The mad critic is fluffy and wants to be rua!

Chapter 143 The Strange Deadwood Forest

Chapter 143 The Strange Deadwood Forest

As the car drove further and further away, none of them saw that the wet clothes of the two black men behind were steaming rapidly.

Luo Yunjin leaned on the seat, rubbed the cat's head, and found it sleepy.

"Those two stinky people were too rude just now." Xiao Jujue said after thinking about it. She noticed that the girl looked very unhappy, so she was very cautious when speaking.

"Yes, fortunately we dumped them." Zhong Lingmei whispered.

Luo Yunjin was still in the rua cat, his vision was a bit hazy.

in a daze.

She didn't wake up until Mao Mao shrugged her head, "Huh?"

"It's okay, you have a good rest, let's go to Jue's brother first." Xuan Hongyan could see Luo Yunjin's preoccupation at a glance.

"it is good."

The girl opened the window for air, and a few black mutated birds were flying in the dark sky, making shrill calls.

Everything around is black, and the black and white world is extremely lonely.


The car brakes suddenly.

The road in front was broken in two sections, and the other end was a high bridge built on the black lake, through which the dark lake water could be seen.

Takahashi is also in dilapidated condition, crumbling in the lake water, it seems that it will collapse at any moment.

Under the beating of the wind and waves, the shaking high bridge made a creaking sound.

"There is no way to go on the road ahead." Duan Ya frowned. The road is surrounded by mountain roads and all kinds of rough and muddy paths. This kind of mountain road is not easy to walk. Maybe a zombie suddenly appeared from the left and right? of.

"Then take that path, we have so many people here, what are we afraid of." Xuan Hongyan opened the car window to check.

Behind the muddy path are black mountains, and there are many dead trees around.

Duan Ya obeyed her words.

This kind of mud is not easy to walk on a flat road. The car is shaking all the time, and the shaking will be more severe when it is pressed against stones from time to time.

The car slid directly down a small slope, and the wheels made a cracking sound when they pressed against the dead wood and grass. The tall dead trees and mountains blocked the light, and the whole path looked very eerie.

Luo Yunjin hurriedly closed the car window.

This is a good place to kill and steal.

The further we drove in, the darker the sky became until only the orange glow of the headlights remained.

It was pitch black all around.

"My God, it looks a little weird here." Xiao Jue huddled in the carriage, hugging the blanket, shivering.

There were only five people in their car, the driver was Duan Ya, and Xuan Hongyan sat in the co-pilot and directed the driving.

Luo Yunjin, the little milk cat, the little orange tree, Xiao Jue and Zhong Lingmei were sitting in the rear compartment.

The other car is more crowded, with nine people.

Two cars drove into the dark dry woods one after the other.

"Everyone is ready for the ability, it's really weird here." Xuan Hongyan directly condensed dozens of ice needles around the car to prevent any abnormalities around the car.

Suddenly, a pale human face was pressed against the car window next to Luo Yunjin. She looked back, was stunned for a moment, and then hugged the cat tightly.

"Ah!" Zhong Lingmei was the first to call, and a pale face was pasted on the car window beside her.

Soon, pale human faces appeared on all the car windows, densely overlapping each other, looking very strange and terrifying.

"These can't be dirty things!" Xiao Jujue was trembling all over, and she tightened the car door, fearing that it would open in the next second.

"No, they should all be mental illusions." Xuan Hongyan frowned, "It's a common trick of people with psychic abilities, and Mo Lian will also do this."

She rolled down the car window expressionlessly, and there was nothing outside.

Close the window again, and the face reappears immediately.

After knowing that it was a hallucination, everyone was relieved, but they still had lingering fears.

Anyone who turns around suddenly and sees a pale face will be terrified.

"Hello!" Luo Yunjin looked through the windshield with sharp eyes, and saw a young girl standing behind a bush not far away.

The headlights shone too, and four or five children were hiding behind the bushes, with a woman holding them.

Xuan Hongyan got out of the car and walked over, throwing a few ice needles in her hand, "Who are you, were you playing a prank just now?"

She was fierce and scared a few children to tears.

"Sorry, we thought they were bad people. No one has been here for a long time." The woman hugged the children tightly, with a worried look on her face.

They are all in poor condition, skinny, yellow and haggard.

One of them, a girl named Xiao Xun, is a first-order mid-level psychic supernatural power user, the only supernatural power user among several people, and the only combat power.

Through exchanges, I learned that they are all survivors who escaped from a nearby kindergarten and have lived in this dry forest for nearly two months. Since there is a supply station on the nearby road, they collected a lot of supplies early in the morning.

But now the supplies are almost used up, so they can only go hunting and attack some small mutant animals.

Xiao Xun longingly stared at the ice needle in Xuan Hongyan's hand, her chapped lips were bloodshot.

"Have you guys not drank water for a long time?" Luo Yunjin asked while hugging the cat.

Xiao Xun was still focusing on the ice needle, but when she saw the cat in Luo Yunjin's hand, she immediately changed her attention.

All the children looked at Mao Mao.

"No, it's too small for you to touch." Luo Yunjin stuffed the cat into his pocket, only exposing a cat's head for air.

Zhang Ran got out of the car and gathered a small water polo for each of them.

"Is it really for us?" Zhang Fendi whispered, holding the water polo carefully.

"Yes, if you have water storage equipment, I can fill it up for you." Zhang Ran said softly, he likes children very much, and these children have encountered the end of the world at a very young age, which aroused pity in his heart.

"Yes, yes." There was light in Zhang Fendi's eyes, and she led a group of people to find the hut where they lived.

It's a very simple hut, but it's very inconspicuous. It's just at the foot of the mountain. There are no zombies or large mutant animals here. It's really a good place to live in seclusion.

Zhang Ran filled the water tanks and all kinds of bottles in their house.

"Aren't you considering going to the base to seek asylum?" Xuan Hongyan looked at the house, which was simple but cozy and well-equipped.

Obviously this Zhang Fendi is a person who knows how to live. It is not easy to be able to raise four children alone in the last days, but it is also worthy of admiration.

"The children are still young." Zhang Fendi shook her head with a wry smile. She didn't know the insidious and greedy faces exposed by many people after the end of the world.

"If you don't mind, you can join our team. We are going to City H. It is said that the base there is just like a normal town. It is not an option for you to live alone in the wilderness with your children." Mo Lian said suddenly.

Although there is not enough space in their two cars, they can still accommodate these people if they are squeezed together.

"Is it okay?" Zhang Fendi put her arms around the children. She could sense that these supernatural beings were not bad people, and following them might be a way out.

"Of course!" Xuan Hongyan waved her hand grandly, and was about to introduce the environment in the car to them.

The sound stopped abruptly.

 Dididi, everyone try to support genuine reading~
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  PS: Severe calvin period, difficult ing

  The cubs showed sparkling eyes: I want to rua cats!

  The girl hurriedly put the cat into her pocket: No, it is still small, so don't touch it.

  The little milk cat is nestled in the pocket, rubbing rubbing: meow meow~
(End of this chapter)

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