Chapter 237
Downstairs of this apartment is the market. With a wave of his hand, Lin Zhongquan directly undertook the daily expenses of all of them.

Xiao Jujue and Xiao Wangba each held a banana and squatted aside.

"This banana is not as delicious as Xiaojinzhong." The banana Xiao Jue ate was soft in the mouth, but the taste was very dry, with a slightly bitter aftertaste.

Xiao Wangba couldn't tell the difference. To him, the fruits were all the same. After eating the bananas, he felt dry and thirsty, so he really wanted to drink water.

Every room in the apartment building has fresh fruit baskets, which were sent by Lin Zhongquan.

The passers-by who were arrogant to them in the morning, saw them now and didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and avoided them as much as they could.

Old Commander Lin directly issued a notice to the entire base, no one should underestimate the guests from City H, otherwise they will all be expelled from the base.

As soon as the news came out, no one dared to act rashly.

The people who talked cheaply in the morning are all in a panic at this time, for fear that the other party will find them.

Lin Zhongquan's reputation in the central base is even higher than that of Si Sepi. He is the former leader of the central base, the leader who opened up the entire base, and currently the highest-ranking supernatural being in the central base. guy.

Therefore, no one dared to disobey his order.

Even if Si Sepi might be plotting behind his back, he didn't dare to tear himself apart in the open.

"You mean that Xiao Jin went to save people, or that Commander Lin's son and daughter, and Lin Xi is the grandson of Commander Lin?" Xiao Sijue sat at the door eating melons, his mouth slightly opened.

"Yes, all of them are safe now, and so are we." Duan Ya looked envious.

"No, that's Xiaojin's business too. Do you envy wool?"

"I'm envious of Lin Xi. He has a strong family background, is young and handsome, and even talked about a perfect girlfriend. Isn't this a winner in life? It's all right."

A few people think of this period of time, and the various experiences that everyone has experienced along the way, have some feelings.

Sure enough, excellent people are piled together.

The material quality of the central base is similar to that of Ye Chao, but there are many varieties, and most of the daily necessities have resumed normal production, so the happiness index of the survivors here is very high.

After a busy day, Master Xuan was sitting on the bed in the room, just about to lie down and rest, when he heard the sound of sniffling from under the bed.

She got up and squatted, turned her head to look at the bottom of the bed, it was pitch black, the floor was full of dust, a pair of dark eyes blinked, and then black hands grabbed out.

Xuan Hongyan quickly picked up the broom at hand and swiped it.

The dusty girl crawled out from under the bed, her hair was dirty and knotted, her skin was very dry, her lips were chapped, and she was holding half a date in one hand.

It was the one that Xuan Hongyan threw into the trash can just after she hadn't finished eating.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." the girl cried out weakly, ignoring her injured hand, just curled up in a corner, trembling all over.

Xuan Hongyan beat her so hard just now that the girl's entire arm was swollen, with obvious red stick marks on it.

The girl trembled tremblingly.

"Who are you, why are you hiding under the bed? Are you the original occupant of this room?" Xuan Hongyan also sensed something was wrong when she saw her like this.

The dirty girl tried to speak, but all she could do was babble.

Xuan Hongyan felt pity for this skinny girl.

She came out with a towel from the bathroom, and was about to wipe her face when the other party suddenly grabbed her arm and bit her hard.

The girl's teeth were very sharp, like the teeth of a wild animal. They were jagged. They bit the flesh of the arm, and blood was seen soon.

Xuan Hongyan threw it away in pain.

A small piece of flesh on the arm was bitten off, and the wound turned black.

This girl is a zombie!
The movement in the room also disturbed Mo Lian who was in the next room. He opened the door directly and saw Hongyan Xuan's arm was bloody and bloody. He quickly picked her up and called Xiao Jujue's name.

He controlled the zombie girl with psychic powers, making her unable to move in place.

Xiao Sijue heard the sound and saw that the wound on Xuan Hongyan's arm was spreading rapidly. It was obviously only a small wound, but the toxin expanded very quickly, rushing directly to the forehead.

She soon lost consciousness.

Xiao Jujue's supernatural powers can't cure it, it can only prevent the virus from spreading.

"No, I have to go to Xiaojin. Only Xiaojin can heal this kind of injury. The poison of this zombie is higher than that of some high-level zombies!" Xiao Jujue was also a little flustered, and she wanted to keep her powers going.

The two ran out without saying a word, Qian Yuanfeng and Duan Ya hurriedly tied up the zombie girl and dragged her outside.

When the girl saw the light, she started babbling desperately, trying to cover her eyes.

