The mad critic is fluffy and wants to be rua!

Chapter 183 The Weird Black Smoke

Chapter 183 The Weird Black Smoke
After all the guests left, Nan Xiang brought a group of people in to set up the warehouse.

The real material is a truck, and most of the furnishings are made on-site by the corresponding abilities.

People with planting abilities planted trees and trees one after another, people with fine instrument operation department mosaiced all the materials into tables and chairs, and people with gold department abilities covered all visible parts of the warehouse with a layer of gold leaf...

In less than an hour, the exquisite and gorgeous auction venue was set up.

"Miss Luo, the layout of your warehouse is very good, and it takes less time than we expected." Nan Xiang was also a little surprised. The effect of the venue layout is very good, and all the lighting effects are perfect.

"That's good. Looking at the seats, there are about 100 people participating in the auction?" Luo Yunjin counted the chairs in the warehouse and the four private rooms distributed on the wooden attic, which can accommodate about 100 people.

"We sent out 50 invitation letters, and there should be people submitting applications in many bases and security areas, so a total of 102 seats have been prepared."

Luo Yunjin nodded knowingly, "Can I also participate in the auction?"

"Of course, there is a private room for you. You can auction any item. After passing the appraiser's rating, you will participate in the auction in order. We only charge [-]% of the seller's auction proceeds as commission, because you are a member, we Only charge [-]%." Nanxiang took out a form, which stated the rules of the auction.

Luo Yunjin browsed through it roughly, and put away the form.

The second brother zombie sent everyone out.

"Xiao Jin, there will be mixed fish and dragons at that time. If there are high-level people with supernatural powers mixing in to make trouble, should we take some precautions in advance?" Chen Yueyue is a little worried. She has no supernatural powers and has lived alone for a month in the last days. fear.

"Yes, the thorns and small orange trees are all ready. There should be no problem, most of the supernatural beings in Yechao Town know us. What we need to guard against are those supernatural beings from other places." Luo Yunjin took Maoka's The door is locked.

Chen Yue returned to the room with a heavy heart, looked at the vegetable garden and the green apple trees outside the glass window, and worried.

Suddenly, a blue-purple zombie face was pasted outside the glass window.

The second brother zombie blinked at Chen Yue.

"Pfft, what are you doing?" Chen Yue opened the window.

The second brother zombie screamed, and stretched out his hand behind his back, a small red flower.

It stuck the little flower behind Chen Yueyue's ear.

The puppet cat squatting on the stone table outside was caught off guard and fed a mouthful of dog food.

Chen Yue blushed.

The second brother zombie jumped and ran to the side of the vegetable garden.

Chen Yue took off the little red flower next to her ear, stroked the petals, and wanted to get close to smell the fragrance of the flower.

A maggot twisted its body, drilled out from behind the leaf, and corroded the stamen.

Without changing expression, Chen Yue pinched the maggots with two fingers, lit the candles on the table, and burned the maggots to fly ash.

Black ashes fluttered.

Just as she was sniffing the petals, a wisp of black air was sucked into her nostrils.

A faint red light flashed across Chen Yueyue's eyes, she turned and went out, looked at the room on the second floor, her lips curled slightly.

After taking a shower, Luo Yunjin leaned on the bed and played with her mobile phone.

The tabby pig nestled on the sofa with its paws in its mouth, squinting its eyes.

She found herself a horror movie to watch, turned the volume to the maximum, and sought excitement.

On the screen, a sweaty woman was running in an empty street, followed by a black figure, followed by strange footsteps and laughter.

The woman turned her head, her expression gradually ferocious, as if she saw something terrifying.

There was a sound of sucking, and the flesh and blood on the woman's cheek disappeared instantly, and she fell to the ground, turning into a mummy.

As soon as the screen turned, a big purple face with seven orifices bleeding took over the entire screen of the phone.

Luo Yunjin held a pack of boneless chicken feet with no expression on his face, creaked and ate, and looked at the big face on the screen.

"Tsk tsk, this special effect is fake."

When the little tabby on the side heard the strange footsteps, he shrank his neck, lowered his head, and trembled all over.

It tremblingly took short legs, trying to jump from the sofa to the bed.

However, his legs were too short, so he knocked his chin on the edge of the bed, fell to the ground, and bleated aggrievedly.

Luo Yunjin carried the cat to the bed, put it on the bedside, and put the phone screen in front of it, "Come, let's watch together."

The little tabby cat, who was forced to watch horror movies, had drooping ears and big eyes. The whole cat was very wronged. It approached the girl's arm and hugged its paws.

There was another sound of footsteps.

This time the sound was loud and there was an echo.

Luo Yunjin paused the movie, and threw the boneless chicken feet packaging bag into the trash can after eating.

The sound of footsteps did not disappear because the movie was paused, and the sound was getting closer.

The little tabby has turned into Parkinson's, and it looked up at the gate unsteadily, "Baa baa? (Is there someone outside?)"

There was the sound of turning the doorknob.

Luo Yunjin thought it was Lin Xi who finished the promotion early, "I locked it, wait a moment, I'll open the door..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she saw the door was directly opened by an external force.

A woman with disheveled hair stood outside, her face flushed and her eyes completely red.

The little tabby shivered and shrank into the bed.

Luo Yunjin was also a little confused, "Chen Yueyue?"

The woman had lost consciousness, raised her hands, floated directly to the bed, reached out towards Luo Yunjin, trying to pinch her neck.

Luo Yunji condensed the rattan to bind the opponent's hands, and then quickly ran off the bed with the fat cat in his arms.

She couldn't contact the thorns and the small orange tree. The whole room seemed to be sealed by invisible shackles, and all signals could not be transmitted.

"Hehehe~" Chen Yue raised her face with a smile, her long hair fluttered without wind, and the strands of hair scraped her cheeks, making her eyes dazzled.

Luo Yunjin: ...

"You are Lin Xi's girlfriend?" A strange male voice said from Chen Yue.

Luo Yunjin's heart immediately settled down, Chen Yueyue must have been controlled by someone with special abilities.

"Who are you?"

"He's here to kill you, hehehe."

Luo Yunjin's hair was black, "You are a chicken essence, you have been learning how to crow like a chicken."

The red light in Chen Yue's eyes turned crimson, and her hair fluttered more and more violently.

She choked on the hair that shaved to her mouth.

The little tabby turned into a human form and protected the girl behind him. Although he was also very scared, he kept in mind that his mission was to protect the girl!

Chen Yueyue's eyes flickered slightly, "I see, I understand."

She started laughing.

Luo Yunjin didn't know why, so he took the opportunity to scatter a handful of orange tree seeds and bound him tightly.

This man looked rather stupid.

Little Huban punched Chen Yueyue unconscious to the ground.

A puff of black smoke rose from her body.

Luo Yunjin quickly picked up a glass jar, filled the jar with black smoke, and then capped the jar.

Black smoke kept rampaging against the glass walls.

The moment the black smoke drifted out from Chen Yueyue, the room was unlocked, and thorns rushed into the room from the window. Seeing that the girl was fine, they softened the straight branches.

The puppet cat also ran in anxiously.

Luo Yunjin put the glass jar on the table and stared at the black smoke inside, "If I destroy you, you should be seriously injured, right?"

 Dididi, everyone try to support genuine reading~
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  In the postgraduate entrance examination adjustment, ing, uncomfortable

  There is no small theater after these chapters, the author is struggling to adjust, I hope I can learn something!

(End of this chapter)

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