Chapter 256: The Black Cat
There is light snow in the sky, and looking around, there is endless white snow.

Snow covered the entire streets and alleys.

There are scattered vehicles on the street, and the sound of car horns cannot be heard.

In a dark alley, behind a recyclable trash bin full of domestic waste, a young black cat, Cub, shivered beside a broken cardboard box full of snow.

It kept making weak maomao sounds.

Not far away, although the three fat orange cats were dirty and their ears were missing, they obviously ate well.They stared at the little black cat leisurely, with teasing eyes.

The black cat couldn't open its eyes yet, and it crawled slowly in the cardboard box with its tail curled up.

The little nose kept sniffing lightly, trying to find food and water.

At this moment, the cleaner driving the garbage truck drove the car into the alley, dumped all the garbage in the garbage cans into the garbage truck one by one, and took away the cardboard box where the black cat cubs were sheltered from the wind and snow.

The young cat lay shivering on the snow.

The cleaner obviously didn't want to take in such a dying kitten, so he drove away.

One of the fat oranges hiding in the corner walked to the kitten, grabbed the kitten, and walked to the residential community across the alley.

The other two orange cats followed behind to escort them.

The cat dexterously avoided the vehicles on the road and passed through the gap in the railing door.

Fat Ju with the little black cat in his mouth got into a residential building and put the little black cat under the stairs.

The little black cat was trembling, its limbs trembling constantly.

It didn't even have the strength to bark.

The three big orange cats squatted behind the stairs, warming each other, and the little black cat was caught in the middle.

It didn't take long for it to warm up.

But it is hungry and thirsty.

The three stray orange cats are all salted fish, unwilling to go out for food.

They are fat and cute, and kind passers-by have always fed them canned cat food or other food, so they are quite famous in this area.

Although they are stray cats, they all keep their fur shiny.

They also rarely see cats as small as the little black cat.

In the small alley I frequent, when I was about to dig through the trash can, the kitten in the cardboard box kept meowing, it was very pitiful.

I wanted to see how it would survive in the snow, but it turned out to be a cub with one eye not fully opened.


The elevator door opened, and the girl was holding a hand warmer, standing at the door on the first floor, waiting anxiously.

The water meter next to it is full of arrears bills.

A meow caught her attention.

Luo Yunjin looked towards the stairs.

Three pairs of shining eyes were staring at her.

The fat big orange was squatting at the corner of the stairs, paws, a little black cat was sitting on the back of one of the orange cats, its pink mouth and nose were shaking, and its tail was tucked between its hind legs.

Luo Yunjin walked to the stairs, squatted down, and looked at the four cats.

The cats were also looking at her, wagging their tails.

She recognized the three fat oranges. She often saw cats wandering in the alley when she went out, and she bought cat food several times.

This little black cat should be their child.

Luo Yunjin took out a ham sausage and a small bag of pre-meal slimming fruit tea that she was planning to use to lose weight.

She peeled off the plastic wrap around the ham and divided it into three parts, one for each orange cat.

He took a small sip of the fruit tea, wondering if the kitten could drink it.

She tried to put the small bag towards the black cat's mouth.

The cat's nose sniffed, found the source of the smell, and bit it.

Luo Yunjin's index finger was bitten.

But newborn kittens have no teeth.

I don't feel anything.

She could only hug the kitten, carefully took out her fingers, and squeezed the fruit tea into its mouth.

The cat smacked its lips twice, then moved to the bag again, this time looking in the right direction, and chugged.

The three orange cats obviously knew Luo Yunjin, and they were not afraid of strangers at all. After eating the ham sausage, they squatted aside and watched the little black cat drink fruit tea.

After drinking a small bag of fruit tea, the cat's belly got bigger.

Luo Yunjin put the cat back on the orange cat's back, "I'll see you some other day."

She goes outside.

A tall young man had been waiting for a long time, and a small layer of white snow piled up on the black umbrella he was holding.

"Let's go eat hot pot today. I know a new hot pot restaurant has opened nearby. I'll find my brother to eat with me later." Luo Jinbei stroked the girl's hair.

"I thought you would bring lunch back." Luo Yunjin complained, she touched the pockets on both sides of the man's padded jacket, but found no snacks. "I'm trying to lose weight recently, so I can't eat hot pot. You guys go, just bring me a small meal."

Luo Jinbei saw his younger sister's eyes looking towards the stairs from time to time, and he knew in his heart, "If you like those cats, you can also raise them."