"She doesn't look like a zombie." Xiao Wangba found that the healing wound on the girl's body and the impact wound on her forehead didn't look like the rotting wound of a zombie, and the girl's eyes were clean and clear.

"Why not? It's fierce. Did you see Boss Xuan just now? He's all black and poisoned. It's too miserable. I'll go." Duan Ya gave the zombie girl a vicious look.

The girl screamed louder, her eyes couldn't stand the stimulation of the light, and she began to shed physiological tears.

The water droplets fell on the ground, and soon made a sizzling corrosion sound.

"Maybe it's a poison-type ability." Luo Yuanting, who rushed over, frowned and said, "A mutated poison-type ability user, the poison on her body is so strong that it can even hurt herself."

The girl's tears fell on her clothes, corroding them and piercing her skin.

She was covered in pitch black, most of which were blackened by her own poison.

"Don't look at her as a child, she is a seventh-level poisonous superpower. I thought you were on a mission, but I didn't expect you to make yourself like this at home." Lin Zhongquan, who got the news and rushed to see the girl, I recognized her.

"The toxin on her body is very strong, but it is not unsolvable. Just cover the wound with glutinous rice for an hour."

"Mo Lian has already taken Boss Xuan to find Xiaojin, you are a step late. But even if you apply glutinous rice to it, there will still be wounds, it's safer to let Xiaojin take a look." Duan Ya said.

Lin Zhongquan looked down at the tied girl, "Do you still remember Grandpa Lin?"

The girl struggled to open her eyes, her eyelashes were scorched by the poison of tears, and her throat was also poisoned by herself. As she advanced, the toxin became stronger and stronger, beyond the scope of her control, and the backlash was huge.

Lin Zhongquan sighed.

"I'm sorry everyone, I have brought you a fright. This child is young, and there is nothing I can do. I will take her back to take care of her, and I will compensate you later." Lin Zhongquan bowed to everyone sincerely.

"It's okay, you can take it away, as long as Boss Xuan is okay." Qian Yuanfeng waved his hand to express his indifference, "But this girl seems to be out of consciousness, you still take good care of her, it's inappropriate to hide under the bed, How scary."

"Okay, okay, thank you for your understanding. I will arrange her properly, you don't have to worry about it."

Lin Zhongquan took the girl's dirty hand and took her out without disliking her dirty hand.

It wasn't until he was far away from everyone's sight that his eyes dimmed, "Xiaoya, look at your current appearance, when you advance to the star level, you may directly become a poisonous person! Don't advance further, Isn't it good to be safe?"

Beihai Yaya babbled and screamed. Her upper body was bound, and only one hand and leg could move.

"Hey, come back with me. It's wrong to hurt people like this. You can't be known as the host of the zombie virus..." Lin Zhongquan murmured.

On the other side, Mo Lian walked very fast and didn't care about Xiao Jujue's short legs. She wanted to treat Xuan Hongyan while running.

"Well, can you, slow down? I can't keep up! Call a car, it's far away!" Xiao Jujue said out of breath.

It was only then that Mo Lian noticed that the other party was flushed with exhaustion.

And he didn't even know where the central city where Luo Yunjin lived was.

In desperation, he could only stop and call a car.

The central base and H city have generally resumed traffic operations. There are many vehicles on the road, and all of them use crystal cores as energy sources.

They called a car.

Only then could Xiao Jue take a rest and take a breath.

The people living in the central city are all high-level power users in the residential area of ​​the central base, because the driver is very friendly to them when taking a taxi.

"Hey, your friend was injured unclearly, maybe he was bitten by a poisonous person?" The driver said with a smile.

"Poison-type abilities? Isn't this bitten by a zombie? I have a healing-type ability, and I can't even cure it." Xiao Jujue carefully looked at the wound on Xuan Hongyan's arm for a while.

"The toxins of the poisonous supernatural beings in our central base are stronger than zombies. They can't be cured with supernatural powers, so they can only be applied with glutinous rice."

Xiao Jujue is still not sure whether it was bitten by a zombie or the so-called poisonous person.

When she was in E City, she also encountered poisonous supernatural powers, but she is fully capable of treating poisons of that level.

After the three of them arrived at their destination, they were all shocked by the very modern and clean villa area in front of them. It was very clean, full of flowers, and the air was fragrant.

Moreover, the man-made red giant above the head is still exuding heat, and there is a long-lost smell of the sun.

The guard at the gate needs to register the nameplate to enter and exit. Xiao Jujue reported the names of Luo Yunjin and Lin Xi, and the guard directly dialed the phone.

