brewed apple sauce, and Duan Ya brought a salted duck with sauce developed by himself...

Soon, the big round table was filled with a sumptuous meal.

This is not the first time everyone has dinner together. Every time I come to eat, I will prepare some food, so that we can chat and relieve boredom when we eat together.

After all, there are so few people that they can't even make up a table of mahjong.

None of them can play mahjong.

In the boring life, everyone harvests vegetables and fruits every day, cleans up, listens to FM radio, and stares at the sea in a daze.

The top of the mountain has been arranged by everyone to be more lifelike. All the trees are hung with camouflage lights, which will be lit up at night.

The stars are shining.

Luo Yunjin ate a piece of soaked very soft chicken feet, leaned on the recliner contentedly, and held a cup of fruit tea from Lin Xi on his right hand.

The FM radio was playing in the living room.

It seems that since City H was also swallowed by the Black Rift, the FM has become less.

However, Qi Chi is constantly strengthening signal reception, and their machines can also receive many internal FM broadcasts from safe areas and bases.

What is playing now is the internal frequency modulation of Beiming base.

"Recently, a large amount of stardust of unknown origin has appeared in City H and Ye Chao. The mysterious cracks in City A have spread to the center of H. A large number of high-level supernatural beings have fled. My base will accept some supernatural beings for a limited time. Pay attention to the latest notice~"

"The latest news reports that the central base has successfully developed an air speeder, and the first round of sales has begun. Beiming base truck transportation company sells it as an agent. The unit price is ten eighth-order crystal cores. Please contact us if you are interested in survivors~"

"At 5438:[-] a.m. today, a gas leak occurred in the villa at No. [-], Lucha Street, in the Green Tea Community of the base. Two people died and one was injured. According to the investigation, the gas leak was caused by a domestic cat knocking over the gas tank..."


After eating a duck leg, Luo Yunjin finally felt full.

She has been eating a lot lately and eats four meals a day.

When I wake up at night, I occasionally want to eat sweet and sour fruits. Fortunately, most kinds of fruits are grown in the space.

But today she suddenly wanted to eat mangosteen.

However, there happened to be no such fruit in the space, and she did not have mangosteen seeds.

Everyone found that the girl had a weird temper today, and she became very clingy.

Luo Yunjin didn't care about the eyes of the people around her, grabbed Lin Xi's arm with her small hand, and tugged coquettishly, "I want to eat mangosteen."

"Mangosteen? Where can I get mangosteen now? The area is 200 kilometers away, and there are no living people living there." Duan Ya complained, and what he said was true. The location here is already remote.

"Yes, my monitoring shows that there is a large fruit shed in Haicheng. Before the end of the world, there should be a lot of fruit trees, but they should all wither now, but the seeds should be found." Qi Chi said suddenly.

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  wow cool wow cool~
  Ollie give it, Ollie give it~
  bare, bare~
  You have no head, you have no body~
(End of this chapter)

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