Luo Yunjin shook his head lightly, "I don't know how to keep cats, and it's enough to give them some food occasionally. These kittens live outside, which is better than following me. I have irregular meals and work and rest, and these cats deserve better."

She has nothing to eat at home.

He could only tell Luo Jinbei to go out quickly.

Luo Yunjin continued to squat in the corner rua cat.

At this moment, there was a sound of wheezing and wheezing.

Behind the railing outside the community, a man with a ferocious expression, white film on his eyes, and black silk on his skin was holding on to the railing, screaming continuously, and his mouth was still bleeding.

There were constant screams and the sound of cars colliding in the street.

Cats have a well-developed sense of hearing, and their ears are pricked up at this time.

Luo Yunjin saw the face of the monster behind the railing clearly, and was taken aback.

She hugged the four cats with difficulty, ran into the elevator, and went home quickly.

The building she lives in is mostly tenants who work during the day and come back at night, so there are not many residents during the day.

The elevator stops on the eleventh floor.

Luo Yunjin's heart was always flustered, she quickly opened her door, entered the house with the cat, and then closed the door tightly and locked it.

There was also the snoring of zombies outside the house.

A middle-aged woman with limbs bent and twisting all the time rushed to Luo Yunjin's house and scratched at the door.

The girl saw a ferocious face through the cat's eyes. It was the neighbor's aunt who lived next door to her.

The iron door was scratched with a bang.

Luo Yunjin put the cat aside, and quickly pushed the sofa and coffee table in the single apartment to the door, and pushed them against the door.

The banging on the door stopped after 10 minutes, but there was a woman's scream outside the door, followed by the sound of grinding teeth and eating.

The three orange cats squatted on the ground in a panic, and the little black cat crawled on the floor.

The air conditioner was on at home, it was very warm, and it slid on the floor like a small fish.

Luo Yunjin walked to the French windows and opened the curtains.

The sound of explosions was constantly heard on the street, the screams of passers-by, and the honking of cars continued.

Thinking that her second brother had just left the house, she hurriedly made a call.

But the line on the other side keeps showing busy and cannot be connected.

This is a single apartment with [-] square meters and two floors.

The space is small, but it is very warmly decorated by the girls.

On the coffee table, a group photo of the girl and another tall and strong young man was knocked off the floor by the zombie's slamming door, and glass shards scattered all over the floor.

Luo Yunjin dialed all the numbers in the phone's address book, but none of them could be answered.

The TV blue screens directly and cannot find any signal.

The computer can also be connected to the Internet, and various help stickers are posted.

"Fuck, this is a zombie. Damn, I was bitten, am I going to become a zombie too?"

"Help! I'm at No. 5438, Building 1, 438 Community, E City. There are monsters outside my house! Does anyone care?"

"I seem to have a special function just now, my fingers can release water!"

"The end of the world is coming, everyone must protect themselves and prepare supplies in advance. The water has not been cut off yet. If you are still at home, quickly fill up the water. Don't go out to find death and wait for rescue!"


Luo Yunjin has ten lines at a glance.

She quickly filled all the pots and pans in the house with water.

There are still some eggs, ham sausage, slimming fruit tea, and two large bottles of orange juice left in the refrigerator.

There are some unfinished snacks in the snack box under the bed on the second floor.

There are several unfinished fruits in the fruit plate on the coffee table.

There was still half a bag of rice and some rice noodles in the kitchen closet.

This is all her supplies.

Luo Yunjin didn't dare to relax his vigilance because he was worried about the zombies outside, and stayed up all night.

The four cats are very well-behaved, and they don't run around or bark.

Taking advantage of this time, she steamed all the rice in the house and made all the eggs into tiger skin eggs.

Guarding the only supplies, shrinking behind the window.

The next day, there were no pedestrians on the street, only the walking corpses whimpering.Every few meters of the road, there are smoking and scrapped vehicles.

Can also faintly hear various screams.

Luo Yunjin hugged her legs and trembled.

On the third day, the power was cut off and the water was cut off. The little black cat still did not open its eyes, and the three orange cats showed symptoms of mania, which seemed to be a sign of a change.Just in case, Luo Yunjin locked the cats outside the entrance and separated them with a door.

On the fourth day, the orange cat mutated, but instead of turning into a zombie, it activated its abilities. The three cats had water, fire, and earth abilities.

The mutated cat with supernatural powers is full of energy, and the whole cat has become a lot more energetic.

The little black cat finally opened its eyes today, and it hid in the corner with the girl, very well-behaved.

On the fifth day, the three orange cats showed signs of mutating again. They lay on the window and beckoned the girl to open the window.