"Wait a minute, I'll tell them to come out directly." The guard was a middle-aged uncle, he was very Buddhist, he was still shaking a fan in his hand, his bald head was shining brightly in the sunlight.

After Lin Xi received the call, she talked to the girl who was still cooking mung bean soup in the kitchen.

Luo Yunjin led people out directly.

Seeing the blackened and unconscious Xuan Hongyan, she was startled.

"I don't know what's going on, it seems to be bitten by a zombie, and some people say it's the fault of a poisonous person, but my healing ability can only stop the poison from spreading, not save her." Xiao Jue was eager Said.

She maintained the ability for a long time, and her face was a little pale.

"Miss Luo, please save Ayan, I'm going to buy glutinous rice now!" Without giving up any possibility, Mo Lian entrusted her to Luo Yunjin, and ran to the nearby supermarket.

Luo Yunjin planted a large healing fruit, crushed the fruit the size of a pomegranate seed, and dripped the juice on Xuan Hongyan's wound.

Soon the black wound gradually turned red, and her skin gradually returned to ruddy.

When Mo Lian came back with Nuomi, Xuan Hongyan was already awake.

It's very fast.

"Sure enough, these miraculous fruits of yours are still useful, white elixir!" Xiao Sijue said enviously.

"But there should be residual poison in her body, you should apply it with glutinous rice." Luo Yunjin instructed.

She read it in the original book, and it is said that there is a toxin of a mutated poisonous supernatural being that is very powerful, comparable to the zombie virus, but it can be detoxified as long as it is applied with glutinous rice for a period of time.

If you don't care, you will die from poison within three hours.

Terrible abilities.

Because of the shortage of glutinous rice in the last days, the detoxification method is simple but not simple. If there is no glutinous rice, it will burp. Because of this poison, even high-level healing powers cannot cure it.

Her healing fruit can only remove most of the toxins, and a small part still needs to be completely cleared by glutinous rice.

The bald-headed guard next to him saw that Luo Yunjin had saved the woman injured by the poisonous supernatural power with only a small pomegranate seed, so he quickly wiped his eyes.

Sure enough, all the people living in the central city are awesome supernatural beings.

Jun Cichu just drove back and was about to stop when he saw Lin Xi outside the window.

He had just heard from his grandfather that Lin Xi was back, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Five months after the end of the world, this was the first time he saw Lin Xi.

The girl next to him should be the mysterious supernatural being that Grandpa said could heal the elders in the dormant warehouse.

"Lin Xi?" Jun Cichu rolled down the window.

Lin Xi heard the sound and looked over, it was a face that only existed in memory.

In the memory of the previous life, the docile person in front of him killed his relatives, and finally died with a zombie.It's just that he didn't come to hinder him, and Lin Xi didn't pay too much attention to this person.

"Your farewell to Chu, long time no see."

The other party did not expect that Lin Xi could still remember his name, so he got out of the car happily.

"Maybe you don't have much impression of me, but I have a deep impression of you. My grandpa always whispers in my ear how you are, other people's children, alas." Jun Cichu turned on the chatterbox mode.

He's a hidden talker.

Lin Xi didn't speak, and quietly listened to what he said from childhood to the end of the world.

After knowing the information he wanted to know, Lin Xi took Luo Yunjin's hand and prepared to go home and drink mung bean soup.

"Hey, don't go, I haven't finished talking, where did I just say it. Oh yes, you don't know, I sent out twenty resumes before I found a job after graduation, it's miserable..."

Jun Cichu followed along the way, talking endlessly.

Luo Yunjin was annoyed by the talk.

"What delicious stew in your house? It's so fragrant." Jun Cichu smelled the rich mung bean fragrance.

"It's mung bean soup. Would you like a bowl? It's just cooked. It's not cold and it's a little hot." Luo Yunjin saw him throwing the bag in his hand in the yard diagonally opposite, and knew that this person was probably one of the neighbors. one.

As a good neighbor, she wants to buy the stomachs of all the neighbors around her.

"Wow wow wow!"

Luo Yunjin asked the reluctant Lin Xi to bring out a bowl of mung bean soup.

"This soup uses fresh mung beans, and I added a small amount of rock sugar in it, which is not very sweet."

Jun Cichu couldn't wait to pick up the bowl, breathed lightly, and scooped up a spoonful.

Sweet and delicious, mung beans are sandy, very fresh.

 Dididi, everyone try to support genuine reading~
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  The life of the sixth child:
  The little tabby ate the green butterfly in the morning, no matter how small the butterfly is, it is still meat.

  The green butterfly turned into a big stinging moth and ate the little tabby in the afternoon.

  Green Butterfly: Your retribution is mine~
(End of this chapter)

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