The mad critic is fluffy and wants to be rua!

Chapter 205 We Don't Deserve Happiness

Chapter 205 We Don't Deserve Happiness
At this moment, Lin Boyfriend Xi is hiding at the bottom of the long staircase.

When he is resurrected, he can freely choose the resurrection location.

Without hesitation, he chose the place where Lin Cang was, and prepared to kill the injured Lin Cang directly.

But he didn't expect that the system could be blocked here. He couldn't contact the system, and couldn't perceive Luo Yunjin's location, so he could only explore the building alone.

There are cages containing zombie monsters hanging outside each step. The overall layout here is very similar to the underground prison city in City A. All the cages have special numbers on them.

These days he carefully inspected every cage, but number 426 was missing.

The bottom floor is just some dusty bookshelves and a leather sofa.

There are blankets and clothes on the sofa.

Sitting on the sofa, you can look up at all the cages in the entire building.

"You are finally here." In the darkness, a magnetic voice sounded.

Lin Cang's body was tied with a bandage, and there were still blood stains oozing from it, and there was a faint light on the lenses of the gold-rimmed glasses.

He sat straight on the sofa, "Are you curious about this place? My dear brother."

Lin Cang took out a black remote control from his pocket, pressed it, and a prison cage slowly slid down under the action of the mechanism, and a woman with disheveled hair was locked in the cage.

The woman was leaning against the railing, her face was numb and hopeless.

Lin Xi's eyes widened slightly. This woman's appearance was five points similar to Luo Yunjin's.

Satisfied with Lin Xi's shocked expression, Lin Cang pressed another button, and three consecutive cages slowly fell down.

There are women in the cages, and they all look similar to Luo Yunjin.

"Do you like it? As long as it is what you like, I can find it for you." Lin Cang stood up, pulled out an electric baton from the gap between the sofa, passed through one of the cages, and hit the woman on the body.

Soon, the other party screamed in pain.

Lin Xi clenched his fists.

"Tsk tsk, tell me, if I take your little friend in, won't her pained expression be more beautiful?"

Lin Xi rushed forward, without saying a word, punched Lin Cang in the face, "You bastard."

"Thank you for the compliment." Lin Cang smiled coldly and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Yes, you should be so angry. Lin Xi, you have to be fierce, only in this way can you take out the most complete and powerful crystal nucleus. "

"Our Lin family doesn't deserve happiness. If you really want that woman well, stay away from her. If her family finds out, her fate will be far worse than theirs." Lin Cang pointed to the cage hanging in the air.

Both the people in the cage and the zombie monsters are dying, but they all hold their last breath, and they can't live or die.

Lin Xi pursed her lips, "I know, but I believe, to convince them well, maybe..."

"No, maybe, after so many years, you haven't seen it clearly? We are just a tool for cultivating supernatural crystal nuclei, love will only become our weakness, and we have no future at all."

"I can change." Lin Xi interrupted him, and lived a new life. He understood that his greatest enemy was not the family that raised him as a dead man, but the powerful forces who proposed to conduct terrifying experiments.

His family actually loves the children, and they only pretend to be cold to protect them.

This point, he only realized after his death in his previous life.

Miserable life, experienced once is enough.

Now that he has the opportunity to come back, he must change this situation.

Lin Cang didn't speak, he stared deeply into Lin Xi's eyes, "You can try, let alone the strong defense of the central base, you can't even break through my place."

"If you can find the exit within a day, I will believe you." Lin Cang said flatly, then got up and went upstairs, "You should be very familiar with the layout here, I wish you good luck."

The moment he stepped on the stairs, the long stairs turned into a lift.

The elevator slowly ascends, then disappears.

The entire interior of the tall building becomes a hollow cylinder.

The surrounding walls are all smooth diamonds, without any trace of mechanism.

Lin Xi silently rummaged through the sofa and bookshelves on the ground, but found no switches, nor found any secret passages on the walls.

The design of this building is exactly the same as the underground prison where he was imprisoned for experiments since he was a child. Even the materials of the building are very similar. These diamonds are indestructible, and even high-level power system users cannot break them.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Lin Xi sat on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest his mind. He just circled around and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to search, but concentrated on sitting and sleeping.

Six hours later, he remained indifferent.

At this time, Lin Cang, who had been watching the man through the monitor outside the building, became anxious. He saw the hope of life in the other person's eyes, but he didn't expect it to be just a talk.

As time passed, Lin Xi in the surveillance screen remained motionless, even his breathing was very small, like a wax figure.

Lin Cang finally couldn't wait any longer, he opened the stairs again, sat down on the stairs, walked up to Lin Xi, held his shoulder, and wanted to stuff the pills into his mouth.

Lin Xi opened his eyes at this moment, and grabbed his arm with one hand.

"Look, we've found the exit." Lin Xi smiled lightly, "I told you, the family members are all snarky. You're still worried about me after all, and you didn't really want to harm me."

Lin Cang was slightly taken aback.

"I know that you are all cold-faced and kind-hearted. In fact, you can tell me some things, and I can help share them. I am not as fragile as you think." Lin Xi said solemnly, "Brother, you are the same, everything you do It's all about keeping me safe."

Lin Cang took a step back in shock, "You... how do you know?"

"From the very beginning when you turned into Pei Chuan and went to see me in the villa, I could tell that your purpose was not to torture me, but to watch my life. Later, when you met the puppet zombies, you were also secretly protecting me. Even when I wanted to kill you, you didn't use all your strength." Lin Xi calmly analyzed.


"I knew it a long time ago, so you don't have to hide it from me. Father and the others are the same. You are all here to protect me. The real enemy is someone else. They are trying to cultivate our entire family to produce high-quality crystal nuclei weapons." Lin Xi stood up calmly, looked at Lin Cang, "I know your difficulties."

"If my guess is correct, they have already found the Thunder Orb that can control me, so you are so eager to lock me here and prevent them from finding me. Because now they have set their sights on Luo On Yunjin, I'm very likely to be discovered."

This time it was Lin Cang's turn to open his eyes wide.

He didn't expect his younger brother to be so smart.

He actually guessed everything exactly the same.

"Since you know the truth, stay with me obediently, and I won't let them find you."

Lin Xi shook his head lightly, "No, I think they have already noticed me. I made a contract with that girl. An inexplicable power made me her pet. This power can protect me."

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(End of this chapter)

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