Chapter 203 Dangerous
The dark clouds and mist in the sky covered the already dark sky. Under the dark green vision, a circle of mist floated around the entire mountain range, and everything around it became hazy.

Luo Yunjin finally entered the temple. She locked all the doors and windows, lit a fire in the hall with wood, and then sat by the fire, staring at the burning flames in a daze.

The cold wind whimpered outside.

In the last days, the temperature difference between day and night is huge, and the temperature at night can be as low as minus [-] degrees Celsius. The cold wind comes in from the cracks in the house, and even a flame cannot warm it up.

She just made a pot of vanilla-flavored milk tea to warm her stomach, and she didn't have any appetite to eat anything else.


Lightning began to flash across the sky outside, and the lightning light illuminated the surrounding sky, followed by heavy dark gray rain pouring down.

The rain fell on the house with a pattering sound.

The cold was getting heavier and the room was starting to get damp.

The burning flames are also slowly getting smaller, Luo Yunjin can only keep adding wood to the fire.

She misses Lin Xi very much now.

I miss the warm and smooth fur of big cats.

In such an environment and in a cold house, she dared not sleep at all, nor could she fall asleep. Zombies would break in from outside the house at any time.

These zombies without crystal nuclei look terrifying, their strength is unknown, and they can even be resurrected as long as their bodies are not destroyed. This ability is too terrifying.

And now that it is raining, the mountain road will only become more difficult to walk.

Even when the rain stopped, she couldn't walk for a while, the road was slippery and difficult.

"So annoying, is the kitty still in the freezer process? The day after losing the kitten, I miss it." Luo Yunjin hugged her fat self distressedly, staring at the flames in a daze.

[Player don't worry, the zombies around here are very weak, you can deal with them.You can rest and I will wake you up if there is any danger. 】

"I want to sleep too, but I can't." Luo Yunjin drank a cup of milk tea and felt much more comfortable in her stomach.

[Try to rest as much as possible, otherwise you will encounter danger later, and you will not have enough physical strength and energy to deal with it. 】

Luo Yunjin moved the cushion and looked around, "I can only sleep sitting up."

Distressed, she covered herself with a small blanket and meditated in the lotus position.

As the night deepened, the rain showed no sign of decreasing.

Luo Yunjin added firewood to the fire every hour.

At two o'clock in the morning, besides the sound of rain, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

The footsteps were getting closer, and a burst of light from a flashlight shone in through the cracks in the doors and windows.

"Is there someone?" Zhang Fendi knocked on the door.

"Is anyone there? Can we come in to shelter from the rain?" Zhou Qiong coughed weakly.

Luo Yunjin stood up, rubbed her sore legs, and opened the door.

"It's you! Miss Luo!" Under the light of the flashlight, Zhang Fendi recognized Luo Yunjin. It was she and her teammates who brought herself and a few children out of the wilderness to live in City H.

Luo Yunjin also vaguely remembered the other party, a woman in her 30s with an exquisite watch on her wrist, which was incompatible with her plain attire.

She had noticed it when she met her earlier.

"I didn't expect to meet you here. Can we go in to shelter from the rain?" Zhang Fendi held up a tattered umbrella, and his body was wet by the rain.

"Come in." Luo Yunjin let them enter the room.

The fire in the temple has been burning for several hours, and the room is warm.

Both Zhang Fendi and Zhou Qiong felt at ease. They carefully put away the umbrellas, and then squatted beside the fire to warm their hands.

Zhou Qiong was not feeling well, her face was pale, and she looked sluggish. She was baking her hands, and after a while, she fainted and her head rested on Zhang Fendi's shoulder.

Luo Yunjin poured milk tea for them, "Have you encountered zombies at the foot of the mountain?"

"Yes! It's a zombie without a crystal nucleus. We came out with a team of supernatural beings to find supplies. After entering the mountain, we got separated. Zhou Qiong and I went up this mountain, and many supernatural beings went to other mountains .” When Zhang Fendi mentioned zombies, his expression turned ugly.

"They all went to other mountains?" Luo Yunjin was suspicious. When she ran away before, she took a fancy to the narrow mountain roads of this mountain, and it was not easy for zombies to go up the mountain, while other mountains had mountain roads built before the end of the world.

"Yes, Zhou Qiong is injured. We can only choose the nearest mountain to go." Zhang Fendi added a handful of firewood to the fire. Instead of drinking milk tea, she took half a bottle of mineral water from her bag and drank it. After taking a sip, I treasured it and took it back.

"Miss Luo, if you're sleepy, rest first, and I'll add firewood." Zhang Fendi said suddenly.

Luo Yunjin suppressed the strange feeling in his heart, nodded, "Okay, if you are tired, wake me up, I will replace you."

She still meditates in the lotus position and rests with her eyes closed.

After closing her eyes, she began to gossip with the system in her heart.

"This Zhang Fendi is very wrong, I think she is a bad guy."

[I hope players can keep their eyes open. We have no records of the plots of the characters outside the plot of the original book~]

Luo Yunjin couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "I'm chatting with you, you don't have to be so official."

[It is recommended that players consider the plot carefully, and be careful not to get into trouble~]

Luo Yunjin put Zhang Fendi on guard on purpose, she just wanted to see what this woman wanted to do, and she lied a lot from the very beginning of the conversation.

She didn't believe a word of it.

Now the system is also blatantly reminding that this woman has [-]% problems and has not run away.

Zhang Fendi was staring at the watch on her wrist the whole time. She gently pulled the sleeping Zhou Qiong off her shoulder and placed it on the dirty concrete floor.

Then he took out a machete from his backpack, and approached Luo Yunjin cautiously, with an extremely cold expression on his face.

Under the light of the fire, one could see her tormented expression.

Zhou Qiong also woke up at this time, and when she looked up, she saw Zhang Fendi attacking Luo Yunjin sullenly, and in a panic, she let out a groan.

Luo Yunjin opened his eyes at the right time, and had a panoramic view of Zhang Fendi's expression.


Luo Yunjin didn't give her a chance to do anything, and directly threw out the vines to tie her up.

She was already ready to release the power.

The knife in Zhang Fendi's hand fell to the ground with a bang.

Her eyes were full of horror, "I smoked the smoke as soon as I entered the room, how could you be fine?"

Luo Yunjin snorted coldly, not wanting to explain to her.

She took the opportunity to eat a pistachio when the two of them entered the room and sat down to bake their hands.

But Zhang Fendi's mist is really clever, colorless and tasteless, she didn't notice it at all, if she hadn't kept an eye out and ate the pure heart fruit in advance, I'm afraid she would have planted it by now.

Zhang Fendi never thought that her plan would fail. She struggled desperately, but the vines on her body would only get tighter and tighter.

"You supernatural beings rely on your own strength to deal with us like this. I'm not willing!" Her eyes were bloodshot, and she gritted her teeth as if she had made a decision.

Afterwards, the mixed body's aura changed drastically, and it directly shattered the vines and stood up.

Luo Yunjin frowned.

Zhang Fendi now feels exactly like those zombies without crystal nuclei.

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(End of this chapter)

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