Luo Yunjin looked at them worriedly, but opened the window with a tired body.

The orange cats jumped directly onto the window and jumped down.

The cat followed the wall, all the way down.

Luo Yunjin's eyes widened.

It didn't take long to see the orange cat.

On the sixth day, there was another knocking sound outside the door.

"Xiao Jin, are you there?"

Luo Yunjin couldn't believe it, and ran to the door quickly, seeing the anxious man behind the cat's eyes, wept with joy, and opened the door.

Li Heng walked into the room and hugged the girl.

Yao Mier looked critically at the room.

Luo Yunjin was a little surprised to see a group of people following behind Li Heng.

"Xiao Jin, do you have anything to eat here?"

"There are some." Luo Yunjin usually eats very little, and she can save most of her supplies.

There is still a lot of food in the kitchen.

"That's all. Brother Li, you've been busy for a long time today. I'll go to the next door to see if there is any meat. If you eat dry rice and eggs that have been left for an unknown amount of time, you will get sick." Yao Mier provoked.

The little black cat was furry all over, staring at everyone vigilantly.

But Luo Yunjin saw Li Heng like a dodder.

Soon, the home was occupied by a group of people.

There is also less and less food and water in the kitchen.

These people are eating with their mouths, but they are still picky about the food not being good enough.

Luo Yunjin didn't dare to say anything more.

On the eighth day, Luo Yunjin activated the wood ability.Becoming the third supernatural user in the team, everyone's attitude towards her suddenly changed.

On the ninth day, everyone left the apartment.

Luo Yunjin took the black cat with her, but on this day, Yao Mier threw the black cat in her backpack into an abandoned car on the side of the road while the girl was not paying attention.

"Where's my cat? Did you see the little black cat again?"

"Maybe he ran away by himself. If we follow us, we won't be able to eat or drink enough. It's good to leave, and the material expenses will be reduced." Yao Mi'er shrugged indifferently.

Luo Yunjin was very sad.

After raising the black cat for ten days, they have already developed feelings for each other.

The little black cat locked in the old car scratched the door.

The sound disturbed the surrounding zombies.

Soon the vehicle was surrounded by zombies.

bang bang bang...

At this moment, several bullets shot these zombies headshot.

The man in the white lab coat opened the car and carried the black cat out.

"Tsk, you're really lucky. You turned into a kitten after failing to enter the advanced stage, and you can survive for ten days in this situation. Today, you just met me, Pei Chuan." Qi Chi took off his gloves, Put the cat in its own pocket.

Behind him are three fat orange cats.

The orange cat's eyes are shining brightly.

"These three robot cats have collected a lot of material about human emotions, but I haven't found the tree of life yet." Qi Chi said to himself.

He was sitting on the motorcycle, and the orange cat jumped on it in a very humane manner, and squatted behind the motorcycle.

The little black cat's hair blows in the wind.

It gradually regained its memory.

Ever since the tree of life was stolen, Pei Chuan realized that his abilities were too weak to protect everything he wanted to protect.

So it tries to advance.

But because of his eagerness for success and utilitarianism, he failed urgently and turned into a cat cub.

In order to allow the little black cat to advance naturally, Qi Chi put it into the alley, and let three orange doraemons guard it.

As long as the black cat cubs can open their eyes, they can restore their abilities and have the ability to defend themselves.

The robot cat also left after the black cat opened its eyes.

Originally, the black cat stayed by Luo Yunjin's side, maybe it could further collect human emotions and advance, but unexpectedly, it was abandoned by someone with a heart.

Therefore, the robot cat who has been silently following behind the black cat notifies Qi Chi to save the cat.

After returning to the basement, the black cat's body continued to grow until it became the size of an adult cat, and then turned into a human.

"I've advanced." Pei Chuan said lightly.

"Yes, if you persevere a little longer, you may advance to two levels. The nullification ability is one of the strangest abilities of our cats. It is difficult to advance through foreign objects, only abundant emotions, Only by putting your life to the next generation can you advance. You don't have to be too impatient, your heart is complicated, don't be deceived." Qi Chi patted him on the shoulder.

One month after the end of the world, Pei Chuanben was looking for supplies and food outside, and when he saw a familiar girl, he chased after her.

is her!

But not her either!
The first time he saw Luo Yunjin, Pei Chuan knew that although the girl not far away looked exactly the same as the girl who saved him before, they had different scents.

The Luoyun brocade before was scented with roses, but the girl not far away smelled like oranges.

So, is she still her?
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(End of this chapter)

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