Chapter 166 Selling Fruit Wine

Lin Xi pulled the cat boy behind him, and then took the girl's little hand.

The green butterfly was flustered as it flew around the tree.

Just for a short while, it took so much pains to take care of the fruit, and he was reluctant to take a bite of the fruit, so he took the little tabby cat as the master.

Great wrong!
On the treetop of the tree of life, another small blue bud appeared, and the green light spots around the whole tree turned into light blue.

The green butterfly elf flew angrily to the top of the boy Maomao, circling around and cursing him!
In the early morning of the second day, the zombies of the second brother were busy picking fresh fruits and piled up a small cart.

Chen Yueliang was picking vegetables. There were too many vegetables in the vegetable field, and they couldn't eat them. They were old and tasteless.

She also stacked a small cart.

Plus the fruit wine prepared yesterday.

There are three full carts in total.

Luo Yunjin has prepared several large plastic bags to collect the crystal nuclei.

Maomao boy followed her every step of the way, turning into a follower, holding a little yellow duck water bottle in his hand, and drinking every little while.

Lin Xi took the girl's little hand, and the cat boy was beside her carefully holding her by the corner of her clothes.

Luo Yunjin has black hair, and the two cats are one on the left and the other on the right, like guardians on the left and right.

enm, she can hardly walk anymore!

Chen Yueliang seems to have that social overwhelmedness, trying his best to sell fruit wine along the way, shouting loudly, and shouting a few words when seeing mutant animals, regardless of whether they can understand or not.

There really was a mutated corgi mother who came to buy some oranges with a few crystal nuclei in her mouth.

Not far away stood a group of chirping little yellow ducks.

Corgi happily barked at them a few times: Wang~ (You guys wait for me here, I'll go buy some oranges~)

Little Yellow Ducks: quack quack quack~
Chen Yueyue counted the number of ducklings, packed two more ducklings for the mutated corgi mother, and gave her a big apple.

The corgi dog wagged its tail, its eyebrows and eyes were curved, and its face was wrinkled with a smile.

There were also a few zombies who went out to play and bought a few catties of fruit. They were very delicate, and they took out clean crystal nuclei from their small wallets.

Luo Yunjin cut a lot of fruit pieces for tasting, and they also knew to try it before buying.

Pick and choose.

Absolute son, the zombies here are more particular than many supernatural beings.

Before arriving in Yechao Town, the fruits were almost sold out.

Luo Yunjin can only let the second brother Zombie and Chen Yue go back to pick two carts, and then let the mutated thorns be delivered directly.

Every time the thorns pick the fruit, the fruit will be damaged, so the fruit in the orchard is managed by the second brother Zombie and Chen Yue.

Pei Chuan parked the trolley at the door of Ye Chao. They didn't plan to go in to find a stall, so they sold it outside, which happened to be sold to nearby zombies and mutated animals.

"Sell fruit wine, fruits, and vegetables, freshly picked, and the price is beautiful." The cat boy Little Tiger Ban picked up the loudspeaker to attract customers.

The handsome young man with a soft voice quickly attracted a group of little girls, aunts, aunts and old ladies.

"Ah, I haven't seen such fresh fruits and vegetables for a long time. They look much better than those in the city." An aunt carried a vegetable basket and picked out the remaining vegetables on the cart.

"These fruit wines are also very fragrant, and my old man likes this." The old lady tried a little of the mulberry wine in a disposable plastic cup.

The fruit wine was very popular, and a fifth-level lightning type, planting type, or invalidation crystal core could be exchanged for a can at will.

Fruits and vegetables are sold by the catty, one piece of any fourth-order crystal nucleus per catty.

The price is indeed very favorable. According to Ye Chao's prices, vegetables and fruits are bought and sold on a "piece" basis. Many rare fruits like mulberries and strawberries are almost not willing to be planted by people with planting abilities.

So the best sellers are these small fruits and vegetables.

Apples, pears, cucumbers and the like are not popular.

The second brother Zombie and Chen Yue soon brought another wave of fruits and vegetables.

In less than half an hour, several small carts were all emptied.

"Oh my God, I'm a step late!" The young man who rushed over was extremely depressed when he saw an aunt in front of him buying the last few cucumbers.

There are also many supernatural beings who heard the news and missed the opportunity to buy.

They even saw a few mutated gray rabbits carrying a basket of carrots away.

"Is there any more? I can increase the price. Are there any strawberries? My wife keeps talking about it. I don't lack crystal cores." A strong man was holding a large bag of crystal cores out of breath.

"I also want to eat some cabbage. Every day I have big steamed buns and chili sauce. I have been on fire for a long time!"

"Fruit wine yyds, I want to buy some more." The middle-aged man ran back with a can of cider and rubbed his hands

Luo Yunjin looked at the large group of eagerly watching supernatural beings in front of him, and nodded, "Okay, I still have quite a few, and there will be a few waves later, don't worry, there are all of them!"

Chen Yue and Qi Chi returned urgently to continue picking.

The second brother Zombie and Pei Chuan went back to the cellar to carry the fruit wine.

It didn't take long for almost all the residents of Yechao Town to know that someone was selling cheap fruits outside the door, and they all gathered together.

Most of the supernatural beings here have stored a lot of crystal nuclei that cannot be used.

In the last days, fresh fruit is a rare commodity that is difficult to eat, and most people are willing to buy it.

In addition, there are many planting supernatural beings who are curious about how these high-quality fruits and vegetables are grown.

They all knew that the commander's younger sister was a third-tier primary planting system supernatural being, and she planted most of the vegetation in City H, but they never thought that this girl would even sell fruits and vegetables that cost supernatural powers at will.

Many rare fruit varieties can only be seen in weekly auctions.

Nowadays, they are all piled up casually on the tattered plastic bags in the old carts.

"You brewed all these fruit wines yourself? You need to consume more fruit to make fruit wines."

"Yeah." Luo Yunjin was busy cutting a small fruit plate for tasting.

Many people have expressed doubts about Luo Yunjin's true strength. Ordinary fifth-level planting system abilities cannot grow large quantities of high-quality fruits and vegetables.

All of a sudden, Luo Yunjin's status in everyone's minds became higher, and the commander's reputation in the city also increased.

Originally, the commander had a few confidantes with him, but now there was a younger sister who was born with a talent planting system, and several sixth-level and seventh-level ability users who had just joined the small town also turned towards them.

There are many supernatural beings in the city who want to overthrow the control, but they no longer dare to raise objections and hide their ambitions.

Luo Yunjin didn't know that he had unintentionally solved a big problem for Big Brother Cheap.

She was busy selling fruits, and she already had three plastic bags filled with fourth- and fifth-order crystal nuclei, bulging and gleaming.

"Okay, let's stop here today. I'll go back and see what other fruits are available for sale, and I will come again in the future." Luo Yunjin held up a loudspeaker to inform that the sale was over.

"Then hurry up, we want as many as you have!"

"That's right! You alone can be as good as our city's planting-type supernatural powers."

"The more the better!"

 Dididi, everyone try to support genuine reading~
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  PS: Severe calvin period, difficult ing
  PubMed adjustment in ing

  Lin Xi blocked the girl against the tree trunk, her lips were chapped.

  Before the girl could swallow the wine, the other party grabbed her chin, tweeted, and snatched away the sweet drink.

(End of this chapter)

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